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A large book sat on the girls lap as she read about the Venomous Tentacula, a green and toothsome plant that had the ability to move its vines and grab at its living prey. She didn't hear the heavy footsteps that came her way, nor did she hear her name being called.

The male before her sighed, reaching towards her and closing the book shut. He heard as a whine left her lips, watching as she furrowed her brows in his direction and frowned up at him. "Do you ever leave the common room?" Marcus teased, taking a seat besides her.

She noticed he wore his quidditch robes, ready to attend practice. "I do-" She began.

"Leaving the common room to go to the library doesn't count." He cut her off. "Come watch us practice." He proposed, taking the book out of her hands.

"Why would I want to do that?" She muttered. "It's Hogsmeade weekend anyway, I'm going out for that." She informed him, watching as he stood up, clutching his new broom in hand.

"Come out to watch us and I'll treat you to a butterbeer. How's that sound?" He watched her ponder in thought.

"Fine." She groaned out, though the smile on her face spoke a different language. She stood up following him out the common room and towards the courtyard where the rest of the team waited for their captain.

She locked eyes with Malfoy, watching as he gave her a slight look of disgust. "Should she be here? I mean she's not even on the team." The blond stated towards his captain, quickly regretting his words when the older male sent him a deadly glare.

"Where do you think you're going, Flint?" A scottish voice called out. The Slytherin team watched as Wood and the Gryffindor's approached them.

Marcus rolled his eyes, standing besides the girl before addressing the male. "Quidditch practice." He stated as a matter of fact.

"I booked the pitch for Gryffindor." Oliver informed him, occasionally glancing at the girl who stood besides him with a firm smile.

"Easy Wood, I've got a note." Marcus extended his arm out, watching as the Scottish boy snatched it out of his hand.

"I, Professor Severus Snape, do hearby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing to need to train their new seeker." Oliver read aloud, snapping his head up at the mention of a new seeker. "You've got a new seeker? Who?"

Marcus moved to the side allowing Draco to step forward as he bumped shoulders with the girl. Adrian sent her a frown at the prideful blond's action.

She watched as Harry furrowed his brows at the new player, "Malfoy?"

A smirk grew on the blond's face, "That's right. And that's not all that's new this year." Draco moved his broom to the side, watching with a satisfied look as their opponents gaped at the sight.

"Those are Nimbus 2001's. How did you get those?" Ron asked in shock.

"A gift from Draco's father." Marcus informed him.

Draco gave Ron a look of disgust. "You see Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best."

Hermoine quickly stepped in as Ron's defense, "At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in pure talent."

Y/n let out a small hum of approval at her words. Draco moved to stand in front of the pair, his cold grey eyes glaring the girl down. "No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood." He spat, earning gasps from the Gryffindors, including Y/n.

"You pay for that one Malfoy. Eat slugs." The young red head announced, lifting his wand as he shouted. But the young boy was blasted backwards, causing the Slytherin's to laugh at him.

Out of nowhere Y/n watched as Colin rushed after the Gryffindors and towards the fallen boy, camera at the ready. She watched with worry as Harry and Hermoine rushed past them, with a slightly purple Ron in their arms. She turned to Marcus who continued to laugh, locking eyes with him she watched as he suddenly stopped, ushering his teammates towards the pitch.

. . . ✿ . . .

The Three Broomsticks seemed as busy as always, Madam Rosmerta's head perked up at the sound of the door. She smiled warmly as she watched a pair of Hogwarts students sit at a vacant booth, she then turned to prepare their usual, butterbeers.

The girl sat across from Marcus, her e/c orbs glancing around the rest of the pub. She leaned back, allowing Madam Rosmerta to place their drinks on the table and kindly thanking her with a warm smile. She took a slow slip, bringing her glass down before glancing towards Marcus who was already watching her.

His silent stare made her uneasy. "I have a foam stache, don't I?" She moved her hand, wiping her upper lip clean with a napkin.

Marcus simply let out a chuckle, watching as she pouted at him. "You didn't. I just-" He stopped himself, trying to find the proper words to tell her what he's thinking. "Don't you think it's a little crazy we need a marriage arrangement for us to know the other even existed?"

She shrugged, smiling softly at him. "I knew who you were, I don't think I would have ever spoken to you. If that's what you mean." Marcus nodded, fumbling with his glass before taking a small sip. "People believe things happen for a reason, I'm not sure where I stand on that. But I know that maybe our parents believe this is for the best, and if this is for a reason... then I hope it's for a good one."

"You mean, like fate?" He asked her, watching as she nodded. "I believe in it." He admitted softly, watching as she gave him a warm smile causing his stomach to flip.

The two sat in the warm pub talking and getting to know each other for hours. When they walked out of The Three Broomsticks it was dark, many of the students had begun to make their way back towards the castle.

The young pair walked back side by side, Marcus watched as her hand swayed by her side. He let out an inaudible sigh, reaching his own hand for hers. He waited patiently for her to make a fuss, protest or even whine against his action. But she hadn't, she simply squeezed his warm hand in response. The girl turned to look the other way, hiding the bright red blush that covered her fair cheeks. Though the boy adorned the same flush, he was too content to hide it.

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