Chapter 9

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Hermione's POV

"In bed, with my husband."

These few words quickly sobered me up. Harry and Luna?

"Oh Merlin!" I gasped, which startled Draco out of his shocked state.

"What, are you okay?" He asked concernedly.

"This is all my fault! But I didn't know she was talking about Harry!" I whispered to him, so that the enraged Ginny wouldn't hear.

"Mione what in Merlin are you talking about?" He asked in hushed tones.

"I told Luna to talk to the guy she had feelings for!" I sighed.

"But she's dating Blaise!" He hissed.

"I know! I thought by telling him then she would get over it!" I muttered. Draco thought that over and nodded. I took a peek at Blaise, the dark skinned boy looked very different than his usual self, he sat stiffly with an almost pale complexion and a frown on his face.

"Well? Go get your bloody Girlfriend away from him!" Ginny screamed.

Blaise silently stood and walked to his bedroom. A few moments later he returned holding a little black box and the saddest expression Hermione had seen since the war.

Blaise opened the box, to reveal a beautiful silver ring with a stunning sapphire set in the middle.

"I was going to ask her to marry me.." he muttered. My heart broke for him, he was in love and she just shattered his heart. I understood his pain, I really and truly did. Then all at once the sad look in his eyes hardened and the ring was set ablaze, slowly turning into ashes. Even Ginny looked somewhat moved by his demeanor. After a few minutes of silence, while everyone stared at the brilliant flame that Blaise was holding in his hand, Neville rounded up everyone except for the three roommates and Ginny, and lead them out so that they could go home.

Finally the fire died out and Blaise looked up at Ginny.

"Take me to them." He said quietly.

"I have them immobilized in the position I found them in, so you might not like what you walk in on." Ginny said softly, and took his arm so that they could apparate to her and Harry's shared home.

I stood up abruptly, when the anger finally set in. How dare he cheat on Ginny?!

"Whoa calm down!" Draco yelled as he jumped up, and put his hands on my arms as if to stop me from leaving.

"Calm down?! Harry Potter just broke my best friends heart, and in case you're forgetting, I know exactly what that feels like! No one should be cheated on! No one deserves to lay awake at night wondering why they aren't good enough because the one they loved didn't know how to keep it in his pants!" I screamed growing more and more angry by the word, and trying to force back the tears that were stinging my eyes.

"I know Hermione, I know. That's why you need to stay here and wait for them to get back. Maybe get some ice cream or something that you girls like because you know she doesn't need to be alone. She needs her best friend right now." Draco said soothingly.

"You're right." I mumbled reluctantly. "Will you please go get us some rocky road ice cream? I'll get some movies ready."

Draco chuckled. "Sure I'll be right back." And he apparated out of the room.

I walked into my room and began grabbing all of my extra pillows and blankets, I also grabbed the complete first four seasons of the show Friends. With a bit of magic, I got the living room all set up into one giant blanket/pillow fort with the Telly set up in the middle. Blaise didn't need to be alone tonight either, so what's better than all four of us staying up too late eating too much ice cream and watching more episodes of one show than can possibly be healthy?

A few minutes later, Draco returned with four large tubs of rocky road ice cream.

"Wow I didn't realize we were back in second year." He smirked.

"Oh shut up and give me that ice cream." I laughed.


A little over an hour later Blaise an Ginny returned, looking emotionally worn out.

"Oh! What's all this?" Ginny asked curiously.

"Well we figured neither of you needed to be alone tonight so how about a big slumber party right in our living room? I have some fuzzy pajamas for you in my room if you want to change Gin." I explained. Ginny looked at me gratefully and went to go change while Blaise just shook his head amusedly and sat on one of the pillows.

Ginny returned and we all sat in our little fort, watching Friends and eating ice cream until extremely late into the night, where we all fell asleep eventually. Ginny with her head on Blaise's shoulder, and Draco sprawled across my lap.

It was almost enough to make us forget what had happened earlier that night. Almost. 

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