Chapter 6

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Draco's POV

The next morning, I woke up to someone pouncing on me.

"What the hell!" I yelled, immediately reaching under my pillow for my wand.

"Whoa mate calm down! I just wanted to show you the Daily Prophet." Blaise said with a smirk.

"Bloody hell Zabini, is it really that important?" I asked trying to push him off of me as he's straddling my lap and it's very disturbing.

"Well, Malfoy, you didn't tell me that you and Granger were so comfortable with each other." He smirked again and shoved the Prophet in my face. There on the front cover was a picture of Hermione kissing my on the cheek with her left foot raised in the air, and my hand on her waist. It was captioned with :

Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger, the Hottest New Couple in Britain!

Well.. her plan worked. I took a deep breath to calm the fluttering of my heart.

"I told you we were going to dinner with my mother." I said nonchalantly. Blaise rolled his eyes.

"Oh don't give me that crap. You guys are kissing! In the Prophet! Oh Weasel is gonna be pissed, I wish I could see his face." Blaise laughed.

"Stop being such a drama queen, she kissed me on the cheek, and it was only so we would make front page." I said still trying to get him off of me. He doesn't seem to notice how incredibly weird this is.

"Okay but you liked it." He said, crossing his arms.

"Shut up Blaise. Would you get off of me!" I finally yelled.

"Not until you admit you like her!" He yelled back. We were screaming obscenities at each other, Blaise still on my lap, when Hermione walked in.

"What the bloody hell is -" she started. At this point I had Blaise by his wrists, but we both froze when we heard her voice.

"I didn't... know you.. were.. together!" Hermione said, in between laughs.

"Get off of me, you git!" I yelled, and with one last shove Blaise was on the floor. "We are not together!"

Now Hermione could barely breathe, she was laughing so hard. "It sure looks like it to me."

I could feel my face turning red, as Blaise starting laughing along with her. Sighing, I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast.


Ron's POV

"Ron! Have you seen the Prophet this morning?" Veronica asked in her perfectly sultry voice. I had just sat down for breakfast.

"No love, I just woke up." I said groggily.

Veronica sneered. "It seems like your prude of an ex girlfriend has already moved on."

I choked on my coffee. "What? No man in his right mind would want her!" I sputtered. She placed the Prophet on the table in front of me.

"Merlin! The Ferret, of all people! Just wait until Harry hears about this, he'll disown her too." I sneered. Though, I can't help but notice that she looks good. Really good. But not as attractive as my Veronica, she could never amount to her.

"Maybe you should write your dear friend an owl. I know he's on his honeymoon, but he deserves to know." She said, with a mischievous smile.

"I think that's a great idea darling."


Third person POV

"I didn't know you could cook Draco!" Hermione said through a mouthful of pancakes.

"Well aren't I just full of surprises." He smirked. Draco kept getting distracted by her. She still had bed hair, and by now there was syrup on her chin, but she was so naturally beautiful.

Hermione swallowed her food and asked, "So we made front page, now what?" Draco thought for a moment.

"Well you know Granger, we do look very good together. Well, I'd look good with anyone." He smirked.

"Pompous arse." She said jokingly. Draco laughed.

"No but seriously, if you really want to do this then we need to be more public. You know the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts is in a week, we could go to the ball together?" He asked somewhat nervously.

"Hmm.. you know Malfoy, that's not a bad idea." She said with an almost evil smile.

"It's a date then." Draco smirked. Then all of a sudden there were several loud bangs on the front door.

"DRACO MALFOY I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!" Came a female voice from the other side of the door.

"Who the hell is that?" Hermione asked, reaching for her wand.

Draco looked horrified. "It's Pansy Parkinson."


Meanwhile at a resort somewhere in Hawaii...

"Harry! There's an owl here for you!" Ginny yelled from the living room. Harry came out of their bedroom, hair still dripping from his shower.

"Who's it from love?" He asked.

"Dunno, it doesn't say." She said, and handed him the envelope. He opened it to find a clipping from the Daily Prophet, and a note.

Thought you would want to see this.

"Hm, there's no name.." Harry said as he flipped the clipping over. There was an audible gasp, and his face turned white. His emerald eyes widened in shock.

"What is it Harry? Are you okay?" Ginny asked, worried. Harry didn't say anything, and instead handed the paper to Ginny. There was a picture of THEIR Hermione, kissing Malfoy!

"Oh Merlin.." Ginny sighed.

"He's got her under a spell! There's no way our Hermione would willingly be all over him like that!" He growled.

"I don't know Harry, she looks fine.." Ginny whispered.

"I'm going to kill him." Harry grabbed his wand, only to be stopped by his wife.

"If you're going to do something stupid, can you at least wait until after our honey moon to go to Azkaban?" She scowled at him. Harry sighed and lowered his wand.

"Fine I'll just.. write her a letter or something." He said.



I'm just gonna go ahead and apologize for how I portray Harry in the next few chapters. Don't kill me!

See you next chapter <3

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