Chapter 17

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Hermione's POV

Later that day, Draco and I found ourselves at a small muggle ice cream parlor.

"So this is what it's like to be a muggle; tattoos and mint chocolate chip?" Draco asked, scrutinizing the spoon with which he's been eating. "Mint and chocolate together? That's disgusting.. but brilliant." He muttered.

I laughed at him from across the table, he had ice cream dripping down his chin.

"Not exactly, there's other things like politics, pens, the internet, and work." That made me stop for a moment and think.. was I forgetting something? Of course!

I slapped my hand to my forehead, "I was supposed to work today! Kingsley is going to kill me!" Panicked, I scrambled around trying to gather my things and straighten myself out at the same time. Then I noticed Draco, still sitting, laughing at me as he licked his spoon.

"What are you doing? I have to go!" I yelled.

"Whoa Mione calm down! I've already sorted all that out." He smirked at me.

"What?" I asked, confused. When had he found time to do that?

"Before we left earlier I sent an owl to the ministry so that they would expect your absence." He said.

"What did you say?" I asked, suspicious.

"That's none of your concern." He said through a grin.

I squinted my eyes at him and sat back down.

"I'll find out you know."

"I know love. Now I'm rather interested to learn about.. what was it? Lens?" He asked curiously, and took the last bite of his ice cream.

"Pens Draco, pens. You write with them." I explained, holding back a laugh.

"You write with them? Why don't you just use quills?" He asked, intrigued.

"Pens are much more efficient than quills. You don't have to dip them in ink, because they already have ink in them."

"So.. the ink is just there?" He said, bewildered.


"That's brilliant!" He exclaimed.

Now I did laugh. "Yes I suppose so."


A few hours later Draco and I landed outside the door to our flat.

"5 galleons says they're shagging," Draco smirked.

"Draco! They both just had something terrible happen!" I whispered, appalled.

"Then why'd you make us apparate into the hallway?"

"You're mental," I said shaking my head. Giving him a pointed look, I opened the door to our flat and promptly dropped my jaw. There on the couch were Ginny and Blaise in a very heated snogging session.

"You owe me 5 galleons." Draco teased, and I shot him a glare.

"Ginny Weasley!" I cried.

The two jumped apart, obviously flustered. Their cheeks were red, their lips were swollen and their clothes were in disarray. I stood there with crossed arms, with an essence of Mrs. Weasley.

"Hermione I can explain," Ginny whimpered.

"Oh yes, you owe me a very good explanation! I'll be in my room." I said, and walked to my bedroom to wait. Maybe I could be seen as being a bit harsh, but honestly she's still married the divorce hasn't been finalized!

After a few minutes the door slowly creaked open. "Mione?" Asked Ginny.

"Come in."

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