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The dinner that evening unfolded as a lively and heartwarming event. Go Woon, brimming with joy, animatedly discussed her plans with Ji Eun's mother, excitedly sharing details about the dresses and makeup she intended to purchase.

Min Jun and Seo Jun maintained a whispered argument, discreetly keeping an eye on Ji Eun's every move. They made certain she had generous helpings of all the dishes. Typically, dinner preparations in the Ha mansion were solely entrusted to the cook and shared only between Moon Yong and Min Jun. However, this particular evening was distinct and special, thanks to the presence of the Han siblings, which elevated the overall mood and ambience.

Following the delightful Japanese Tiramisu dessert, Seo Jun and Ji Eun excused themselves from the table, claiming they needed to catch up with each other. However, midway through the hallway, Ji Eun abruptly declared her need to change into a suitable outfit and pulled the unsuspecting Han boy along to her room.

Exclaiming about how he nearly injured his leg, Seo Jun playfully leapt onto the Ha girl's bed and observed as she paced around, contemplating what to wear.

"Shall we walk or take the bikes?" she inquired, running her hand through her hair. The Han boy regarded her with apprehension and settled onto the bed.

"Ha Ji Eun," he began, as Ji Eun halted her pacing and focused her attention on him. "I think it's best if we let your parents go today. We can simply talk; I'm certain you don't have the energy to ride your bike all around Seoul tonight."

Ji Eun offered him a fleeting expression of gratitude before leaping onto the bed, accidentally knocking him. The Han boy groaned in pretended pain while the Ha girl erupted in hearty laughter. In response, Seo Jun cast her a look of mock disgust and playfully pounced on her, resulting in a tangled mess of the two best friends. The room echoed with intermittent shrieks and joyous laughter.

Eventually, a spirited pillow fight ensued, lasting for at least twenty minutes, until both of them collapsed onto the bed, side by side. Their chests heaved, and occasional chuckles escaped their lips as the boy buried his nose in the Ha girl's neck, enveloping her in his embrace.

Engaging in such playful antics had become a familiar routine during their trainee days, and yet, Ha Ji Eun's heart raced with the proximity of their bodies.

Silence gradually settled in the room, broken only two minutes later by the soft purring sound of Ha Min Jun's BMW departing from the mansion gates. Go Woon, her parents, and her mother had left for the mall, leaving Seo Jun and Ji Eun alone.

The room was filled with nothing but the gentle rhythm of their breathing. "You know, I never thought I'd see you again," Seo Jun whispered as he rose to switch off the lights before returning to his position on the bed. He settled back in as the Ha girl closed her eyes.

Darkness engulfed them, layering upon their shared darkness. "Why?" she asked softly. "You left without a word after that night. I asked that... fool about you, but he pretended not to know. I know he did. Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?"

Ji Eun remained silent, memories flooding her mind. That night, after the hastily arranged funeral and subsequent burial, the Lee and Han boys had engaged in a heated argument. Seo Jun held Soo Ho responsible for what had transpired, and surprisingly, Soo Ho did not defend himself. That day marked the end of Soo Ho and Seo Jun's friendship.

Ji Eun vividly recalled sitting on the roadside pavement, crying, as the two boys fought. After a while, she intervened, putting an end to their altercation. That night, the Ha and Han boys were without their bikes, and Soo Ho departed as soon as he could.

Guiding the weeping Han boy to her house, Ji Eun suppressed her tears. She had never seen him so shattered before; it was a truly distressing sight. The following day, when the Han boy bid her farewell and retreated to his room, she knew Seo Jun would never be the same again. She gave him space, visiting the Lee boy instead.

Upon arriving at Soo Ho's place, Ji Eun discovered him submerged in the bathtub, his clothes from the previous night soaked with water and tears. He had cried so inconsolably that it was impossible to discern whether the tub was filled with his tears or water. The expressions on the faces of her two friends that night were etched in her memory. It served as a constant reminder that the misfortune that had befallen them was perhaps her own doing.

Minutes ticked by as Ji Eun continued to gaze at the wall, lost in a whirlwind of thoughts. On that day at Soo Ho's place when she had coerced him into taking a bath, Ji Eun had prepared kimchi and rice for him. Placing the food on the table, she left him a letter explaining her departure for London. As she departed, Ji Eun desperately hoped he would understand.

Her trance was broken when Seo Jun playfully poked her. Groaning in slight discomfort, she asked, "Why did you do that?" "Just checking if you were still alive," he replied with a chuckle. "I can see you're breathing. "He seemed on the verge of laughter but composed his handsome face into a serious expression.

" You didn't answer my question, Eun. Why didn't you tell me that you were leaving?" Seo Jun persisted, fiddling with the lace of Ji Eun's sweater. Ji Eun gazed at him, captivated by his beautiful brown eyes. Brown had never been Ji Eun's favourite colour; it was the cerulean shade of her own eyes until she met Seo Jun.

"Well, um, you were in a fragile state, Jun. I couldn't force you to accept my departure and rely on Soo Ho to inform you. It's about time you two reconciled," Ji Eun stammered. At the mention of Soo Ho's name, she noticed his shoulders tense up. "No," he said firmly. "Why?" she asked softly.

"No," he replied firmly, causing Ji Eun to exhale softly. She knew that convincing him wouldn't be easy. Trying to change the subject, she asked, "Are you joining school?" "Yes, I am," he answered. "Your mom and dad called me over for breakfast to discuss it. They told me you were coming back and that I should quit working, so I had to accept." "They called you over just for that?" Ji Eun asked in disbelief, shaking her head, and the Han boy nodded.

"So, when are you joining?" she inquired. "I'm thinking Tuesday of the coming week," he said while continuing to fiddle with Ji Eun's sweater lace. They had turned their bodies toward each other, with Seo Jun's head resting on his arm, and his other arm wrapped around Ji Eun.

"Why not Monday?" Ji Eun asked, her voice only reaching his ears. Seo Jun shifted slightly and responded, "Well, you're joining on Monday, and I don't want to steal your spotlight. Also, I have to meet with the Butcher's Son on Monday." Ji Eun playfully whacked his arm and got up.

"You're still involved with those street rats?" she teased. "Hey, it's fine!" Seo Jun protested, pulling her back and snuggling closer. "Wow, wow, wow. Look at the tough biker thug being a softie," Ji Eun chuckled.

"Shut up! And it's high time you go to sleep!" he playfully scolded as Ji Eun broke into silent giggles. After ten minutes of comfortable silence, the two drifted off to sleep, holding each other like pillows with their arms entwined.

When Ha Moon Yong returned with numerous shopping bags and a drowsy Go Woon, she found her daughter peacefully asleep with her best friend. As a mother, there was nothing more gratifying than seeing her daughter gradually overcome her trauma. The year without her "Princess" had been arduous, and Moon Yong had half-expected Ji Eun to isolate herself and cry through the nights.

Moon Yong vividly remembered Ji Eun's hysterical cries and recalled the time when she had discovered blades and bracelets in her daughter's bathroom after Ji Eun's departure. The memory of Ji Eun's anguish on the night of Jung Se Yeon's death was still fresh in her mind. It had been an incredibly challenging time for all of them. Gone was the girl whose laughter sounded like bells. Gone was the girl who used to smile and dance.

Before Moon Yong retired to bed, she lovingly kissed both Seo Jun and Ji Eun, patting their shoulders affectionately. She whispered, "Take care of yourself and my daughter, Seo Jun." Moon Yong believed that the two were fast asleep, unaware that Seo Jun had heard her soft sobs and the heartfelt wishes she offered to them before she left the room. Seo Jun felt something blossoming in his heart, a warmth that transcended friendship and hinted at a deeper connection between them.


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