Saturday, January 1, 1966
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MISTAKES. We all make them throughout everyday life and sometimes they can lead to awful situations. That's all I could think about when I woke up in an unfamiliar room. I panicked once I had seen who was right next to me. Dallas Winston?! I panicked, even more, realizing we were both, in fact, naked in the same bed. As I sat up from the bed making sure I didn't wake him the events from last night had all came returned back to me. Oh my goodness I had gotten boozed-up on liquor with Dally which leads to him taking me upstairs where he had kissed me and eventually I was naked. I had lost my virginity to Dallas Winston on New Years night.
As much as I wanted to sob right then and there I knew I needed to leave before Dally woke up which would be horrible and most likely the most uncomfortable moment of my life. I quickly put on my clothes and ran out trusting I hadn't woke Dally. I rushed down the stairs and out the door and ran all the way home in pain from the high heeled boots I had worn last night and also my legs were in so much pain for whatever reason. I realized Hazel had likely spent the night at the Curtis home since I hadn't arrived home with the others. I had wondered if they had seen me go with Dal up into that room I truly hope not knowing that possibly Soda had some sort of crush on me.
I ran inside my house in tears and ignored my father who was awake and sitting in front of the television. I dashed to my bathroom and leaned against the door as I began to sob as hard as I could knowing my father could certainly hear me. I was unable to believe this I had made such an insane mistake. If I hadn't had decided to go to Buck's party or drink booze with Dal I wouldn't have lost my virginity to someone who perhaps didn't even give one damn about me at all. I wouldn't be crying on the bathroom floor like a lousy girl. But here I was doing exactly that. What was I gonna do? I can't go back there, not at all, not after this. I can't go back to the Curtis home anymore a home where I felt I had belonged.
Dally's POV
I opened my eyes hearing the sound of the bedroom door opening. I peeked to see Rose hurrying out of the bedroom. I sat up rubbing my eyes and trying my best to excuse the annoying hungover I have. I knew I had slept with Rose and usually, I'm all proud and into the whole sleeping with a broad but this was Rose. A girl that was close to the gang some shit I had promised that I would not do which was get involved with a girl who was close to the gang. I felt like an idiot and trust me I ain't getting soft but I think it's my fault if I hadn't had convinced her to drink with me we wouldn't be dealing with this.
I threw on my leather jacket before running down the stairs making my way to the Curtis House. I knew Rose was probably not there since what had happened between us so I thought it was a good idea to try and clear my head and all that. I walked into the house which was unlocked and made my way to the kitchen. Johnny and Hazel were still sleeping on the sofa, Soda and Two-Bit were arm wrestling, Steve was counting down watching them arm wrestle, Pony was reading some stupid book, and Darry was cooking breakfast.
"You look like hell Dal." Steve snickered as he had noticed me walk into the kitchen.
"Which broad did you do last night huh? Was it a blondie or a brunette?" Two-bit chuckled receiving high fives from Steve and Soda. Even Ponyboy had laughed a little I scowled at him which made him go back to reading his book.
"Haha, real funny," I mumbled sarcastically as I sat down next to Two-Bit and lit up my weed. Darry then walked in holding plates loaded of pancakes and eggs.
"Put that out, we're about to eat Dal," Darry told me as he set a plate down in front of me.
"I know this sounds strange and crap but can I talk to you Darry?" I asked not making direct eye contact with him. For some weird reason, I hadn't been able to get what had happened between Rose and I last night. And I wasn't with the whole talking about my feelings to anyone but this seemed important. I didn't know what to do. For the most part, it always was just some random broad from one of Buck's parties but this time it was Rose.
"Uhm sure that's alright." He gave Soda, Two-Bit, and Ponyboy a look for them to leave which caused them all to sigh and walk away from the kitchen.
"So what's up Dal?" Darry asked appearing very apprehensive. I never actually talk to anyone about anything especially Darry but Darry was the oldest and probably knew the most in this stupid situation.
"I did something stupid," I said as I made eye contact with him. He lifted his eyebrow looking rather confused on what I had just said. I don't know why he was so confused and to be honest it was making me irritated.
"Dal you always do stupid things like lifting from gas stations, you're in and out of the cooler since you were young. So this isn't surprising Dal." I rolled my eyes and laughed and lit up a smoke ignoring the fact Darry clearly had warned me not to.
"Rose and I did something last night at Buck's party and I don't think it's decent. I never give a damn about any broad but you know this is different being Rose and all." I explained as I continued to smoke. Darry still didn't look clear on the situation but listened to every word I spoke.
"Did you guys kiss?" He asked scooting in his chair. I made sure the others couldn't hear and shook my head no which made him sigh.
"Oh, Dal I really didn't need to know this." he rubbed his temple and I chuckled.
"It was a mistake man. You know my rules I never mess with no broad close to the gang but Rose and I got boozed up on some liquor at the party and one thing lead to another. She left this morning and I don't think she's gonna be coming around here as often or maybe not even at all." I explained remembering the events that had happened last night. We both had too much to drink and that landed us both naked in the bedroom.
"Are you kidding me, Dal?!" Darry and I turned around to see Ponyboy in shock.
"Now that you're 14 you think it's okay to be lurking and spying on people's conversations. Quit trying to act so tuff and go away." I shooed him away and usually he runs away like some dumb little kid. But this time he actually stood there with his fists clenched in even though Darry someone he always listens to told him to leave.
"You do realize this is gonna break Johnny's heart? He's not gonna like it knowing you were the reason for Rose and Hazel not being able to come back here. Of course, you can never just control yourself." he shouted looking back at the couch where Johnny and Hazel remained sleeping. I looked at Johnny and immediately felt some sort of regret. Johnny was the only person I cared about and I hated when people messed with him and hurt him and now I was taking away Hazel from him and Rose someone he had looked up to.
"Whatever man I'll just lone it." I took a quick bite out of my plate of food and walked outside once again looking over at Johnny. I knew I wasn't the type of guy to care about anything but this time this shit didn't feel right and I hated feeling regret it just wasn't me you know.
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