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Monday, October 16, 1966 (9 months into her pregnancy)

β˜†οΎ ROSE

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    A MONTH. A month went by, and it was the remaining days of my long tiring pregnancy. But one thing needed to be done and that was names and the nursery but the thought of doing that without the person I wanted to do all of this with wasn't here. He was hardly at the Curtis home and never came to mine. I was coming to the conclusion that he didn't care anymore, and I should give up.

The day was slow and now it was Monday. All day I had been feeling weird but knew that could be to the fact that I was almost going into labor. The thought of labor terrified me that's for sure, and the pain was nothing I ever wanted to experience. But here I was being 17 about to give birth to twins.

"We don't know the genders yet, so we can't paint the walls!" I exclaimed examining what the others were doing with the empty extra room we had in my house. It was a special moment, and I was worried it wouldn't turn out how I wanted it to look.

"Oh, come on Rose. How about yellow?" Mary questioned, but the only thing I could do was nod. It wasn't as thrilling as I had planned it to be. It was almost quite boring something about it didn't feel right and that's a very sucky feeling knowing that my twins were coming any day now.

"Please cheer up! Come on Rose how about we discuss some names!" Aunt Jennifer piped in with a big smile on her face. I sighed but agreed and knew I couldn't be mean to her. It wasn't their fault Dally didn't love me.

"If it's a girl, I say you call it Hazel." Hazel winked causing me to laugh for the first time today. She grinned seeing my reaction and continued to paint.

"I don't think that would be very great." I chuckled and watched as they painted. It was strange realizing that any minute my twins would be born. It was chilling, and the doctor had explained the serious pain I would be going through. It scared me a lot but what worried me the most was the part after the entire labor process. Would Dally even fulfill his promises of helping me? Dal wasn't what I would call a promising person and he happened to change his mind like an off and on switch. It was crazy and very stressful.

"Earth to Rose. I gave another recommendation on a name. How about John." Mary suggested practically making me burst out into laughter. The name was basic and ordinary something I did not want.

"Thanks for the suggestion but I don't know. I don't even know the genders yet." I explained sort of smiling a bit.

"Just think about it. Will ya?" Hazel laughed proceeding to paint the walls. I nodded my head and heard the telephone phone begin to ring downstairs.

"I should get that." I told trying to get away from this boring situation. Watching people paint wasn't something I would call "fun".

"Hold on. I have to at least help you down the stairs. I don't want you giving birth on the stairs." My aunt joked although any other day this would have been funny it only made me sick. The thought of giving birth concerned me and anytime anybody brought up labor it was not such a wonderful feeling.

"Okay then." I pushed a smile, and my aunt cheerfully helped me down the stairs to the kitchen where the phone continued to ring loudly. I reassured Jennifer I would be fine and waited until she made her way back upstairs to answer the phone.

"Hello?" I said expecting it to be one of Jennifer's friends or from her job but nearly dropped the telephone hearing the voice.

"Rose." It was Dally and for once he seemed sober and even sounded sad. My knees felt weak hearing his voice knowing everything that happened between us hadn't been terrific. Surprisingly I had missed him and hearing his voice made me almost smile.

"Y-Yes?" I stumbled over my words wondering what he wanted or needed. He never called because he wanted to speak with me he only called when he needed something from me.

"How are you?" He hesitantly asked. The question was uncommon for something Dal to ask and for a second I started to think maybe he was drunk.

"I'm alright. Why?" I swallowed the gulp in my throat hearing the other side of the phone go silent.

"I want to see you. Please just to talk." Dally admitted but after everything he's done I didn't know whether or not to allow him but his voice sounded desperate and it seemed like he truly wanted to speak with me.

"I'm alright. Everybody else is painting the nursery so I'll let them know you're heading over." I told him before proceeding to hang up. I leaned against the wall with my hands on the big baby bump and sighed. Every time I talked to Dal an argument always seemed to break out and that made me troubled right now. I didn't need to have an argument when I was close to going into labor but I wanted to hear him out and listen to whatever he was going to say.

"Is everything okay?" Hazel stepped down the stairs having paint all over her overalls. I nodded my head and placed a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Yes. Dally is going to be coming over to talk. He says he has something to say."

"Why? He's been real rude these past weeks. I understand he's the father of the twins, but it doesn't seem like he's going to step it up." Hazel grumbled clear enough for me to hear. She was never a fan of Dally, but this wasn't her choice and it always seemed like she tried to control my life choices.

"Hazel. Ever heard of second chances? He might change, and I want to hear him out." I exclaimed walking off not wanting to argue with my little sister.

"Second chance? It's been how many times? Oh like the 100th time. He's going to hurt you, and I'm not going to sit here and watch my older sister's life get ruined by this troublesome guy!" She shouted earning the attention from my aunt and Mary. I laughed hearing everything come out of her mouth.

"Really? If you were so concerned about me getting hurt, you wouldn't make me feel guilty every single damn time I didn't bring you over to the Curtis Home. Or let's bring up the time where I was still debating over my options about what to do with my pregnancy. Since the beginning, you've been telling me to keep them and never cared to understand my position. I love my twins now, but you cannot say you cared about my feelings after all of this!" I yelled seeing her stand speechless. Tears ran down her eyes, and that made me feel guilty but everything was the truth and soon enough she was going to have to learn it.

"Now excuse me while I wait for Dally." I walked outside and waited on my porch trying to ignore the guilt I felt for making my sister cry.

"Rose." I perked up seeing Dal who had his hands stuffed in his jean pockets. There was not much I could say to him so I remained seated.

"Now what is it? I'm not in the greatest mood so let's make this quick. Savvy?" I sighed waiting for whatever speech he had now. I was growing accustomed to the constant apologies and sometimes I already knew the speech he would give but I had to hear him out.

"S-So about the twins. When are they due?" He asked sort of startling me. Normally he didn't ask about these things, but I was glad it showed that he cared.

"Well, they can come any day now. I'm just waiting on it I guess." I answered starting to pick on my nail which happened to be a habit I had. We stayed quiet as I slightly looked up to see him place a hand behind his neck. I wanted to ask what was wrong but didn't want to bother him with questions.

"So is that all?" I questioned not really knowing what I wanted to hear from him. There were many phrases I would die for him to say but knew he would never say them.

"Have you thought any names? Last names and all that too?" The question was something I hadn't thought about. There had been several names that were on my mind and when it came to choosing a last name I hadn't about thought it. I can easily put Anderson but didn't want to let Dally down. Did he deserve for me to put Winston as their last names? I wasn't fully sure yet.

"No idea. There's been names that the others have been suggesting but none of them have clicked. And with the last name, it's not something I've been thinking about, to be honest." I replied now standing up. He stared down at me and all I could do was try and keep my composure.

"Well...can I see the nursery?" He asked. Although the question was unusual, I nodded my head and opened the front door. Inside my aunt, Jennifer was whispering about something to Mary presumably about what happened between Hazel and me.

"Hey. I'm going to show Dal where the nursery is and how it looks so far if that's fine?" I whispered interrupting their conversation. They looked at Dal who awkwardly waved.

"Yes you can. The paint is a little wet and we're close to being finished." Jennifer informed us. I nodded my head thanking her and Dal began assisting me up the stairs.

"Oh and please Rose. Apologize to your sister she was just doing everything she can to help you." Jennifer shouted once we got upstairs.

"Alright. I will." I answered rolling my eyes knowing I always had to be the one to apologize when we argued.

"Why are you two arguing?" Dal asked lifting his eyebrow. I shrugged not really knowing how to respond.

"Just whether or not you deserve another chance." I mumbled not wanting him to feel offended. He chuckled and didn't say much as I opened the nursery's door. We both stepped in seeing the wet yellow paint and the wooden cribs that sat inside the rather empty bedroom.

"It's not done yet, but here's an idea on how it's going to look like." I explained touching the cribs. Dally didn't say anything and instead looked out the window and shoved his hands in his pockets like he had done earlier. I knew there was something on his mind he wanted to say.

"I want to talk." He said not really implying about what he wanted to talk about.

"Okay...we can talk but not in here. The smell is overwhelming." I laughed walking out of the freshly painted nursery into my bedroom. The nerves I had was too much to explain. What did he want to talk about? Was he going to admit that he didn't want to be in the twin's lives or maybe I was overthinking this and he was only going to ask simple questions?

"Okay what is it?" I asked sitting on my bed watching as he paced around the room. It was different seeing him so nervous but for some reason, it was helpful knowing I wasn't the only nervous one in here.

"I guess I want to say sorry for the millionth time. For putting you through everything during this pregnancy-" Dal began, but I couldn't help but cut him off.


"No Rose please just hear me out. And maybe Hazel is right you have gave me many chances and I don't know man. It's just crazy knowing that in a few days or maybe even tonight I could be the father of two kids at 17. I don't know I'm just scared I'm going to disappoint you." He explained almost bringing me to tears. It was refreshing hearing him confess something like this. It showed he was scared like I was. I stood up and looked up at him.

"Dal, you don't know how happy this makes me feel. You telling me this is a big deal. Ever since day one, I've been dreaming for you to say this, and I understand. I'm 17 too Dal! I wasn't ready for this, and I wouldn't have kept them if I didn't think we can do it. But we can. We can Dal I believe in you." I whispered my eyes starting to tear up. He was turned away not facing me and I could tell he was overall just anxious.

"Hey. Look at me. Everything is going to be okay. I promise." I gently touched his face and soon enough we made eye contact. It was a weird feeling but felt right. He was leaning in, and I almost panicked not understanding if this was actually going on. Now believed he wasn't sober but I was wrong about that. So I decided to lean as well.

"Rose I'm sorry-" Before we could kiss Hazel happened to walk in. She stopped in her tracks seeing us both pull away from each other.


"Sorry for disrupting. I wanted to apologize..."  She whispered placing her hands behind her back. Then even worse Jennifer and Mary made their way inside.

"Dallas, it's very late do you want to stay for dinner and stay the night? If Rose is okay with that." Jennifer politely smiled everyone's attention turning to me. After what happened it was going to be awkward but I couldn't say no that would be very impolite. So I forced a grin on my face and nodded my head.

"Of course. I'll meet you downstairs." The others left my room and Dal and I remained standing there quietly. My stomach was in pain, but I thought it was simply the nerves after we nearly kissed.

"Sorry for that..." He apologized for whatever reason. Was he apologizing because it was a mistake? I didn't know and to be completely truthful I don't think I wanted to know.

"I-It's fine but I think I need to sit." He quickly ran to where I was and helped me sit back down on my bed. I held on to my stomach as the pain became more severe. I had thought it was nerves but now realized it could be what I had been dreading and eager for. They were contractions that had been going on this entire day and now they were getting stronger and sharper.

"Are you okay? Do I need to bring Jennifer or Mary?" Dal was surprisingly panicking. I nodded my head only being able to focus on my breathing and the intense pain. I was both scared and excited for this day. Dal ran downstairs notifying my aunt and the others. After a few seconds all of them had made their way up to my bedroom.

"Rose how bad is the pain?" Jennifer rushed over helping me up. I was already becoming annoyed but knew they were trying to help.

"I think we need to go to the hospital. Now please." I whispered holding on to my stomach. Jennifer demanded the others to grab the stuff we needed. Dal stood there not really knowing what to do which was understandable.

"It's going to be okay Rose." He whispered. I smiled and stared up at him and waited for the others to hurry. It was nerve-wracking but it almost felt perfect.

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