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Continued from the last chapter...

β˜†οΎ ROSE

≻───── β‹†βœ©β‹† ─────≺

WALKING INTO THE Curtis House was very odd. It looked precisely the same way it had been before I had left and where I had spent the summer days years ago. Rose and I walked in both holding on firmly to our purses.

"What you too of a soc' now to stay here? Be thankful Darry even offered." Dally chuckled as he lit a weed once again this time offering me one. I nodded my head no and looked away from him.

"No, it's not that. I was just remembering this place that's all." Darry came out of the kitchen and handed Hazel and I both a cup of water. We both thanked him and he allowed us to sit on the small sofa.

"So you gonna talk or not?" Asked Two-Bit who walked in the living room with a plate of leftover chocolate cake.

"What is there to discuss?" Hazel asked I jerked her shoulder causing her to touch her shoulder in pain. Dally laughed as he was leaned against a wall gazing directly at me. I blushed and quickly looked back down again.

"Well, I guess after we moved after we all grew apart I became friends with Cherry Valance and Marcia somewhat and changed everything about myself from the way I dressed to how I acted." I explained taking a gander at each one of them while telling how I had become a soc.

"And began to go out with Randy who nearly killed you tonight," Darry shouted. I knew he was only shouting because he cared. I could see he was unhappy on the way I had turned out which saddened me.

"You dig that piece of crap?" Soda asked as he glared me straight in the eye. I shook my head no.

"You're a looker you can certainly do better." Everybody turned to Steve who seemed confused about why everybody had gone to look at him.

"What? It's true and you're all boneheads if you say she isn't" he winked at me which made me smile a little bit before looking away.

"Anyway, we heard from Ponyboy about your mother. We're sorry she was a great woman." Darry smiled before stepping away. I squeezed Hazel's hand as she was so delicate to the topic of our mother's untimely death. I can't grasp that all of this is going on. I just wished for sleep to forget this dreadful day once and for all.

"Heres some sheets to rest on the sofa. I know it isn't the most comfortable but it's the best we can do." Hazel and I each grabbed a blanket and sat down on the sofa once again.

"Soda can you show you both the bathroom." we nodded our heads although Soda frowned at Darry infuriated by making him do this. I sighed I understood their unfriendliness towards Hazel and I but it did sting knowing that once we had all we're just a group of friends. Now I was a soc' they did not trust at all and even then they agreed to help Hazel and I.

"It's just right along here." I thanked him as I attended behind Hazel to help her get tidied up.

"You okay?" Hazel sat me down as I shook my head no. I then proceeded to sob as quiet as possible not needing the others to hear how more of a pathetic soc' I was.

"It's just there such a great amount going on right now. I was so afraid when Randy pulled out the switchblade I without a doubt thought I was going to die right there and then. But I didn't even think about myself at that moment I was thinking about how you would stay with an always boozed up father. And I hate saying this but I did want to die after father slapped and pushed me out the door I don't think I feel valuable anymore." I sobbed harder knowing most likely the gang could hear me but I didn't care at all. I just needed to let this out to my sister. Hazel immediately grasped me helping me clear off my makeup and helped with the cuts and bruises that had been recently added on my face by Randy.

"Are you ready?" she asked holding my hand. I smiled telling her I was ready and she led me out the door where the gang remained in Soda and Pony's bedroom. I already knew how curious they all are and shrugged it off and made it to the sofa with Hazel.

"Thank you, Darry for letting us stay here for tonight. We absolutely don't deserve it especially me." He nodded his head before walking away from the living room. I slipped onto the sofa which was very small for the two of us but was better than sleeping in a home where we didn't feel safe at all. I noticed Dally had been in the kitchen he walked out of it coming across very rankled up I didn't want to trouble him even further and closed my eyes quickly dozing off.


"We can't just tune it to what they are saying. That's a little invasive." Johnny whispered shouted to Steve who had proposed the idea.

"Come on now. Now that your little girlfriend came back you wanna be a bunch of sissies?" Steve said to Johnny applying to Hazel. Johnny did always have some sort of thing for Hazel although in spite of the fact that he denies and never seems to speak on it.

"I'm in. I'm all here for what two soc' girls have to be saying. Who knows they might be talking about one of us." Dal laughed before wandering by the bathroom door and listened closely. I felt wrong for spying on two girl's conversations especially Rose and Hazel,  but everyone else was going to do it except Darry who didn't seem to join in such childish acts. But of course, we wouldn't hear such good things we heard Rose start to cry which had us all in shock.

"It's just there such a great amount going on right now. I was so afraid when Randy pulled out the switchblade I without a doubt thought I was going to die right there and then. But I didn't even think about myself at that moment I was thinking about how you would stay with an always boozed up father. And I hate saying this but I did want to die after father slapped and pushed me out the door I don't think I feel valuable anymore." Rose explained this having us all feel some sort of guilt. I can see it all of their faces. Steve, Two-Bit, and Dal seemed to feel shame which was something we did not see at all around here. Dal surprisingly hit the wall in anger before walking away into the kitchen. I know Rose and Dal had evidently had been close some of the gang even saying that Rose was the only girl he ever certainly cared for which he often denied but however I had witnessed it for the first time tonight.

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