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Monday, July 18, 1966 (6 months into her pregnancy)

β˜†οΎ ROSE

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"ISN'T GETTING KISSED by Dallas Winston a good thing or am I missing something?" Hazel said laughing with Mary. We were currently at the store shopping for basic baby necessities and I had finally brought up the kiss I had shared with Dal.

"Not when he always gives mixed signals. Since the fourth of July, I've only seen him once, and the gang won't tell me where he is." I sighed as I placed an item in my cart. I was worried thinking he can be in trouble.

"Well, why don't you just demand answers? You deserve to know where the father of your twins is. But at the same time, you should think Rose. Dal has done this before and turned up fine are you sure it's just nothing like always." She clarified as we proceeded to push the cart. I knew she was right Dal did have the reputation to just get up and leave and return like nothing. It was something very ordinary for him but something didn't seem right this time.

"No, I just have a feeling. The way the gang behaved when I brought it up was suspicious like they were hiding something." I thought of about any probable place where Dal can be but nothing came to mind.

"How about we stop by? It's mighty close by here and explain to them we won't leave unless they confess his actual whereabouts." Mary suggested her idea which was a helpful one too.

"That sounds amazing. I need to know today or else I'm going to be stressing on it all night." I replied before ditching the groceries and hurried to my car. I was scared on the way there thinking about the horrible things that could have happened to him. I didn't need any more bad in my life especially being pregnant and practically close to going into labor.

"Alright, we're here. And remind me not to say anything to Soda. I have no words for him right now." Mary muttered parking the car around the Curtis House before the three of us got out. I knocked on the door anxious for what could go on once this discussion began.

"Rose, Mary, and Hazel? What are y'all doing here? It's almost 8." Ponyboy said appearing confused by our sudden arrival. We always called before heading over, so I knew this was a bit of a surprise for them.

"We have an important question that we need an immediate answer to. Now can we please come in?" Mary inquired. Ponyboy still didn't seem to know what was happening but opened the door to let us come in. I recognized once I walked in that only Darry, Pony, and Soda was here.

"So what's the question? It's really late right now to be only asking one question so it has to be important." Darry questioned his hands on his hips. I noticed Soda staring right at me in the corner of my eye but didn't care to meet his gaze since he hurt my cousin.

"Yes, it is very important. It's regarding Dal. Where is he? I know you guys said he's probably partying with Buck but when I asked you all seemed weird. I'm saying that I feel there's more to the story." I cleared my throat concerned about what they might say. I realized that I can be overthinking, but I needed to be certain or else I would never know.

"Look, Rose, I don't think we should tell you. We just want to protect your health, so you aren't stressed out. That can be harmful to the twins don't you think?" Soda answered, but this however did not answer anything at all. In fact, it caused me to become more uncertain than relieved.

"Soda, with all due respect even though you don't deserve my respect Rose is already stressed out more by not knowing. So in a way keeping, this is a secret is more damaging. She has a right to know it's the twin's father so again where is he?" Mary piped into the discussion shocking me quite a bit. Usually, she never confronted people but seeing how Soda had played her I could understand.

"I still don't think it's a good idea. You're not going to like what it is." Darry sighed sitting down in his armchair. This was not relieving either and I was coming to be frustrated. Dal had to be okay or else I would perhaps go crazy.

"Tell me, please. Just tell me now!" I begged scared for what might be the answer.


"I said tell me now!"

"He's been arrested for beating up Randy and Bob. I guess they decided to press charges. Right now he's locked up on bail, but he's facing trial. It's real bad, and he can end up being charged as an adult since he's 17." Darry eventually admitted. I was stunned hearing this but was slightly relieved that he was okay but the thought of him possibly going to prison was not a pleasant one. I had to do something.

"Tell me where he's at. I will bail him out and figure this out. I need to tell the police about what the two did to me. I have two witnesses Dal can't go to jail not now. Not ever so, please tell me." I whispered with tears in my eyes begging Darry. I couldn't imagine a life without Dallas Winston and now that he even is showing that he cares about me I get it ripped away. I couldn't lose another person I cared about.

"Are you sure?" Darry asked.

"Yes, I am."

He ended up giving me the information I required to bail him out. I had the money to do it so might as well use it. Randy and Bob were surely not going to get away from this. I had proof of what they did to me and was determined to make them pay for the attack against me.

"Wait Rose let's talk for a second, please." Soda pulled me aside despite me wishing to say no. I didn't want Mary to get the wrong idea.

"Soda I need to go."

"No, I want to apologize really quickly. I shouldn't have started anything with Dal it was immature. And I'm sorry about that." He apologized.

"It's fine, but I don't think you should be apologizing to me. You hurt Mary you played her, and that's not okay. I don't understand your feelings for me Soda. We've always been friends and it should stay that way." His face dropped hearing this and I felt guilty but it was the truth. I've always seen Soda as just a friend and hurting Mary because of it is not right.

"Yeah, you're right. I will apologize to her, but you should go get Dal now. I know you really want to see and speak to him." He told me looking down at the ground. I smiled politely and walked away knowing he probably felt hurt which did suck since I cared a lot for Soda but right now I knew I had to get Dal.

After getting everything needed to bail him out we had to wait a little bit. I was nervous not knowing what to expect. I had feelings for Dal but didn't know if he felt the same towards me since he never was the type to show emotions.

"Rose?" I looked up and saw Dal who was looking rough which was understandable. I got up and stood in front of him.

"I bailed you out. I'm going to figure out a way to help drop the case. Randy and Bob ain't getting away with this." I explained, but his mood didn't seem to change.

"You shouldn't have bailed me out. This isn't your business." He grumbled alarming me. I understood that he wasn't in the greatest state but I had just bailed him out with my own money.

"Dallas, I literally bailed you out and now you're acting rude to me. I'm sorry for the compassion? I know you have been in a damn cell but at least show some appreciation. Please." I responded still surprised by his attitude. It shouldn't have been a surprise though seeing he did this a lot.

"Just take me to Bucks." He whispered before walking out the door of the police station. My eyes were now filled with tears, and I hoped his behavior was only because he was exhausted.

"Look, maybe he's just a little overwhelmed. I'm sure he will be okay tomorrow. He just needs rest and you do too. You shouldn't be worrying right now. Now come on let's drop off so we can hurry home." Mary proposed gently touching my shoulder. I nodded my head forcing a smile on my face.

"Yeah, that sounds great,"

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