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He inched closer until his nose trailed up the bridge of yours, his lips so close that you could feel them โ€” every nerve reached for him.

If you'd moved only a bit, your lips would have met, but you couldn't.

You couldn't think, couldn't breathe as you dampened your lips, trapped between the professors arms.

His breath mingled with yours, and there was nothing to separate your close proximity.

No space, no distance, no where to hide.

And after long, his eyes searched yours for, as if asking for consent while he uttered the words,

"May I kiss you?"

You were pretty sure your heart had stopped.

Neither of you said a word as you stared dreamily into his eyes, mouth parting, though you weren't exactly sure of what to say.

Your cheeks were definitely burning, your ears too, but at this point... you couldn't possibly afford to back out. Right?

A fleeting sense of doubt suddenly assaulted you, and your curated instinct instructed you to push him away.

Was this... okay? You couldn't help but worry.

All that doubt went away, however, when Jungkook moved his right hand to the nape of your neck, reaching out to let some of the strands of your hair fall over and between his fingers.

As if to assure you that everything was all right.

So, you believed him.

In doing so, you hummed in response
and breathed out a quiet, "Yes."

Then, he closed his eyes as he leaned forward to kiss you, his lips warm, tender... fulfilled with purpose

You let his touch linger, without pulling, without demanding, without hiding your feelings.

Just a soft feeling of warmth, no concealed meanings besides the ones you both wanted it to have.

You sighed, letting the feeling of his kiss invade you.

There was a sense of delicate balance between you two, and you couldn't help your sudden craving for it.

His first kiss was light, soft. As if he was testing you.

It was the same one you had dreamt of, the one you had always waited for.

You didn't want or need anything else.

Just a single kiss. From him. Frozen in time.

At that moment, you were too stunned to immediately reciprocate, but before you could do so, Jungkook suddenly moved away.
His hand remained on your nape, but he eased the grip.

"Sorry," he whispered. "I...I shouldn't have done that."


"That was out of line." He interrupted, looking down with a trembling breath.

"You must've felt forced toโ€”"

Before he could finish his sentence,
you grabbed the collar of his dress shirt and pulled him towards you to give him the same short, sudden, and passionate kiss he had given you.

It was a return kiss, one Jungkook was all too happy to match as relief rushed through him that you weren't pulling away.

Unlike him, you broke it off by slowly detaching your lips as you stared into his orbs with hooded eyes.

"Don't," you said with heavy breath. "Don't say that. Don't tell me that it was all just a mistake. My heart can only handle so much."

You placed a hand over his cheek, caressing it ever so softly with your thumb.

Jungkook closed his eyes, leaning into your touch. "All right. I'm sorry."

"Thank you." You mumbled almost inaudibly, the corners of your lips lifting subtly.

When Jungkook looked back over to you, possession almost immediately washed over him.

You were so beautiful in a way that held no expectation, unassuming and easy.

It felt wrong for him to have you, to want you... but he couldn't bring himself to stop doing exactly that.

Want, need, and desire. He yearned for you all the same.

Just then, you caught him watching and smiled in a way that he felt deep in his heart.

Neither of you were breathing, your eyes locked onto his, pupils widening as you stared at him with an inviting gaze.

You wanted him to kiss you again, needed him to kiss you again.

So, he did.

This time, he kissed you with his heart and soul, trying to tell you something words couldn't allow because there just weren't enough of them. Not the right ones.

You ran your fingers up into his hair, feeling the back of his undercut and the softness of his dark hair between your fingers.ย 

You'd underestimated how badly you needed thisโ€” his comfort, his touch.

It was one thing knowing that he needed you;
it was another thing entirely when Jungkook showed that he did. And you loved it.

The feeling of his lips on yours, hands resting just above the curve of your hip as you both savoured the moment. Together.

It was unbelievably nice.

He was careful, slow; you were hoping he was enjoying this as much as you did.

Without pulling away entirely, he let his touch linger, fingers brushing against your cheek and jaw as he forced himself to look you in the eyes.

That way... that way hopefully you could see the vulnerability and tender care he was trying to display in an unfortunately clumsy way.

"It's dangerous," he murmured. "Doing this in our line of work."

"I know." Was your only response.

At that instant, his hands were around your waist once again, gliding over the small of your back, pressing you to his chest, pulling you into an embrace. You automatically grabbed fistfuls of his shirt and clung to him.

He gazed down at you. You gazed up at him.

A soft sighโ€”at his closeness, his warmth, the smell of his lovely cologne, the small whisper of a smile hovering in his eyesโ€”passed between your lips.

"What are we going to do now?" You spoke with a gentle tone, slightly afraid of his answer.

But he didn't utter a word.

Only a small hum sounded from his throat
as he leaned down and captured your mouth, pressing his lips to yours softly.

"We can talk about that later."

No sooner had his lips left yours did he grunt disapprovingly and fasten his mouth on yours once again. "Let's just go at our own pace for now."
Our own pace. You liked the sound of that.

Then, he really kissed you.

It was the kind of kiss that drove away all coherent thoughts; tilting his head and repeating as though he wanted to taste you from every angle.

You were joined only by your lips and embraced bodies.

It wasn't the professor you were sharing this moment with. It was Jeon Jungkook.

And he just so managed to make you feel breathless and consumed by his every kiss, yielding to the intensity of his pecks and the firmness of his touch.

It was amazing.

He was amazing.

Panting slightly, he broke off the lengthy kiss to ask, "Would you like to go out for dinner?"

"Right now?"


"With you?"

He chuckled, nodding his head.

Then, in his quiet way that always disarmed you, he said, "Preferably."

You smiled shyly, nestling your face in his chest. You could feel the heat of a blush spreading up your neck.

The intensity of your reaction to him never failed to confound you.

"Yeah. I'd like that."


authors note

Did I just dedicate this whole part to just this one kiss scene? Yes.

Do I regret it? Of course not. ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿคš

This is only the beginning of their blossoming feelings and relationship, so I advise you to prepare yourselves for a bit of the unexpected.

Anyway, I really enjoyed writing this part.
(For obvious reasons)

And I know I say it all the time, but I love you all!!

That said, I hope you enjoy this chapter and look forward to the next!


{bngtnangel on instragam}

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