It was now the morning of Valentine's Day. The sky was so gloomy, dark clouds forming in the sky with rays of sunlight trying to beam their way through, but the clouds overpowered them.
I stood up from my bed and straight towards the restroom to wash my face. I had slept in till 11 am, which was so realistic for me considering that the shop i worked at was closed.
"Indira, are you here?" I called out from the restroom
"I'm here!" There was a yell back from the kitchen
"Just making sure pookie."
I finished doing my morning routine and walked out of my room into the kitchen to be met by Santiago and Indira.
"Omg hey Santiago," I walked over to greet him with a side hug, to which he gave back, "Did you spend the night?"
"Yeah, Dira and I got back pretty late so I just stayed."
"Ooo doing what?" I gave them both a smirk then kissed the back of my hand, trying to mock whatever they were doing but it just made me look stupid.
"Shut up Isabella. Before I kiss you like that." Indira turned her paper towel into a ball and then threw it at me
"Anyways, what do you guys have planned for tonight?"
"I'm taking Indira out to dinner and then I have some stuff planned out, but I can't tell you Isa because I know you're going to run your mouth to her." Santiago knew I couldn't resist keeping a surprise. Sadly, I had spoiled a surprise for both of them but it was purely only out of excitement
"True, but you guys have fun. Im gonna be allllll alone" I sarcastically sighed
"Are you staying in tonight?"
"Hell no, I made a reservation at the new restaurant, I wanna try their drinks"
"Omg yes!" Indira jumped out of her seat, "You better wear that outfit you bought yesterday!"
"Girl, of course, time to conquistar" I let out a laugh while signaling them I was heading back to my room.
It was 7 pm and the raindrops were starting to hit my window, but it was also time for me to start heading out to the restaurant. But before that, I strictly had to take pictures of myself, I loved this outfit and everyone had to see it.
I finally finished taking my selfies and walked out of the house making sure all the lights were turned off since Indira had already gone out with her man. I closed the door behind me and started walking out to the main street trying to find a taxi. They're so common here in the city which helps tourists navigate, but super expensive because of them.
I approached a taxi car and told him where I was headed. The 20-minute drive wasn't much and with the way he was driving, I knew we would be there in less time. During the drive, all I did was edit the pictures I had taken of myself and other pictures I had sitting on my camera roll ready to be posted.
"We are here ma'am, it will be 30 pesos." I thanked him and handed him the pesos.
The rain was on and off and luckily by the time I had made it to the restaurant, it was gone but I knew it would be back in a few minutes. I walked up to the host and checked in, there were so many couples here chit-chatting, laughing, and feeding themselves food. Cute
The host left me at the bartop with food and drink menus, honestly, I was only here for the drinks so I scooted over the food menu and opened up the drinks.
I scanned over the drinks when suddenly, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. Fuck don't let it be him
"Hola, you look very beautiful tonight" I heard the voice of a man, but it wasn't him
"Gracias?" I turned around and gave him a confused look
"Woah, wait, I'm sorry you look like someone I was supposed to meet tonight" he apologized chuckling, "are you here alone?"
"Yes I'm here alone" I replied feeling a bit nervous
"Would you mind if I sit next to you?"
"Weren't you supposed to meet someone here?"
"Was, but a beautiful woman caught my eye" he gave me a smile, what the hell
"Well, you should go sit with her" my gaze went back to the menu trying to avoid whatever he was trying to do
He pulled out the chair next to me, "I am now"
I let out a laugh out of shock, what does he want from me
"So tell me, why is someone so beautiful like you, here alone?"
"I just wanted some drinks" I say, I finally choose a drink and call the bartender over, "Hi could I please get the passion paradise"
"And I will take whiskey, put it on my tab" he hands his card over to the bartender, "drinks on me"
"Thank you, but you didn't need to do that"
"It's Valentine's Day, let's enjoy it. Eres muy bonita"
I stay quiet, he was very attractive, his dark skin and hazel eyes were beautiful, if I were to see him in the streets I'd do anything to get his attention "omg im not even drunk and im thinking about this man"
"Gracias" I break away from my thoughts
'Gracias' bro I could've said something better
"Eres muy timida, do you know how to play pool?" Once again, he gave me smile
"No but once we get our drinks we can go try it out. There's a pool table over there"
He gave me a nod and that's when our drinks were all done
"Mira que rico. Muchas gracias, the next drink is on me, okay?"
We both grab our drinks and start heading over to the pool table
"Okay so first you're going to grab the stick and then make a break to make it into the hole."
I do as he instructs me, "like this?"
Before I know it, he was already behind me fixing my position. I felt my heart drop, I flinched to his sudden touch on my waist
"Im sorry, is this okay?"
I nod going back to my relaxed state but inside I was feeling butterflies. I wasn't used to this feeling again, he knew what he was doing and I liked it
"Just like this and now release to get the ball in the hole." I hit the first ball and successfully get it in
"Omg, I made it in!" I start cheering when he grabs my waist again, "Let's see who wins first"
We made our way to the bench and just watched couples stroll along.
"Hola, que bonita pareja" a man with roses had approached us, "mire, te la regalo para que se la des"
Mr. Beautiful eyes thanked him and handed me the rose, "for the beautiful lady."
"Gracias, I realized that I never asked for your name"
Hi pookiiiiis here's a little chapter that I've been writing here and there ....
ummmmmm anyways I hope you enjoyed :0
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