Chapter 10 | | Secret Admirers

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Chapter 10 | | Secret Admirers

Athanasia has been napping soundly beside me as I've been studying for quite a while. Lillian sits across from us opening some sort of envelope. "Take a look at this, Princess!" Lillian exclaims, causing Athanasia to slowly awake from Dreamland. "Oh my. This bird is quite pretty!"

Athanasia sits up hazily muttering, "I just had the strangest dream."ย 

"Oh?" I reply, glancing at her. I then return my gaze back to my studies.

"If I tell you who sent it, you'll be surprised." Lillian smiles. Lillian begins to read out loud for Athanasia to hear.

- - - -

As I reminisce over yesterday's short encounter, I present this gift to you with longing.

- Ijekiel Alpheus

- - - -

"Tweet-" a small blue bird coos from inside the cage. Athanasia's eyes go big as a smirk appears on my face.

"Seeing that he's sending this kind of gift, he must have fallen head over heels over for you at the debutante!" exclaims Hannah; one of the maids.ย 

"Seems like you have an admirer." I giggle, knowing that Ijekiel had probably seen through Athanasia's disguise. "A secret admirer."

"H-Hey!" Athanasia pouts in defense.

"Hannah, watch the way you speak in front of the Princess," Lillian scolds.

"But it's the truth isn't it?" Hannah gestures towards Athanasia. "With Princess Athanasia being this lovely and beautiful, how could Lord Alpheus not have his heart stolen?"

"H-Hannah!" Lillian and Athanasia exclaim darting their eyes between me and Hannah. Hannah eventually understands and is face red.

"P-P-Princess Ariel! I-I didn't mean to insult you!" Hannah flusters quickly bowing beside me. "Y-You're also quite beautiful too! Many do have their hearts stolen by you-"

I snap my book shut making everyone go silent. I rise from my seat with a bright smile. "Hannah it's quite alright. I don't feel insulted. In fact, if Lord Alpheus likes Princess Athanasia, then it's young love!"

"B-But Princess-" I hold up my hand cutting Hannah off.

"It's fine Hannah, no need to dwell. Now if you'll excuse me, I believe it's time for me to be training with Felix." I smile once more, getting ready to leave for my training with Felix.ย 

I open the doors and leave. Within a few steps Lillian comes out of Athanasia's room holding a big box, neatly wrapped, with an envelope attached to it. "Princess!" Lillian calls out to me.

I turn around and Lillian hands me the box. "What's this?" I ask, examining the box up close.

"Something from Lord Alpheus." Lillian answers. "I didn't open up the envelope because I'd thought you'd like to read it for yourself."

"Thank you Lillian," I smile. Lillian bows, excusing herself and heads back into Athanasia's room.

I go to a nearby table and placed down the box. I curiously take the envelope and opened it. It read-

- - - -

Seeing you happily enjoy those pancakes made me realize that no matter what you do, you'll look beautiful doing it. Enjoy what I got for you, and I hope I get to see you again, Ariel-a

- Ijekiel Alpheus

- - - -

Every part of my face was warm after finishing the letter. Ijekiel, you knew who I was all along! But he sure knows how to make a girl blush!ย (//ะด//)

I place the letter down and cautiously open the box. In front of me was a plate full of pancakes (which were from the restaurant we ate) and a small velvet box. I pick up the small box and carefully opened it.ย 

Inside was a beautiful silver ring with a green emerald in the center. A miniature note read-

It reminded me of your eyes.

I blink in shock as I take the ring. I slip it onto my right ring finger and held my hand at a distance. I admire it's beauty for a few moments then turned my gaze back to the delicious looking pancakes.ย 

I smile stupidly at Ijekiel's cute gifts, taking the pancakes at hand to the kitchen in search of some maple syrup. I find the syrup and a fork then poured the syrup all over the pancakes, and headed to my training session with Felix.

- At Night -

Night falls as I stand silently, staring at the emerald ring,ย  glistening on my right finger. I turn my hand side to side, smiling at how sparkly it was in the moonlight. Then my mind had wandered off to Ijekiel. How tall, handsome, sweet he was; no wonder so many girls fall for him.ย 

Just then a gust of wind flows in and a dark figure looms over my head. "Still awake?" a certain black haired, red eyed, boy asks.ย 

"Oh gosh!" I exclaim, startled. "Oh, it's just you, Lucas. . ."

"Just me?" Lucas frowns. "Don't you mean the gorgeously handsome royal magician Lucas?"

"Whatever," I wave dismissively with my right hand.ย 

"You're not denying it." Lucas smirks leaning against the balcony railings. "Hey, what's that?"

"Hm?" I realize Lucas was looking at the ring Ijekiel had given me on my finger. "Oh this? It was a present."ย 

"A present from who?" Lucas asks crossing his arms. "And who would give you a ring? I mean like, you aren't pretty, smart, tall-" Lucas goes rambling on about me.

"Ijekiel okay!?" I shout rolling my eyes in annoyance. "Ijekiel gave it to me! At least there is someone who appreciates me for who I am!"

"Something from Whitey's boy?" Lucas blankly glares. "And you accepted it?"

"Well yeah." I glance over at Lucas's blank response. "I mean it's free food and a pretty ring-"

"Pfft - That's it? I could do much more than him." In a snap of Lucas's fingers, in the palm of my ring hand, I felt something small, cold, and circular. I open up my hand and find a beautiful diamond ring!?

"W-Wow!" I exclaim like a child, holding the diamond ring in the moonlight as it sparkles beautifully. "Thank you Lucas, I-"

"Whatever. I didn't do it for you. I'm just proving that I'm better that him." I giggle at Lucas' reasoning when notice something wrong with him.

A grim expression looms over Lucas' face. He notices me staring and reaches out to my left cheek to caresses it. Luckily it was night so Lucas couldn't see my red cheeks.

"Lucas is there something wrong?" I ask. "You can tell me you know-" Caught in surprise, Lucas pulls me into a tight hug. I didn't know how to react, but naturally my arms moved on their own wrapping themselves around Lucas.

We stand in silence when I hear a faint sentence being said. I couldn't tell if it was Lucas who said something or maybe my mind was playing tricks on me, but I hear-

"I'm sorry . . ."

Out of nowhere a sudden flush of tiredness flushes through me and my slowly close. But little I had known because of those two words, I never knew how heartbroken I would be later on.

To Be Continued . . .

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C h a p t e r
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S e c r e t
A d m i r e r s

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