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A/N : I repeat this is Female [Name] and some of the lyrics were change to fit the situation.

SONG : Servant of Evil
English Cover by Lizz Robinett











Shouted everyone in the room except the two who is currently having their moment.

"LEN IS THAT REALLY YOU?!" Shouted solomon who was in shock.
His eyes started to be filled with tears while [Name] tears have already poured.

"You are Rin, You're really Rin! Otherwise you won't recognised me!" [Name] said while crying and still hugging solomon.
"Len its really you right?" Solomon said now crying.
Everyone in the room except for the two and a certain butler are confused.

"Hold up what is going on why are you guys calling each other different names AND YOU SHADY WIZARD GET YO HANDS OFF MY HUMAN" Mammon Shouted confused.

"Solomon, [Name] mind explaining?"
Diavolo also confused asked for an explanation to the two human exchange students.

"Well, how do I explain this" [Name] said wiping her tears as she scratched her cheek. Suddenly Barbatos Stands up "May I? Mc, Solomon?" Everyone looked at the butler confused.

"Barbatos you know what's going on ?" Lucifer asked.

Barbatos nodded "I had my suspicions while Listening to solomon's story but now i have confirmed it"

"You guys were the Former King and Former Princess

Of Lucifen d'Autriche Royalty, Am I right?" Barbatos Introduce the two humans while Everyone stood in shock.

Levi shouted

"What is going on?" Simeon commented still lost on what is happening. "You guys are former royalties?!" Luke also confusingly asked.

"Wait you guys are siblings too?" Belphie tilted his head in shock.
Diavolo raised an eyebrow to his butler. "Barbatos you knew!?"

"How did you know about this Barbatos?" Solomon asked with his eyes now red from crying. "I may have once saw your timeline accidentally.." Barbatos sigh and answered.

"Wait...does that mean? Solomon were you....
The tyrant king in the story?"

Satan being the smartass he is, questioned Solomon as he blurt out the theory he have been thinking while listening to solomon.

"What?! No way?!" Luke and Asmo Yelled at the Same time with wide eyes.

They can't believe what satan has said but now that they think about it solomon story and what Barbatos said could have been connected. Solomon sigh while bowing his head down looking at the floor while still clinging to Mc.

"Yes... I was the tyrant king." he said that made everyone in the room quiet down.

"Barbatos they are not lying" Diavolo asked.

"Yes my lord."

"Then... how... are you still alive if you have been beheaded.." Beel slowly asked still comprehending what solomon said about him being the tyrant king.

"Let me tell you a story then.. maybe it will explain some things." [Name] suggested.

"Maybe turn it into a song too Darling~" Asmo requested. "Sure Asmo" [Name] Smiled nervously. "Yeah, make sure your voice is good human!! I-I mean i-its not like i wanted to listen to your stupid voice"

"Alright, Alright mammon" Chuckling quietly [Name] then sat down as everyone else also followed.

[Name] then holds Solomon's hand and starts to tell her point of view.

I am your loyal servant and you're our country's King

"Servant? Were you the Faithful servant [Name]?" -Lucifer

"Wait how is [Name] was solomon's servant?" -Belphie

"Yeah, wasn't [Name] Solomon's sister? doesn't that mean she's a princess?"-Asmo

Mc just smiled.

Us, pair of pitied twins burdened by our destiny

"TWINS?!" beel and belphie shouted at the same time.

"So you guys aren't only sibling but twins" -Simeon

Let hellfire consume me if that's what must be done
I will gladly play the part so that you may shine, my sun

"Aww that's so sweet"-Luke

"Your part?, you'r willing to be in the shadow for your twin Mc?" -Beel

"I mean i would also do the same for beel" -Belphie said smiling

"Thank you belphie i would also do the same"-Beel

"Some of us would do the same" -Satan

On the day the two of us were brought into this world
The bells gave their blessings to us twins, a boy and girl

"They were bless! isn't that sweet simeon" - Luke

"Yes luke" - Simeon

But for reasons that we were too young to understand
We were separated
I could no longer hold your hand


"WHAT?!" Almost everyone shouted

"Why are they separating you and the shady wizard, i know im a demon but that's just cruel!!" -Mammon

"Siblings shouldn't be seperated!!" -Levi

"Yeah and worse they are twins!!" -Belphie

"T-that's so sad! why are they separating Mc and Solomon!"

"It is sometimes normal for siblings to be seperated in the royal family due to political dispute, though i do feel bad" -Lucifer

If the whole world plots to extinguish your light
If they find the need to make you break and cry
Don't you worry, dear, I am right by your side
So just smile for me, it'll be alright

I am your loyal servant and you're our country's king
Us, A pair of pitied twins burdened by our destiny
Let hellfire consume me if that's what must be done
I will gladly play the part so that you may shine, my sun

"Sister....." -Solomon

"That's right siblings should have each other's hand"-Simeon

"Ahem! Hear that levi"-Mammon

"Shut up mammon, im not like Mc who is so kind plus You Haven't Even Payed your debt on me!!" - Levi

"Hey i said i'll pay you soon didn't i?!" -Mammon

"You two! don't fight here" -Lucifer

"Quit it, Mc is telling her story but you guys won't shut up"-Satan

"Ugh im trying to listen here"

"Why won't everyone shut up, you'll all stressing me!" -Asmo

"Please do continue mc"- Diavolo

Mc then nodded

While running errands in the country to the east

I ran into a fair boy with the hair of deep green

"Mike?" -Solomon

"Oh is it the boy from the green kingdom?" -Asmo

"Well i guess so" - Satan

His smile and his voice, to me, were sent from up above
Something moved in my chest
You might even call it love


"Oh my Diavolo, Darling you loved the Boy?!" -Asmo

"Hell no!" -Mammon

"Player Two you fall in love?!" -Levi

"That's so cute MC!" -Luke

"Uhh i think not so because... nevermind" -Simeon

"would you guys calm down its in the past!" -Satan

"Satan is right let us all calm down since its in the past" -Diavolo

"Y-you liked him, Len why didn't you told me..." -Solomon said on the verge of crying again.

But we know all good things must come to an end.

"What do you mean Mc?"-Luke

"Luke did you forget already?"-Simeon

"Huh?- Luke

Simeon sigh
"You'll know soon"

It is my
King's orders the boy must repent

"What?!... this!" -Levi

"I forgot the boy have been killed" - Belphie

"What?! How Could You Order That Solomon?!" -Luke

"Luke calm down, it seems that solomon didn't know mc liked the boy" -Simeon

"s-still.... Im sorry" -Luke

"If y-you told me i wouldn't have order that.. sister .. why did you even do that if you love him"

I will grant your wishes if that's all I live for
So then tell me, my sun just what caused these rains to pour

Solomon is now crying on mc's shoulder while mc wiped his tears

"You even killed the boy you like for your brother"-Beel

"I thought solomon order it someone when he summoned his minister"-Lucifer

"And it seems only the girl is the one who was killed and not the entire green kingdom" - Diavolo.

I am your loyal servant and you're our country's kingd
Us, a pair of cursed twins bound to bloody destiny
"Your highness, brioche
Will accompany your tea."
And you clapped your hands with glee, so innocent and sweet

"He ordered you to kill the man you loved yet you still call him innocent and sweet?" -Belphie

"I also think of you as sweet and innocent belphie even tho you 'tried' to kill mc" -Beel.

".........." - Belphie

"uhh i think that's a harsh topic for belphie, beel" -Asmo

"ahem beel has a point ya know" - Mammon

"Stfu mammon if you don't want to want me to throw you to the human world... " -Belphie said with a menacing look.

"What?! how come you didn't tell on beel" -Mammon complain

"Beel didn't mean it." -Belphie

"Ignore them Mc, continue on the story" -Lucifer.

It appears that soon this country will meet its fate
Torn to pieces by its people crumbled under their hate

"Oh is this the War?" -Diavolo

"it seems so my lord" -Barbatos

"The war arc!" -Levi

"did solomon died at that time?!" -Luke

"Ahh i don't to hear solomon dying even tho he did such crimes" -Asmo

The masses claim that justice will be brought on us today

But I won't see it through, they will not get their way

"what do you mean by that mc?" -simeon

"Are you planning to ran away with him?"-beel

"i don't think so beel" -belphie

"What did you do mc" -lucifer.

"Listen now, my dear give your clothing to me.
You and I will switch and away you must flee.

"What?...." - Lucifer

"Huh?!, MC!?" -Luke


You will be okay, we are twins, don't you see
They won't know, now dear, don't look back and just leave."

"Your an idot sister.... i wasn't thinking if i'll be okay, your the one i was thinking that time..!" Solomon said sobbing on mc

Mc pat solomon in the back comforting him.

I am only the double, the true queen runs free
Us, a pair of broken twins, damned by cruel destiny

"How could you think your just a double, your my twin sister!" -Solomon

"You must really love solomon then Mc..." -Lucifer

"Destiny is indeed cruel"-Satan

If the devil's your lord, as the masses curse your name
Then, I'm a demon too, for our blood's one and the same



"Damn that!"-mammon

Long ago, there was a kingdom ruled by a king
At that time the two of us were barely aged fourteen
A "son of evil" ruled the kingdom from within
But the stories lie, for he was my precious little twin.

At that rate Luke is crying on simeon shoulder while he had a sad and pity gaze on the two human who is hugging each other.

Lucifer suddenly saw himself on mc's place as he would also do anything and everything for his brothers, he remembered the time of the war where lilith died.

His thankful for his brothers that follow him because of their sister because of that they still have each other, byt solomon that time doesn't have anyone anymore when Mc died.

He feels what solomon felt when lilith died.

Mammon is holding his tears back, what kind of demon is he if he cries on a story of some stupid human, he just can't imagine losing his siblings again after what happened to lilith.

Levi who wiped his tears quickly saw mammon holding his tears back and remember the time when they first became a demon, he was insecure and shut
himself, they were all grieving on lilith's death but mammon was there for him and sometimes his brother and him would comfort each other. just this time he put his hand on mammon's shoulder and smiled a little making mammon shocked.

Satan doesn't relate to the brothers as he didn't lose any siblings.

Belphie is still here, his partner in crime on pranking lucifer.
Beel is here, the one who always ask him to exercise sometimes.

Asmo is here, his bestfriend.
Levi is here tho there not that close like how he is to asmo, they always go to the bookstore together so he can buy a book while levi can buy his manga.

His scummy brother, the one who took care of him when he first came and always the one to always remind him to celebrate his birthday centuries ago.

And.... and..

and Lucifer is here.
His not alone, but even tho he doesn't relate to solomon he felt solomons sadness on losing MC on the past.

Asmo followed Lucifer along with his brother to fight in the war and lost Lilith but even if they have lost lilth, they still have each other, tho they always fight and have some issues centuries ago before MC came he still loves his brothers and can't help but be sad to solomon as he doesn't have anyone ever since his sister died.

Asmo remember the time where he ask solomon if his cheek doesn't hurt from smiling everytime
"I lost someone dear to me in the past, She's always so cheerful and smile a lot i-"
But solomon cut his own word and just smile, he also just walked away making asmo confused and thought he lost a lover.

he didn't know he was talking about his sister.

Beel and belphie felt the same, they also lost a sister (lilith again)
Compared to the other brothers they are the closest to lilith you can even said they were triplets.

Beel like solomon wasn't able to protect their own sister so he felt that solomon must be blaming himself like how he blame his own self when he couldn't protect lilith, but he still have the others and belphie and his sure just like what mc said, Lilith is watching them and don't want them blaming themselves.

Belphie is not Empathic especially not to humans after what happened to lilith but mc change it and convince not all humans are the same.

He blamed the humans and Lucifer who is like a dog to diavolo because of what happened to his sister, he shut himself up when they become a demon yet his brothers is still there and didn't left him when he told them his the one who introduced lilith to humans and the reason why she became interested to them and gradually falling inlove to one which lead them here.

His brother is still there even tho they didn't talk for centuries and is actually alive.

He who hated humans actually pity solomon for losing MC.

'Atleast the two of them is now together, the wish you throw on the ocean came true Rillexiel or i should now call you Solomon'




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