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Posting the old draft because your comments make me so happy and I really need some happiness right now <3 

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   UNDER THE SENSE of loss, Allaia and Bellamy returned to camp, their rescue mission unarguably a failure. During the whole way back, saturnine silence lingered between them as silvers of unspoken words hovered in the air, swirling into a kaleidoscopic mayhem. Their implicit thoughts were altering, infinitesimally forming into bizarre patterns. 

   Both of them desperately wanted to say something โ€” Allaia was frustrated and felt too embarrassed to demand any explanation, innerly scowling at the perspective of acting like a possessive girl hopelessly infatuated with the guy who wasn't even her boyfriend. Bellamy covertly observed Alle's features contorted in affliction, vaguely analyzing her behavior. He even spoke up once, but his words reversed as a faint echo reflecting in her eyes bereaved in reverie.

   Upon their arrival at camp, Allaia rushed into the drop ship without sparing Bellamy another glance. She gasped at the sight of Myles groaning hoarsely, squirming on the table out of agonizing pain. He was clutching the left side of his torso, just below his heart. Allaia instantly assessed his condition, seeing two arrows embedded in his leg and chest. Stains in the shade of maroon were tainting his dark clothes as blood kept pouring from his injuries. 

"Don't worry, Myles, you'll be okay." Allaia promised gently, staring at him with confidence radiating from her cast.

   As the familiar adrenaline arose in her veins, Allaia quickly washed her hands, sanitizing them with moonshine afterwards. Meanwhile, she explained every step of the procedure to Myles, not delving into too much detail, knowing it would only frighten the boy even more. With sterling caution laced in the slightest movement, not to accidentally damage a lung or an artery, Allaia deftly extracted arrows poking out of Myles' body. Carefully, she stitched the wounds with a suture needle, priorly disinfecting it to prevent any potential infection from occurring. 

   After the procedure was done, Allaia stormed outside to help others with the minefield. She had to keep her hands busy, in vain devoir to blast the anarchy of unwanted thoughts reigning inside her mind. Quietly, Alle approached Octavia and for a while, assisted her in the placing landmines into holes in the dirt. 

"Come on." Bellamy hastened loudly in annoyance. "These foxholes aren't gonna build themselves!" 

Irritated, Allaia rolled her eyes, in an undiluted temptation to say many harsh words. 

Bellamy drew near Raven. "You better hope those landmines work. With all the gunpowder we're wasting we could be making more grenades." He trailed off exasperatedly. 

"You wanna come over here and test one?" Raven snapped. 

"Cute." Bellamy concluded sarcastically. "I need this entire section mined by morning. Then we finish the south field." He preordained.

"Hey, you promised me!" Allaia hissed frantically, abruptly getting up to face him with wrath ignited in her golden irises. Bellamy's eyes flickered to her features contorted in distress in a trivial remorse, soon to be replaced with icy cast burning with coldness. 

He didn't care as long as she was safe.

"Yeah, I told you we're going after Finn, Clarke and Monty in the morning." Raven aligned herself with Allaia, staring at Bellamy with spite.

"And I told you." Bellamy barked in return. "Nobody leaves this camp."

"We can't just leave them out there!" Allaia argued shakily, trailing behind him as he began to walk away. 

"We don't abandon our people." Raven added firmly. "You wanna lead them? Show them you give a damn."

"Finn is my brother." Allaia protested with fierce, slamming her fist against his chest. "I won't let anything happen to him. You're insane if you think I'm just gonna obediently listen to your bullshit like some little bitch." She sneered, glaring at him with pure ire alight in her riled eyes.

   Like a crack of thunder spliting heavens apart, a gunshot resonated into the air. The abrupt noise startled Allaia who vaguely looked around in panic, convinced that they were under a hostile attack. Allaia exhaled in solace when she realized that it was simply a boy who pulled the trigger on accident. 

"Hey!" Bellamy furiously marched towards him. "What the hell is the matter with you?!" He shouted at Sterling who was fearfully fumbling with his rifle, his eyes wide within the unease.

"Sorry man, I fell asleep." Sterling explained weakly. "I've been on watch all day."

Roughly, Bellamy grabbed Sterling by his collar and shoved him against the guard post. "We've all been on watch all day!" He yelled, an incoherent madness shimmering in his astir glimpse. "That bullet was one less dead Grounder!"

"Bell, you're scaring people." Octavia spoke up softly, seeing that his intense outburst was frightening the teenagers, immediately gaining his attention. 

"They should be scared!" Bellamy retorted darkly, releasing Sterling from his aggressive hold and turning towards the agitated crowd. "The bomb on the bridge bought us some time to prepare, but that time is up. The Grounders are out there right now waiting for us to leave and picking us off one by one when we do!" He claimed loudly. "Clarke, Finn and Monty are gone. Probably dead. And if you wanna be next, I can't stop you. But no guns are leaving this camp! This camp, is the only thing keeping us alive!" 

   Bellamy's confidence faltered when his eyes collided with Allaia's watery cast, as she stared at him with her dark eyelashes brim with silvery tears, havening pure vulnerability emanating from her eyes. 

"Get back to work!" He demanded harshly, waving at them dismissively. 

Everyone complied, but the sinister echo of his words somberly reverberated in their minds. 


"NICE SPEECH, ASSHOLE." Allaia snorted with irony in her rude tone as she stormed into the drop ship, only to find Bellamy leaning over the strategy board in reverie. He was moving the ponds, considering various possible scenarios for the best blueprint that would ensure their victory.

Bellamy glanced at her hazily."Look, Allaiaโ€”" 

"No, you're gonna listen to me now. Your little stunt is over." She stated bluntly. "I get it. You're a leader. But, that doesn't mean you get to whine when someone makes a mistake. You've literally just crashed all their hopes. You're scaring them, and trust me, you don't wanna fight against fear, because you will lose."

"We're at war, we can't justโ€”"

"There are no weapons without soldiers. And fear will eat yours alive." Allaia reminded him explicitly. "Anyway, I'm not just gonna pretend that my brother, Clarke, and Monty aren't missing. I'm leaving at first light. Don't worry, I won't steal your precious guns." She taunted mockingly.

"You're not going anywhere." Bellamy informed her sternly. "You'll die if you go out there and there is no fucking way I'm letting that happen, angel."

Allaia sent him a fake smile. "Careful, Bellamy. Try to stop me and I'll give you hell. This little angel will fall and turn into a devil."

"Oh, sweetheart, you're adorable." Bellamy chuckled, watching her in amusement. "I'm gonna be your personal bodyguard if you try to escape." He warned strictly.

"Don't underestimate me." Allaia rolled her eyes in irritation. "Besides, you literally told everyone that if they want, they're allowed to leave, so don't be a hypocrite." 

"Actually, that part didn't apply to you, love." Bellamy concurred firmly.

Allaia blinked a few times rapidly, trying to digest the absurdity of his words. "You are in no position to order me around, Bellamy. I'll do whatever the hell I want." She growled angrily.

"I know, Allaia." Bellamy sighed in retreat. "I just want to protect you. I feel like I'm going insane when I know you're not safe. We're in danger all the time. I justโ€” I can't lose you." He whispered.

Allaia's indifferent attitude faltered, but she pretended to remain unbothered, yet deep inside his words severely stirred with her emotions. "I'm still going out there, Bellamy. It doesn't matter what you say. I won't change my decision." She warned. 

"I hate our new dynamics, love." Bellamy muttered, wrapping his arms around her waist in a futile attempt to alleviate the cinders of ire in her irises.

"There is no us." Allaia hissed, shrugging his hands off. 

Bellamy frowned, his smooth facade tumbling to ash and dust in pure panic. "What? Why? Look, maybe we can talk about thisโ€”"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Allaia sneered. "You're actually gonna play dumb? Quit it, Bellamy. You know, at least you could've had the decency to tell me to my face that you are not interested in me anymore. You made me feel like a fool for caring." Her voice unraveled within the scathe, crumbling.

"What the are you talking about, baby?" Bellamy inquired, seeming genuinely confused. 

"Unbelievable." Allaia scoffed with the incredulity, crossing her arms over her chest in distrust.

Before Bellamy could say anything else, Jasper walked into the drop ship, glaring at him resentfully.

"Don't you think I want to go after them too?" Bellamy snapped exasperatedly. 

"If it was you out there, you think Monty, Clarke or Finn would hide behin these walls?" Jasper scowled accusingly.

"No. They'd go after me. Then they'd be dead too." Bellamy replied, nervously pacing in front of Jasper. "I am doing what I think is right for the group."

"Are you seeing what I'm dealing with, Jasp?" Allaia muttered with aggravation. "Exactly, Bellamy. You're doing what you think it's right. You really should listen to other people sometimes. It could have a positive impact on your despotic ass."

"It's funny you didn't think that way when Octavia and Alle went missing." Jasper huffed scathingly at Bellamy.

"Where are you going?" Bellamy demanded gruffly, glancing at him in consternation.

"More gunpowder for your minefield, sir." Jasper saluted mockingly with blank expression written on his face as he climbed up the ladder to the upper level. 

   Shards of untold confessions quavered in the air as Bellamy and Allaia were left alone. Once again, the eerie silence hovered between them like a ghost, haunting their thoughts veiled within a sense of desolation. 

"Water." Myles croaked in a feeble tone. "Water. Please."

Allaia glanced at the empty dispenser with a heavy sigh. "Can you please get him some?" She asked quietly, gazing at Bellamy with fatigue. 

"Sure, angel." He said and quickly left the drop ship.

"Look, Myles, I'm gonna go and check on Jasper. If you need anything, just shout." Allaia instructed softly and he nodded faintly in response.

Allaia ascended up the ladder to the highest floor, politely knocking on the hatch before entering. "Hey, Jasper, can I come in?"

"Whatever." He mumbled indifferently.

   Allaia mounted the rungs all the way up to the hatch and opened it with a low grunt. Jasper worked in darkness, only a dim source of meager light was illuminating the room. He was holding a tin metal can with the inscription written in capital letters "GUNPOWDER. THIS CRAP WILL BLOW YOUR DAMN FACE OFF ".

"Are you okay, Jasper?" Allaia asked gently, staring at him with concern.

"Amazing." Jasper replied snappily. "It's justโ€” My best friend is out there, all alone, and we're doing absolutely nothing about it, because Bellamy is a selfish dick."

"Look, Jasper, I'm so sorry." Allaia apologized in a trembling voice, looking at him with remorse. "It's my fault. I got distracted and then Monty was just... gone and Iโ€”"

"Hey, don't blame yourself, Alle." Jasper pulled her into his embrace, hugging her tightly. He placed a featherlight kiss on her temple. "It could happen to anyone."

"I'm so happy you're not mad at me for this." She sighed in solace. 

"I would never." Jasper ruffled her hair. "You're literally the nicest person I've ever met." 

"Thanks, Jasper, you're so sweet." Allaia chuckled with glints of amusement shining in her eyes. "Okay, come on, you gotta leave this creepy room or you're gonna get depressed. Let's go and check on Myles." Jasper and Allaia descended down the ladder, rung by rung, airily chattering about insignificant topics. 

   Both of them froze rapidly as they noticed Murphy standing next to Myles with a plastic bag in his hands. Allaia let out an acquiver breath, as the bitter clarity unveiled her thoughts in a somber realization, seeing Myles' head tilted unwittingly to the side.

He killed him. 

"He stopped breathing." Murphy cited on a pathetic excuse. "I was justโ€” I was just trying to help him. You're a doctor, Kane, you know he wouldn't survive this anyway."

Jasper and Allaia shared uneasy casts as they climbed the ladder all the way down. 

"Yeah." Allaia lied tensely, burying the sense of loss underneath her focused expression.

   She beguilingly validated his version in awareness that fanning the blazes of rage afire in his glare would only provoke Murphy even more. He was like an untamed animal, impelled by primitive urges and craving his vengeance like a predator hunting its prey.

   Subtly, Allaia nudged Jasper and motioned at the gun on the table nearby. Jasper immediately understood her wordless indication, rushing towards it as Murphy sprinted against him in a nerve-wracking battle, eventually reaching it first. Murphy reloaded the rifle and pointed it at them threateningly.

"Murphy, just put the gun down." Allaia whispered softly, raising her hands in the act of surrender. 

"He tried to kill me." Murphy protested, looking down at Myles as his harsh tone laced within pain.

Jasper took advantage of his distraction, briefly stepping backwards.

"Hey, don't move!" Murphy yelled furiously, aiming his gun at Jasper.

"Okay. Okay." Jasper complied, holding his arms in defeat. "It's cool."

"No, it's not." Murphy hissed, a sadistic smirk dancing across his lips. "You know what will happen to me if you tell Bellamy."

"Tell Bellamy what? " Bellamy asked through the radio from Jasper's pocket. 

   Waves of absolute solace washed over Allaia like a sedative current of the sea at the sound of his masculine voice, allaying her shattered nerves like lullaby. All her unsettled emotions and the aura of betrayal poisoning her heart were instantly subdued, almost altering into oblivion within the shadow of danger. Beyond the surface, Allaia felt an indescribable amount of relief, melting the icy crystals freezing her senses due to the peril surrounding her. His voice awakened an unknown bravery inside her as the adrenaline surged through her veins, momentarily taming her implicit fear. 

Jasper cursed under his breath, glancing at the outline of the radio salient from his pocket.

"Give me the radio, Jasper." Murphy snarled viciously, his knuckles turning white as he tightened his grip on the weapon out of ire.

Slowly, Jasper pulled out the device, and in a rapid movement, he brought it to his lips. "Murphy has a gun. He killed Mylesโ€”"

"Shut the hell up!" Murphy yelled in rage, frantically knocking Jasper to the floor with the stock of his rifle, punching .

   Allaia's eyes widened in pure terror. Recklessly, she lunged herself at Murphy, trying to tackle him onto the ground, but he fiercely slammed the gun against her abdomen, just below her rib cage. Allaia fell to the floor with a loud cry, instinctively curling into a ball and clutching her stomach in acute pain. Taking several uneven breaths, she cast Murphy a glare ridden with hatred. 

"Murphy, what the hell are you doing? " Bellamy demanded harshly.

   Murphy pulled the lever, abscising them from the world outside. Powerlessly, Jasper and Allaia watched as the metal ramp unrelentingly sealed their only hope for escaping, immuring them inside with the vindictive murderer. 

"Murphy! Murphy! " Bellamy roared from the exterior. "Open the damn door! 

"You try to be a hero, Jasper and Allaia die!" Murphy shouted in response, until the door ultimately closed with a loud thud. 

Leaving Jasper and Allaia at his mercy. 


   LOST IN THE noesis of time, and Allaia was beyond frantic. A quake of fright was in the ascendance of her senses, but no matter what, she wouldn't expose her essential fears, not willing to grant Murphy with satisfaction of her suffering. At least he had the decency to allow her to sit in a chair, but the lower part of her body was extremely sore, it ached terribly due to the wooden backrest and lack of movement. Her legs and wrists were bound with red seatbelts, the ropes pinning into her skin painfully and gradually decelerating the circulation of blood in her numb hands. Her breathing was frayed and uneven, the gag in her mouth precluded the oxygen from gaining to her lungs. Murphy was certainly reveling in her misery โ€” Allaia saw how her whimpers of pain amused him as he tugged on restraints, making them unbearably tight. 

   Neither of them had slept that night. Allaia's attention was focused solely on Jasper whose swollen eyes were brimming heavy with tears and fright. He was gagged as well and tied to the pipes above, his eyes bereaved in the utmost anxiety of losing his life. 

"Murphy!" Octavia's enraged voice resonated from outside. "If you even touch Allaia or Jasper, I swear to God, you're dead!"

"Murphy. I know you can hear me." Bellamy's voice crackled through the radio. "All our ammo and food is in the middle level. You know that. You're leaving us vulnerable to an attack. I can't let that happen."

"Yeah, in case you haven't noticed, you're not exactly in control right now." Murphy sneered mockingly, covering Myles' corpse with a sheet. 

"Come on, Murphy, you don't wanna hurt Allaia or Jasper, you want to hurt me." Bellamy said bluntly. "So, what do you say? How about you trade them for me? "

"No, no." Allaia mumbled shakily into the fabric with widened eyes, rapidly struggling against her restraints to the degree where the ropes almost cut her sensitive skin.

   Allaia paled as silvers of tears brittled underneath the spheres of her golden eyes, streaming down her cheeks. The possibility of Bellamy getting hurt stirred with her sanity, engulfing her in a sense of the highest fear like a gasoline setting her soul in flames. Her intuition urged her not to let Bellamy barge in here; a disquieting feeling rose in her mind in a visceral aura of pristine anxiety. At that moment, nothing else mattered. Allaia didn't care if Bellamy had slept with Raven. She just needed Bellamy to be safe, abeigh from Murphy who sought his revenge like a drug, intoxicated by addiction. 

"I don't think angel likes your idea." Murphy hummed with a sly chuckle.

"All you have to do is let them go, and I'll take their places." Bellamy said stiffly. 

Murphy smirked at the desperation audible in Bellamy's tense voice, lifting the walkie towards his mouth. "How?"

"Simple." Bellamy replied after a while. "You open the door, I walk in, they walk

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