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"but instead she has a court date "

WE rushed in to find the team huddled around Geno in a large circle on the court, nervous energy filling the room.  Everyone glanced up as we made our way into the group, and the coach sighed, rubbing his forehead with his hands tiredly.

  "What happened?" Paige whispered to KK, who just shrugged with the same confused expression we were all wearing.

  "Girls," Geno started, sounding disappointed and exhausted.  "You all have driver's licenses, yeah?"

  "Yes, Coach," was repeated throughout the gym, bouncing off the walls as we shifted uncomfortably under the tense atmosphere.

  "One of our teammates - I won't name names - has been...taken into custody for driving under the influence on campus," the man explained somberly, and multiple people in the crowd exclaimed loudly, including Paige.  "Woah, woah.  I need you guys to listen, okay?  She has been removed immediately from the team.  But the administration will also be putting an alcohol ban on campus for the foreseeable future."

  More people began to complain after Geno finished his explanation, and the group fell into frustrated chatter.  I shared a wary look with Nika, who looked just as alert as I felt internally.  A DUI was not something to brush past, and it was a serious matter if one of our own students and teammates was arrested for such an action.  This could completely change how the team could proceed through the season and also how the admin will run the school.

  "Now, rest assured, this season will not be affected."  Geno had to raise his voice in order to be heard over all of the talking.  "But we must be careful.  Admin will be on our backs, on your backs, for a while.  It's best if we follow what they are asking us to do, and let it blow over."

  A flurry of, "Yes, sir" followed as we were excused.  I approached Geno after a moment, walking up hesitantly as the man stifled a yawn, a deep frown engraved on his face.  "Sir?"

  "Aspen.  How are you?" He asked, offering a warm smile - something I was surprised he could muster.

  "I'm alright, sir.  I was just wondering if there is anything I could do for you," I offered, feeling a pair of eyes on me.  I glanced over my shoulder briefly to see that Paige was the only one still in the large gym, watching me with an unreadable expression.

  "I'm fine, really.  I just...never thought this could happen," he admitted, chuckling softly.  "But don't worry about me, okay?  I just want to make sure the girls are healthy and safe and to have a good season.  Thank you, though, Aspen."

  "Of course.  Have a good night, Coach," I stated, and he patted me on the back warmly before I turned away.  Paige watched as I approached, falling by my side as we walked out of the gym.

  "Nika's going back with Azzi, so I'll drive us back," she said simply, twirling the ring of keys around her pointer finger as she pushed open the glass door.  "Crazy that the girl got a DUI."

  I nodded, sliding into the passenger seat and shutting the door as Paige rounded the vehicle, hopping behind the wheel as she continued, "We'll know by the end of the week, though.  Someone's gonna be missing from practice."

  "Are you going to tell anyone?" I asked, earning a confused look as Paige pulled away from the gym.  "Like, drop the name when you figure it out?"

  "I mean, word will spread.  No harm in just confirming it, you know what I mean?" The blonde responded, shrugging.  "Why?  Too much of a goody-two-shoes to spread rumors, princess?"

  I ignored the nickname, for once in my life, and instead said, "I just think that the girl has already gotten a ton of shit for doing it.  I don't think she would want to receive attention from basically the entire school if the rumor spreads."

  "It's not like she'll be bullied or anything," Paige replied.

  "No, but nobody will pat her on the back and say 'good job' or anything.  All I'm saying is that it probably sucks to have rumors about you spread around, especially among your classmates."  I sighed, glancing out the window.  "Why would you help do it to someone else?"

  We sat in silence for the rest of the car ride, only exchanging a brief goodbye at our apartment doors before entering our respective rooms.  I pulled off the jacket I was wearing, throwing it on the couch as I locked the door behind me.

  My phone buzzed, and I looked down to see a series of texts from Nika.

  the girl's name was ashley
  she was good too

that sucks dude
kicked for a dui

  can i be honest

  it's kinda a stupid way to get kicked
  she could've called someone to pick her up
  and not driven

  but instead she has a court date
i just don't want her name to be leaked

  yeah i agree
  like nobody wants that kind of attention

i did not think that was what geno was calling us for



  The name was leaked, but only after the news article had dropped a couple of weeks later.  The girls couldn't hide the situation entirely but refused to name the person in question, and I never heard anything about Paige talking about it to anyone.

  Eventually, Ashley's name was put out there after some news outlet did some digging.  I saw it dashed across the internet the next day, the article being reposted and reporters had filled the school's emails with requests for comments.  I felt bad for the girl, whose one bad decision destroyed her spot on the roster and normal life on campus.

  Ashley ended up transferring to a school in California over the winter break.

  The DUI was a bad look for the school, and even more so for the team.  The season was beginning soon and spirits were off and the environment was tense after the situation, which didn't blow over like Geno had said it would.

  Paige and I had gotten back into our bickering, which actually was a relief to me.  At least some things hadn't changed around here.  I had begun to go for runs in the morning, something I couldn't image myself ever doing in July, but it actually helped clear my head. 

  Though I didn't run all that fast and it was more so to give my mind time to process the shit storm that surrounded the college than to exercise, I found it actually quite helpful.  I know, Frankie found it hard to believe too.

  "Aspen Adams, running?" The redhead had exclaimed from her dorm room, cackling at the idea as I rolled my eyes.  "You were the one that played volleyball in high school because it required the least amount of running."

  "Soccer just has way too much running, bitch!"  I defended.  "Plus, I could also spike a ball pretty well."

  "I'm playing with you, Pen.  You were actually decent."

  "Gee, thanks, Franklin."

  We eventually hung up after I made an early dinner.  I washed the dirty dishes before grabbing the trash bag in my kitchen, tying the bright orange strings together before hauling it to my door.  I unlocked it and walked out just in time to see KK and Paige drinking a familiar liquid as they walked outside of their own apartment.

  We all froze in place, and KK was quick to hide the beer bottle behind her back.  "Hey, Aspen," she greeted, drawing out my name with a blinding smile.  "How's it going?"

  I looked in between the two girls, shock written on my face.  "Dude!" I finally exclaimed, and Paige groaned.  "You can't be walking around drinking that shit in public!"

  "Bro, you can't say shit!" KK stated, voice rising in fear.  "We're fucked if you do!"

  "Why would you think of drinking that outside?" I asked.  "Drink it inside for all I care but why bring it outside?"

  "We were gonna throw the bottles out in the bins!" Paige explained, nervous energy bouncing around chaotically.  "Aspen, please, don't say anything."

  "It was the last ones too!  We were polishing them off so if the cops raid the place, we wouldn't have any," KK added.  "Seriously, on God.  On my mama, we were just tryna get rid of it."

  I looked around as if there could be someone that was overhearing our conversation.  "Come on, hurry up and throw it away before anyone sees you," I ordered, holding the bag of trash at my side as we all descended the stairs quickly.  "And I swear to god if you are lying to me right now-"


  "We swear on fucking Jesus, Aspen," KK promised, clasping her hands together.

  "On fucking Jesus," Paige repeated, nodding as we made it to the colored bins.  As we opened up the blue recycling bin, we shared an alarmed look when it was empty.  "Shit!"

  "Look, throw them in then go upstairs and grab the recycling from in my room," I stated, giving the blonde the key.  "There should be some bottles that'll cover it up."

  Paige took the keys before sprinting up the staircase.  KK opened the trash bin and I tossed my bag in before she shut it on top.  "Holy shit, this is wild," the girl said with a grin, and I couldn't hold back my laughter.  "Thanks, Aspen, actually.  You're saving our asses right now."

  "Yeah, well, I know the drill."


  "My first year.  My roommate and I had to get rid of half a bottle of tequila somehow.  Invited some neighbors and stocked up on painkillers."

  "Yo, what the fuck?  You never told me you were like that," KK teased, dapping me up.  "That's actually wild, though."

  Paige came stumbling back with a paper bag, the sound of glass bottles colliding with one another ringing softly through the air.  She dumped them all into the bin, watching as my empty plastic water bottles and soda cans hid the beer bottles at the bottom.

  "Holy shit, we are in the clear, dog!"  KK exclaimed, cheering loudly before immediately being shushed by me and Paige.  "Sorry."

  "Thank god for the princess," Paige stated, grinning widely at me. I scoffed but offered a smile in return.

  "We ain't going to jail!"  KK cheered as we made our way back upstairs.

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