I sighed as I walked out of the dance studio after another fight with my girlfriend Star we just fight over the most smallest things.
I groaned as I looked to the side into one of the other dance studio as I seen the other hip hop dance class as I seen a girl in there as she was practicing dance moves
She looked at seen me as she threw me a smile and lightly waved as I waved back with a smile I just had to admit that she was just beautiful as she just continued to practice as she would look at me and smile
|Next day|
I was in class with Star as we were dancing close as I looked up to see my friend and instructor Lorenzo bring in the girl I seen yesterday
"Hey everyone we got Someone new in the class her name is Y/n"He said as she looked at me with a smile as I smiled back at her as Star pulls be back
"What the hell was that about?!"She said
"It's nothing stop worrying"I said to her
|1 month later|
Y/n and I were practicing a dance as we were really close as she finished off the dance as she twirled in my arms as we were close as I was about to kiss her until we heard Star
"Wow"She said as a tear rolled down her cheek as she shook her head leaving out as I went after her
"Baby listen it's not what it looks like"I said as I held her arm as she pulled away
"I don't want to hear it Zion you were going to kiss her and she sure as hell was going to kiss her back why don't you just tell me you don't want me anymore instead of just hurting me"She said full on crying
"I do want you I don't like her at all I have no feelings for her whatsoever she means nothing to me we were just caught up in dance"I said as she sniffled coming over to me
"You mean it?"She asked
"Yes baby I mean it"I said as I engulfed her in a hug
There I looked up to see Y/n with her bag as she shook her head walking off as I sighed as I held Star.
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