I smile as I come home from work and fix my hair and tie let's just say I had an exciting day at work. I clean myself up a bit before going inside and seeing my wife Kiel cooking as I come behind her and kiss her neck.
"Welcome home baby"She said with a smile as she turned to me
"So how was your day?"She said
"It was alright but it's even better now that I'm home with you"I said with a smirk
"How about I make today even better?"She said giggling as she bit her lip
"Not right now beautiful I'm worn out"I said with a grin
Truth was I was worn out, work sure knows how to drain someone out. Especially In the break room.
"Aww Alright now go sit I'm almost finished with dinner"She said and kissed me as I smiled
|Later that Night|
I was sitting in my office as I seen Kiel Peak in with a smile
"Hey baby you coming to bed?"She asked with a slight grin
"No not yet beautiful I need to finish this work by tomorrow I'm so sorry"I said with a pitiful grin
"It's Alright I understand goodnight baby"She said with a grin
"Goodnight"I said back to her
|2 Hours Later|
I'm in the car because of this weakness I have. This weakness that gets to me everyday that almost never leaves my mind. I finally pull up to the place as I get out and there it is my weakness dressed and ready.
My beautiful weakness...Y/n
The real reason why I always come home drained and tired. Work couldn't be easier, she's the only thing that makes it hard.
I walked over to her as her brown skin glistened in the moonlight and her eyes shined as her body was beautiful.
I smiled and picked her up as she giggled
"What took so long?"She said as she licked her lips as I watched them as I took her inside closing the door
"All that matters is I'm here now"I said before I started kissing her everything fit like a puzzle piece our lips, and our body's especially our bodies
I loved hearing her whines and when her breath would hitch and the way my name would dance off her tongue
I laid down in the bed with her both our bodies exhausted as I gripped and rubbed her thighs until I heard her peaceful and steady breathing
I looked down at her with a smile as she slept with me as I interlocked our fingers
"I love you so much" I whispered
Before I knew it my phone rung and I reached Out to grab it as it was grabbed from me
"Just ignore it and stay with me tonight, You never stay"She whispers looking up at me with her big puppy eyes as I just declined and turned it off as I nodded
"I would love to call you my wife"I said as she snuggled in my arms
"I would love it too"She said back as I grinned before closing my eyes to fall into my dreams
She was my weakness but I wanted her as my Everything.
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net