Continuation of Given Up
I was in the shower as I heard knocking on the door as I quickly turned off the water as I got my robe as the knocking was louder
"I'm coming!"I yelled
I opened the door and I seen Edwin
"Edwin what are you doing here?"I said
"I missed you so much, I was so wrong for everything I did to you"He said and hugged me as I pushed him off of me
"Edwin I'm done trying with you, I know you were wrong and sorry but you've hurt me so much and I'm so tired of it"I said feeling my throat burn
"Y/n..I love you and I'm not afraid to admit that I love you and I want you I've did you wrong so many times I've did the worst to you and I've played with your heart so much. I know I don't deserve to have you at all but please I promise if you just give me one chance that's all I ask. I'll treat you how you're supposed to be treated as my wife and my all and one and only"He said as tears streamed down his cheeks and mine
"Edwin I've given up on you, I've given up on my feelings for you they were genuine. I've given up on wanting you, I'm with Brandon and If you don't mind I have to go finish my shower and get ready for my date"I said as he grabbed me back
"No you're not because I haven't given up on you and I'm never going to, cancel with him"He said as I saw the fire and desire in his eyes
"No Edwin"I said pulling away
I seen him run to the table and grab my phone and unlocked it
"Edwin give me my phone"I said as I grabbed it from him just as he finished the text and sent it
I read it as it said I was canceling With him
"Why would you do that!"I said irritated as I pushed him back
He didn't say anything as he grabbed me kissing me as I wanted to pull back as I kept kissing him as he picked me up carrying me upstairs
He kicks the bedroom door open as he laid me on the bed and kissed my neck as I smiled
-Minutes later-
I scratched down his back as I would scream or moan out his name
"E-Edwin!"I moaned out as I wrapped my legs around him
"I love you ugh I love you so much"He moaned in my neck as he started kissing my neck
After I wondered after if I should forgive him and after a while I pondered about it then I ended up forgiving him.
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