- Earth Skills
Hope, Clarke, Wells, Murphy and Bellamy were all currently walking through the forest as they started making their way towards the river where Jasper was injured when Bellamy and Murphy walked ahead of Clarke, Hope and Wells as Bellamy took out his gun and waved around like it was a toy causing the auburn haired girl to roll her eyes in annoyance, "Hey, hold up. What's the rush? You don't survive a spear through the heart"
"Put the gun away, Bellamy." Wells demanded only for Murphy to push Wells away from Bellamy and taunted him, "Well, why don't you do something about it, huh?" Hope rolled her eyes as she turned around to face Bellamy and Murphy and informed them, "Jasper screamed when they moved him. If the spear struck his heart, he'd have died instantly. It doesn't mean we have time to waste" Hope turned around as she was about to continue walking when Bellamy grabbed her arm while Murphy grabbed ahold of Clarke, " As soon as you two take these wristbands off, we can go"
Hope glared at Bellamy with an irritated look on her face ripping her arm out of his grasp and harshly snapped, " Yeah, well guess what. I don't take orders from anyone. Especially you. Why are you so protestant on taking off everyone's wristband? What are you hiding?" Clarke glanced over at Hope and Bellamy before snatching her auntie from Murphy and firmly told them, "the only way the ark is gonna think that we're dead is if we're dead. Got it"
Bellamy had a smirk on his lips as he looked between the two girls, "Brave, Princesses" Hope rolled her eyes in annoyance once again when she caught sight of someone familiar walked over towards them, "Hey, why don't you find your own nickname? You call this a rescue party? Got to split up, cover more ground. Clarke come with me." Finn called out gesturing for the blonde girl to follow after him.
"Yeah, Thank you Finn. Just leave me alone with these three while I make sure they don't kill each other. Brilliant plan" Hope called out sarcastically folding her arms across her chest as Finn looked over at the auburn haired girl sending her a smirk before he continued walking away with Clarke, " this is going to be just great" Hope let out a sigh as she walked ahead of the three boys following after Clarke and Finn but went in the opposite direction as they did.
"What exactly happened at that river? Bellamy curiously questioned as he walked beside Hope who let out a sigh shooting him a look and resorted, "Bellamy, we've already told you everything that happened. Jasper crossed the river but before we could follow him he was speared by a grounder. I don't even know if he's still going to be out here. He had a whole day lead on us. He could be anywhere"
"Maybe because he can't physically run from what you told me about a grounder stabbing him with a spear" Bellamy stated before he glanced over at Wells who was watching Clarke and Finn from a distance, " guess we got more in common than what meets the eye, huh?" Wells shook his head in response sending him a glare and replied, " we have nothing in common!" The oldest Blake raised his eyebrows with a smirk on his lips, " No? We both came down here to protect someone we love. Your secret safe with me"
Hope glanced over her shoulder at Bellamy and Wells knowing that the chancellor son was in love with Clarke but she didn't feel the same way especially since she blames him for the death of her father. Hope didn't want to listen to them anymore and decided to walk ahead of the two of them to catch up with Finn and Clarke who was at a waterfall and had informed the group they had found fresh blood on some rocks and jaspers goggles.
"Hey, how do we know this is the right way?" Murphy questioned as he, Bellamy, Hope, Wells and Clarke followed after Finn who was tracking Jasper following the blood trail. "we don't Spacewalker thinks he's a tracker" Bellamy commented looking ahead at Finn who was in front of them all as Wells rolled his eyes in response and informed the group, " it's called cutting sign. Forth-year Earth skills. He's good"
Finn sighed with a look of annoyance as he tried to concentrate but found it hard to with the others making a comment every couple of moments, " you want to keep it down or should I paint a target on your backs?" Hope glanced around at everyone with a shrug and firmly stated, " we already have targets on our backs" Clarke frowned in confusion as she stared at her friend eyeing her closely and questioned, " what do you mean?"
"Isn't it obvious?" Hope questioned ignoring the curiously looks she was receiving from everyone, " we fell from the sky and landed in a place where these people saw us a threat. And because they don't understand what they saw apart from 100 teenagers on their land they will want to get rid of us. So the moment we stepped on Earth it put a target on all of us" Bellamy glanced at the auburn haired girl who was walking in front of him when Wells was the one to speak up, "She's right. These people see us a threat especially when they probably saw the dropship look at what they did to Jasper"
Finn wasn't really paying attention to the conversation that was happening as something had caught his eye as he saw crimson red blood on one of the branches only to look down to see to see blotches of blood on a rock as he crouched down beside it causing the rest of the group to share a look when the sound of a loud groan was heard from the distance, " what the hell was that?" Murphy inquired frantically as she looked around the trees and the bushes as it sounded like it was from somewhere close.
"Now would be a good time to take out that gun." Clarke glanced over at Bellamy over her shoulder before they continued walking forward towards where they could head Jasper groaning loudly in pain. The auburn haired girl gasped placing a hand against her mouth at the sight of Jasper who was tied up against a tree with ropes around his wrists, legs and torso as he had his eyes closed groaning in excruciating pain after being hit by a spear and dragged around the forest.
"Oh, my god. Jasper" Hope whispered to herself with a look of horror on her face at the sight. Clarke rushed forward without a second thought, " Clarke! No! It could be a trap!" Hope sighed as she followed after the blonde girl, " what the hell is this?" Bellamy questioned in surprise as he looked up at Jasper's body only for Clarke to gasp loudly as the ground disappeared from under her feet only for Hope to immediately grab ahold of her arm holding her up, " Oh, Crap! I got you" Hope whispered as she let out a heavy sigh.
Clarke let out a sigh of relief as she looked up at Hope, " pull her up" Finn yelled out grabbing ahold of Hope's waist to stop her from falling down as the others came to help pull Clarke up as the two girls fell on the ground. Hope turned her gaze onto Clarke with a concerned look seeing the way she was breathing heavily, " are you okay?" She questioned only for the blonde to pull her into a tight hug, " Yeah, thanks to you. Thank you, Hope"
Hope smiled slightly before Bellamy helped her onto her feet looking up at Jasper tied up on the tree, "we need to get him down" Clarke nodded her head in agreement as she also climbed up onto her feet standing beside Hope when Finn spoke up and told them, " I'll climb up there and cut the vines" Wells scoffed narrowing his eyes at Finn as it was clear he was jealous of how close Clarke and Finn had gotten since they arrived on the ground, "Yeah, yeah. I'm with you"
Finn shook his head glancing over at Wells from over his shoulder and demanded, " No. stay with Clarke and Hope. And keep and eye on him" he narrowed his eyes at Bellamy dangerous seeing how he made no move to help the two girls until the others did before turning his gaze over to Murphy, " You. Let's go" Clarke was looking at Jasper injured wound as Finn and Murphy climbed up the tree to release Jasper, "There's a poultice on his wound"
Wells frowned in confusion as he followed her gaze and quietly muttered, " medicine? Why would they save his life just to string him up as live bait?" Bellamy also looked up at Jasper body folding his arms across his chest and suggested, "Maybe what they're trying to catch likes its dinner to be breathing." Hope glanced from Jasper to Bellamy and corrected him, " maybe what they're trying to catch is us." Finn and Murphy continue to cut the ropes around Jasper as Finn narrowed his eyes at Murphy and harshly snapped, " hurry up, Murphy"
"Be careful" Clarke called out to the two boys in the tree when suddenly the sound of something growling was heard causing Hope to immediately turn around with a cautious look on her face glancing around her surroundings, " what the hell was that?" Murphy questioned only for Bellamy to shrug his shoulders with an anxious look on his face, "Grounders?"
Hope eyes widened in shock as she saw a black panther growling lowly from the distance with its eyes set on them, " definitely not a grounded" the panther let out a loud growl before running forward towards them, "Bellamy, gun!" Bellamy hand shot down to his waistband to get the gun only it wasn't there causing him to frown in confusion and fear as the animal was getting closer when over a sudden gunshots was fired through the air.
The Fairchild girl turned her head only for eyes to widened at the sight of Wells with a gun in his hands causing the panther to hide as they could all head shuffling as Wells stood protectively in front of the two girls with his gun raised in his hand before low rustles of leaves and branches was heard from the bushes behind Bellamy. A growl was heard once again as the panther jumped in the air about to attack Bellamy when Wells immediately shot it killing it before it could even attempt to kill Bellamy who eyes widened in shock as he didn't expect Wells to take the gun or even save his life as he let out a sigh of relief turning around to face him and commented, " Now she sees you"
Night had not long fallen when Hope, Clarke, Finn, Bellamy, Wells and Murphy had returned back to camp. Whist Finn and Wells were carrying jaspers unconscious body as Bellamy and Murphy was carrying the dead panther they had killed in a white tarp, "They're back!" One of the delinquent yelled out once he spotted the group who had left to get Jasper back.
Monty pushed his way through the crowd only for his face to drop at the sight of Jasper's lifeless body in Finn's and Wells arms, " is he..." he trailed off not able to say the words as he didn't want to think that his best friend is dead as he had known him ever since he was a kid. Hope had a sympathetic look on her face as she stepped forward squeezing his arm in attempt to comfort him, " He's alive. He's greatly wounded but we will do whatever it takes to make sure he's going to be okay"
"I need boiled water and strips of cloth for bandage" Clarke demanded as she glanced around at the delinquents when Bellamy and Murphy dropped the white tarp on the floor revealing the panther that they killed as the delinquents gasped in shock whispering to themselves, " who's hungry?" The delinquents cheered loudly and happily that they had brought back food as they haven't eaten since they arrived on earth.
Hope shook her head as she glanced around at everyone before turning on her heel walking into the dropship where Clarke was currently attending to Jasper bandaging his wound as Hope grabbed a wet cloth wiping away the dirt and blood that was on his face, " He's going to be okay, isn't he?" She questioned as she looked up at Clarke with a concerned look on her face.
"I didn't think anyone could survive a spear to the chest, but... he did" Clarke trailed off with a thoughtful look on her face with a small smile as she looked down as Jasper, "He's stable for now. I bandaged him up, stopped the bleeding..." Hope noticed the look on Clarke face causing her to her out a sigh and asked, " what is it? There's something you're not telling me" The blonde stayed silent for a couple of moments before she sighed in defeat and informed, " without medicine I don't know if he's going to survive"
Hope had an understanding look on her face as it was a miracle he survived the spear in the chest without proper medical care and just hoped that Jasper will pull through this, " He's strong. I believe he's going to be just fine" Finn suddenly walked over towards the two girls interrupting their conversation causing Hope to send them a small smile before she stood up making her way out of the dropship only for her eyes to widened in horror at the sight of the delinquents lined up next to the fire who were exchanging their wristbands for food causing her to push her way through the people as she narrowed her eyes at Bellamy and Murphy, " what the hell do you think you're doing?"
"You got something to say, princess?" Bellamy smirked as he looked down at the auburn haired beauty only for her to scoff in disbelief as she narrowed her eyes dangerously at him and responded, " Yeah, I actually do. You can't just take the wristbands off in exchange for food. It's inhuman" Bellamy laughed with an amused look on his face raising his brows and sarcastically asked, " and who's going to stop me? You?"
Hope clenched her jaw with a furious look on her face, " don't tempt me!" she grabbed his arm twisting it behind his back and pushing him against a tree, " what you're doing isn't right and you know it! You can't actually be suggesting for our people to take off their wristband for food. What the hell is wrong with you!" Hope pushed Bellamy away from her as she grabbed two sticks of meat with a smirk on her face turning around as numerous delinquents cheered out her name rushing forward to grab some food and there isn't anything that he or Murphy could do about it as Bellamy shook his head at the girl watching her walk away.
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