- Prayers
"Lexa, you can't take me to... to your village. You know what they do to traitors. Death by a thousand cuts and every single member from your clan will take a turn at stabbing you. I would never be able to forgive myself if something happened to you because of me" Hope groaned in pain making Lexa go faster on the horse, " don't worry about me. Just hang on, okay. Everything is going to be okay" Lexa rode through the gates of the village ignoring the confused looks she was receiving from her people who greeted her in her native tongue but they was also confused on why the brunette was with a sky person.
"Hold on, Hope. I'm coming. I'm coming" Lexa softly spoke as she climbed off the horse from behind the auburn haired girl taking Hope arm placing it around her neck as she picked up the girl who groaned in pain, " I got you. I got you. I got you" Lexa looked towards Indra who furrowed her brows watching the two girls noticing how concerned Lexa was for this one girl, " where is Amber?" Indra pointed in the direction where a blonde girl was speaking with someone, " she's over there"
Indra then noticed that the auburn haired girl had been shot by the blood leaking through her shirt watching as Lexa tightened her hold around Hope making her way over to the blonde girl, " Amber, she's been shot you got to help her" Lexa placed Hope on the floor who groaned in pain as Amber pulled up her shirt looking at her wound before she winced at the sight, " get her in there. Looks like they got you pretty good, didn't they?"
Lexa picked up Hope once again carrying her inside one of the tents, " put her up there on that table, right there" Amber told the brunette who gentle placed her on top of the table who cried out in pain gripping the edge of the table tightly, " I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Lexa whispered placing her hand on the auburn haired girl cheek kissing her forehead as she continues to whimper in pain closing her eyes, " stay with me. Stay with me. Tell me what to do, Amber"
"Let's have a look at this thing." Amber muttered to herself cutting open Hope shirt to get a better look at the wound, "what have we got here? Ah. Oh God" Lexa looked away from Hope and towards the blonde girl with a worried and concerned look on her face and questioned, " she's... she's gonna be okay, right?" Amber looked around the wound that was covered in blood before moving her gaze over to Lexa and informed, " that remains to be seen"
While Amber was looking over at the wound Hope had gone unconscious from loss of blood, " put some pressure on that wound, here" Lexa grabbed the clean cloth pressing it down on her wound as Amber grabbed the tools she needed to operate on the auburn haired girl before taking off the cloth that was pressed against the gunshot wound, " she's bleeding a little on the outside and she's bleeding a lot on the inside" Lexa frowned in confusion running her fingers through Hope's hair, " what does that mean?"
" it means I can go in. Now, when I do go in, she's gonna lose a lot of blood and it may kill her or it may not kill her. Point is I can't be held liable for this either way" Amber explained as she looked at Lexa as she noticed how she looks at the auburn haired girl and knew she had strong feelings for her and if anything happened to Hope she would kill everyone that was responsible including Amber if she couldn't save Hope's life. " you're not liable. Amber, save her. Please" Lexa pleaded with tears in her eyes as she looked down at Hope unconscious body as she could not loose Hope as she means everything to Lexa and without the auburn haired girl she would literally lose her mind.
Amber nodded her head as she grabbed the tools she needed to operate on the auburn haired girl to get the bullet out and to stop the bleeding. After the blonde women had stitched Hope up she left the tent leaving Lexa to sit alone by Hope's side hoping that she will wake up soon checking her pulse on her wrist and her neck but couldn't find one of her wrist, " Amber! Amber! Come here!" The blonde women frowned in confusion as she rushed inside the tent, " I can feel her pulse on her neck but not on her wrist"
Amber placed her fingers on her neck and her wrist to feel her pulse, " oh, shit" Lexa eyes widened as she shook her head frantically not knowing what to do, " what do you want me to do?" Amber shook her head slightly, " she's had to much medicine already more's is just going to kill her. She should be waking up" Hope's eyes slowly started to flutter open, " Lexa" she whispered making a smile appear on the brunette face as she placed her hand against her cheek, " Hey, Hope, it's me"
" Hey" Hope softly spoke frowning in confusion when she heard a women shouting in the background, " Lexa..." she croaks out moving Lexa gaze away from Amber who was looking for something and back towards Hope sending her an assured look and told her, "Hey, hey. You're okay" Hope weakly looks up at the brunette and told her, " I can't feel anything" Lexa could feel her heart beating rapidly against her chest shaking her head in response, "No, no, no, no, no. You're okay. It's okay. Just listen to me."
"If I don't make it..." Hope trailed off only for Lexa to cut her off, " Don't talk like that. You're gonna be fine. We're gonna leave here, and everything is going to be okay. I need you to stay with me, okay?" Hope breathing quickens as she blinks up at the brunette, " I love you, Lexa" before she could say it back Hope eyes fluttered close only for Lexa heart to drop as she called out for Amber who rushed over talking Lexa through how to do CPR but stopped her a couple of moments later, " what's wrong? What's going on? What are you doing? Help her!"
"She's just lost too much blood. I'm sorry, Lexa. I'll leave you with her" Lexa watched as Amber walked away but the brunette had a determined expression on her face refusing to give up and let the love of her life die as she continued doing CPR on Hope as tears pooled in her eyes as Hope continued to be unresponsive not moving a muscle, " Hey! Please don't die." Lexa cupped Hope face softly, " come on! Come on! Wake up! Hope, wake up!" Lexa clenched her jaw throwing the chair across the tent running her fingers through her hair looking down at Hope as she leaned next to her stroking her hair, " I love you"
Lexa placed her hand against her mouth in attempt to quiet her sobs but frowned when she felt Hope's fingers twitch slightly causing her to reach out to feel for her pulse before letting out a sigh of relief calling out Ambers name who also checked her pulse sending the brunette a small smile, " she must really love you" Lexa froze slightly at her words but didn't care as she didn't exactly hide her relationship with the girl as soon as she entered the camp everyone must of saw the way their commander cared for this one girl as she had been with others before but she had never felt this deep about someone before that was until she met Hope and was just thankful that she was alive and breathing.
Hope's eyes fluttered open groaning as she lifted her head before laying her head back down looking around her surroundings in confusion noticing that she was in an empty tent letting out a wince as she slowly climbed off the table she was on before making her way outside only to stumble on her feet, " Whoa, you should not be on your feet right now. You need to lie down" a blonde women spoke looking at the auburn haired girl who frown deepened as she looked at Amber remembering that this was the same girl Lexa brought her to when they first arrived at the village.
"How long was I out for?" Hope questioned not noticing that Lexa was walking towards to the two of them with a look of concern and worry on her face, " you've been unconscious for a couple of days" Lexa cupped Hope face with her hands looking over at her as she hasn't left the girls side since she went unconscious after surgery only leaving when it came to her people as a lot of her people where worried about the sky people especially since one of them had murdered innocent women, children and men in a village to find one of their own.
The grounders held a hate for the sky people but Lexa had claimed Hope making everyone know that Hope isn't to be touched and is off limits, " what about my people? Are they okay? I need to get back to them" Lexa shook her head in response rubbing her thumb against her cheek, " No, what you need is to rest. You just got shot. You won't be able to travel in this state you need to heal" Hope had a determined expression on her face, " I am fine. I'm going back and no one including you is going to stop me"
Lexa grabbed Hope's hands as she was about to say something when an unknown man approached her speaking in, " Heda em gou" ( Commander it's time) Hope eyes widened in shock as she looked between the man and Lexa, " wait, you're the commander?" Hope took a step back with a betrayed look on her face only for Lexa to reach forward in attempt to grab her hand only for Hope to move away as tears pooled in her eyes, " Oh, my god. All this time and you didn't say anything. You made me believe... you're just a liar everything that happened between us... none of it was real was it?"
"No, no, no, no" Lexa shook her head frantically as she cupped Hope face with her hands leaning her forehead against hers, " you have it all wrong. Come with me" grabbing her hand and pulling her into her tent only for Hope to snatch her hand out of her grip, " Don't touch me. You know everything makes perfect sense you were so closed off... you never opened up and now I know why. You knew who I was the very first time we met didn't you?"
Lexa nodded her head in confirmation but before she could say anything Hope cut her off, " Oh, my god. What the hell is wrong with you" Lexa let out a sigh as she moved closer to the auburn haired girl, " Yes I knew who you were when we first met and in the beginning I was using you for information but then the more I got to know you the more I started to fall for you" the auburn haired girl scoffed in disbelief glaring at the brunette, " like that makes it any better. You were going to kill me and my people without a second thought"
"Not you. I begged you to come with me but your too stubborn and wouldn't leave the others. I gave orders for my people to not cause you any harm. I'm sorry I lied to you but I didn't know how to tell you" Lexa softly spoke as she brushed a piece of Hope's hair behind her shoulder. " you could of told me the truth from the beginning, Lexa. I don't care that your a commander I fell in love with the girl who helped me when I got hurt, who taught me how to wield a blade and even when you knew your people wanted us dead you even helped me keep them alive"
Lexa smiled softly looking into her bright blue eyes, " I did it because I care for you. I wasn't the commander when I was with you I was just Lexa and despite everything you are the one person who I can be my true self around. You are my weakness which is why I can't let you leave, Hope" The auburn haired girl sighed heavily with a shake of her head, " Lexa, we've talked about this. I have to go back to camp I have to find out what happened to them. I heard a couple of your people talk about maunon"
Hope trailed off only to gasp when she felt Lexa cuff her to the bed as the auburn haired girl didn't even realise what she was up to as she was so caught up in her thoughts she didn't see Lexa guiding her towards the bed only to chain her against it, " I'm sorry. This is the only way I know you'll be safe until I get back. I love you, don't hate me" Hope eyes widened in shock as she pulled her hand trying to get free keeping her eyes on Lexa who walked out of her tent about to question two sky people her people have captured for information on the attack on the nearby village wincing as she heard Hope call out to her, " Lexa! Lexa! You can't leave me here like this! Lexa! Lexa!"
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