- Pilot
ππππ ππΌπππΎππππΏ ππΌπΏ spent the majority of her life in the Ark, she had a simple life with her family, she was one of privilege as her father was close friends with Jake Griffin and chancellor Jaha. Hope never knew her mother as she died giving birth to her but she saw Abby as a mother figure. Hope was her fathers pride and joy, she was insanely beautiful and many underestimated her for it as she was beyond smart and knew how to protect herself as her father had been training her ever since she was a child.
Hope knew how things worked on the ark, any simple crime you could commit you get arrested and floated when you turn eighteen. The auburn haired girl got arrested a few months ago when she was attacked by a guard she accidentally killed him but it was out of self defence but it didn't matter if she was innocent or not she was still imprisoned for it. Hope wasn't like most privileges who only cared about them about themselves she was kind, selfless, loyal and always puts others before herself.
When Hope's father died she was heartbroken, as he was the only parent figure she had and he died when he and Jake griffin threatened to expose the secrets on the Ark. she felt so alone but she found her family in her friends as it didn't matter who's blood was running though your veins it's about always being there and caring about each other in the good and bad times. Hope only really had one close friend and that was Beth as the two met when she was seven as had been inseparable ever since.
Some people thought that the two girls were together because of all how close they were but they were simply platonic as nothing like that happened they cared about one another and they acted more like siblings than best friends many people were envious of their relationship as nothing could ever come between the two girls and when Beth died she was consumed with grief because everyone that ends up close to her ends up leaving or dying and can't help but blame herself from her fathers and her best friend death.
Suddenly, the door to her cell opened causing Hope to look up from the drawing she was doing in her sketchbook that Kane had given her standing up from the floor with an confused expression on her face when two guards walked further into the room and called out, " prisoner 259, face the wall!" Amelia frowned shooting the two men a puzzled look before she walked across the room facing the wall and curiously questioned the two men, " what's going on? What is happening?"
"Be quiet! Hold out your right arm" one of the guards demanded only for Hope to glance over her shoulder to see one of guards taking out a wristband placing it around her wrist grabbing ahold of her arm pulling her out of the cell, " what is this? Oh, for the love of God, you're floating me aren't you?" The guards didn't respond causing the auburn haired girl to roll her eyes before she looked around her surroundings with a look of confusion and shock seeing teenagers being escorted out of their cells by guards.
"Move it!" The Guard pushed the girl forward who looked around seeing the same done with numerous of teenagers who are being escorted into the dropship but Hope wasn't stupid she knew that the ark was sending them all to the ground to reducing population to make more time for the rest of them as the only two people who knew about the ark dying is Clarke and herself as well as Abby and Jaha it is why her father died because they were about to reveal the truth to the people.
Hope let out a sigh as she looked around the dropship as numerous of teenagers were strapped into their seats chatting among themselves questioning what was happening, " Hey, are you okay?" A voice asked from beside her causing the auburn haired girl to turn her head only for her eyes to land on a dark haired girl who had a concerned look on her, " Yeah, I'm fine. This doesn't seem real"
The brunette sent her a small smile as she held her hand out, " I'm Octavia by the way" Hope sent her a smile of her own shaking her hand and introduced herself, " My name is Hope. It's nice to meet you giving the circumstances" Octavia couldn't help but chuckle at the beautiful auburn haired girl and admired her as she was the most beautiful girl she's ever seen and that's saying a lot since they're surrounded by 100 teenagers, " Do you have any idea what's going on? Where is this thing taking us?"
"Yeah, they're sending us to earth" Hope stated with a shrug of her shoulders as she looked over at Octavia who had a look of surprise on their furrowing her brows as she stared at the auburn haired girl, " wait? What? You're joking right?" Hope shook her head in response sending her a look but before she could say anything Jaha suddenly appeared on the screens in the dropship, "Prisoners of the ark, hear me now. You've been given a second chance and as your chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you but a chance for all of us - indeed for mankind itself."
"We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better we would have sent others. Frankly, we're sending you, because your crimes have made you expendable. If, however you do survive" Jaha continued speaking as one of the delinquents loudly called out, "Your dad's a dick, Wells!" Octavia and Hope shared an amused look before giggling quietly to themself as Jaha voice continued echoing throughout the drop ship, " then those crimes will be forgiven. Your records wiped clean. The drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last war, mount weather was a military base built within a mountain. It was to be stocked with enough non- perishables to sustain 300 people for up to two years. No one ever made it there..."
Hope rolled her eyes at Jaha words tuning him out as she glanced around the dropship only for her eyes to widened as she caught sight of someone floating around only to let out a laugh at the sight of Finn who was floating around without a care with his hands behind his head causing multiple delinquents to cheer him on loudly as he stared doing flips in the air, "Spacewalker bandit strikes again" someone called out causing a couple of the delinquents to cheer loudly egging him on as he floated over towards Clarke and Wells.
"Appreciate the passion but maybe you should exert some of it before you get yourself killed" Hope warned Finn who smirked in response turning his gaze over to Wells and sarcastically commented, " check it out. Your dad floated me after all" Wells narrowed his eyes at Finn clenching his jaw ignoring him and said, " You should strap in before the parachutes deploy" the two teenagers sat near Octavia and Hope unbuckled their seatbelts following after Finn only for Clarke to call out with a worried look on her face, " Hey, you two, stay put if you want to live"
Suddenly, the parachute deployed causing the drop ship to jolt Hope grabbed Octavia hand tightly in her own as Finn and the other two teenagers who had unbuckled their seatbelts went flying into the wall as an electric sparks abruptly went off as the dropship continued to shake violently causing everyone to scream out in horror when suddenly everything came to a stop, " Listen" Monty called out staying silent for a moment, " no machine hum"
Jasper looked around the dropship with an amazed expression on his face before turning back to face his friend and replied, " Whoa. That's the first" all the seatbelts unbuckled in simultaneously causing Hope to take her hand out of Octavia as she quickly removed the seatbelt when her eyes landed on Finn with an worried look on her face, "Finn! Oh, my god. Are you alright?" Finn removed his eyes from the dead body beside him wrapping his arms around the auburn haired girl who brought him into a tight hug making sure he was fine, "'Yeah, I'm okay. But there not"
Hope removed her arms around Finn turning around as her eyes landed on the two teenagers dead bodies, " it's not your fault, Finn. You didn't force them to get out of their seats that was their choice" Clarke rushed over to the two of them with a worried and concerned look on her face, " Hope! Finn! Are they breathing?" Finn shook his head with a guilty look on his face looking down at the ground when one of the delinquents called out, " The outer doors are on the lower level. Let's go!"
"No! We can't just just open the doors" Clarke yelled rushing over towards the ladder climbing down to the lower level. Hope glanced at Finn before letting out a sigh and following after the blonde only to have a look of confusion on her face at the sight of a guard standing in front of the main door trying to clam everyone down, " Hey, just back it up guys!" Hope scoffed in disbelief climbing down the rest of the ladder before pushing her way through the crowd towards the front where her eyes landed on a dark haired boy, " You're joking, right? You really think me or anyone else here is going to take orders from a guard of the Ark. Not a chance in hell!"
The guard turned his gaze onto the beautiful auburn haired girl causing his eyes to widened as he looked her up and down clearly checking her out but snapped out of it when she cleared her throat with raised brows shooting him a look only he turned around ignoring the girl placing his hand on the lever getting ready to open up the doors but Clarke stopped him as she pushed herself through the crowd standing beside Hope and yelled, " Stop! The air could be toxic"
"If the air is toxic, we're all dead, anyway" He spoke glancing between the two girls standing in front of him before turning back around going to pull the lever when a familiar voice called out, " Bellamy?" Hope turned around to see Octavia climbing down the ladder before pushing her way through the crowd as she had teary eyes looking up at Bellamy only for his eyes to soften at the sight of his sister, " My God, look how big you are"
Octavia had a large smile on her face before wrapping her arms around his neck bringing him into a tight hug before she pulled away letting out a relived sigh only to frown in confusion as she noticed what he was wearing a guards uniform, " what the hell are you wearing? A guards uniform?" Bellamy shrugged his shoulders casually looking down at his little sister and explained, " I borrowed it to get on the drop ship. Someone's got to keep an eye on you" Octavia let out a laugh wrapping her arms around her brother once again when Clarke watched the two siblings when something caught her eye and inquired, "where's your wristband?"
Octavia let go of Bellamy as she spun around shooting the blonde girl a harsh glare and snapped, " do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in a year" Hope eyes widened in shock as she stared between Octavia and Bellamy as she realised she had heard about the two of them on the ark when someone called out, "No one has a brother" Octavia rolled her eyes as she was about to say something only to be cut off by a girl who yelled out, " that's Octavia Blake. The girl they found hidden in the floor"
The brunette clenched her jaw as she was about to lunge at the girl only for her brother to hold her back holding onto her arms to prevent her from attacking the girl, " Octavia! Octavia! No. Let's give them something else to remember you by" Octavia ripped her arms out of his grasp turning around to face Bellamy with a look of annoyance on her face and questioned, " Yeah? Like what?" Bellamy stayed silent for a couple of moments smiling down at his sister and told her, "Like being the first person on the ground in a hundred years"
Bellamy turned around placing his hand on the lever pulling it down watching as the door opened, Hope shielded her eyes away from the light with her hand blinking a couple of times to adjust before a smile appeared on her face at the sight in front of her surrounded with bright green trees, the bright blue sky it was breathtaking something that seemed unreal as sure she had heard about it in her earth lessons but this is something she couldn't describe on what it felt like to be on the ground as it was completely different than the ark as all they knew was darkness.
Hope could feel the freeze flowing through her air and the warmth her skin felt as the sun shined down at them as Octavia slowly began walking down the ramp on the dropship jumping of the edge before throwing her arms up in the air and happily yelled, " we're back, bitches!" Hope couldn't help the laugh that escaped her lips as everyone excitedly began running out of the dropship.
The auburn haired girl jumped off the dropship spinning around with a large smile on her face as she admired her surroundings only to let out a surprised gasp when she felt someone grab her throwing her over their shoulder only to hear the familiar laughter of Finn who began running off with her only for her to hit his back, " Finn! What are you doing you maniac put me down!"
A couple of the delinquent laughed at the two of them as he approached Clarke who was looking down at the map before looking out towards a mountain in a distance, " why so serious, Princess?" Finn questioned placing Hope down on her feet only for her to place her hands on his chest shoving him away, " it's not like we died in a fiery explosion" Clarke kept her eyes on the mountain in the distance not even looking at Finn and snapped, " try telling that to the two guys who tried to follow you out of their seats"
"You don't like being called Princess, do you Princess?" Finn questioned with a smirk looking over at Clarke as Hope giggled shaking her head in amusement only for the blonde to shoot them both an annoyed look before he nodded her head towards the mountain in the distance, " do you see that peak over there?" She questioned as Hope followed her gaze nodding her head in confirmation, " mount weather. There's a radiation soaked forest between us and our next meal. They dropped us on the wrong damn mountain"
Hope snatched the map out of Clarke hands before walking away towards the dropship, Clarke and Finn shared a look before the blonde followed after Hope who laid the map down before drawing a line from where they're currently are and where Mount Weather is when Wells walked over towards the two girls keeping his eyes on Clarke and informed, "We got problems. The communication system is dead. I went to the roof. A dozen panels are missing. Heat fried the wires"
Hope looked down at the map before turning her gaze over to the two of them and said, " Like Clarke said, all that matters right now is getting to mount weather. See, look. This is us and this is where we need to get to if we want to survive" Clarke frowned with an confused look on her face as she stared at the auburn haired girl and questioned, " where'd you learn how to do that?" Hope let out a sigh as she folded her arms across her chest trying to hide how heartbroken she is, " My father"
Clarke had an understanding look on her face as she grabbed Hope hand knowing exactly how she was feeling as it wasn't just James that died it was her father as well thanks to Wells who had told his father what they had planned to do only they ended up getting executed before they could tell the people of the ark about it dying, " Ah, Cool, a map" Jasper walked over to the three of them with a grin on his lips, " they got a bar in this town? I'll buy you a beer"
Hope chuckled as she glanced at Jasper about to say something when Wells pushed him back slightly, " Do you mind?" Jasper scoffed trying to get out of his grip when Hope pushed Wells away from him standing protectively in front of Jasper, " what the hell is wrong with you!?" Jasper sent the auburn haired girl a thankful look when Murphy came walking over with a few of his lackeys glaring at Wells, " Hey, Hey, Hey, hands off of him. He's with us"
Wells raised his hands in the air in mock surrender as he glanced at Murphy, Jasper and Monty, " Relax. We're just trying to figure out where we are" Bellamy who was watching the encounter from afar walked over towards them with his sister and pointed out the obvious, " we're on the ground. Is that not good enough for you?" Wells glanced from Murphy to Bellamy and explained, " we need to find Mount Weather. You heard my father's message. That has to be our first priority"
"Screw your father" Octavia hissed as she looked between Wells, Clarke and Hope with an irritated look on her face, "What? You think you're in charge here? You and your little Princesses?" Hope raised her brows folding her arms across her chest as she looked at Octavia, " Do you think we actually care about who's in charge here?" Clarke nodded her head in agreement with Hope before she added in, "We need to get to mount weather not because the chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait the hungrier we'll get and the harder this will be. How long do you think we'll last without those supplies? We're looking at a 20 mile trek. Okay? So if we want to get there before dark, we need to leave. Now"
Everyone listened to Clarke words as they whispered among themselves clearly not agreeing with the blonde girl, " I got a better idea" Bellamy called out glancing between the three of them, "You three go. Find it for us. Let the privileged do the hard work for a change" Hope took a couple of steps forward towards Bellamy in disbelief, " you really think that the three of us will be able to get the supplies for all one hundred of us. You're actually insane, we'd have to get as much as we can and even then it won't be enough we need food and water or we'd be as good as dead. This will give us a chance to at least survive"
Hope couldn't feel everyone's eyes on her as she spoke as they listened to every word she said whispering among themselves as Wells looked around frantically and loudly exclaimed, "You're not listening. We all need to go" Murphy narrowed his eyes harshly at Wells pushing him forward slightly, " Look at this, everybody. The chancellor of Earth" Murphy joked as he walked around him standing in front of him causing the others to laugh in amusement.
" you think that's funny?" Wells questioned glaring at Murphy who shrugged his shoulders with a smirk on his lips before he swept his feet under Wells causing him to fall on the ground with a grunt hissing in pain as he sprained his ankle. " No, but that was." Murphy smirked only for Hope to kick him in the chest causing him to fall backwards onto the ground in front of Clarke, Monty and Jasper, " don't even think about. Doesn't exactly seem fair to me starting a fight with someone who's injured his leg"
Murphy growled as he stood back up about to charge at the auburn haired girl, " You crazy bitch!" Hope smiled in amusement not even the slightest bothered by him but before he could attack her Finn dropped down from the roof of the drop ship standing in front of Hope protectively, " Kid's got one leg and Hope could kick your ass without even trying. How about you wait until it's a fair fight" Murphy glared over at Hope over Finn shoulder as Octavia walked over with a flirtatious smile on her lips flirting with Finn, " Hey, Spacewalker. Rescue me, next"
Finn chuckled in amusement wrapping his arm around Hope shoulder dragging her
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