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Crux is a cross-shaped constellation in the South of the Milky Way. Like the star Polaris, it is often used for navigation. Some have also linked it the crucifixion of Christ.

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Draco was gone. He wasn't in Potions, and he hadn't been skulking down the halls either. Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy still showed up for meals, snickering amongst themselves in their usual spiteful, bullish way, but the atmosphere seemed off with Draco missing.

Today was the third day. There was no telling when or what time, or even how it was going to happen. Dread tore at her insides like a wild animal in a cage. In a daze, she glanced around at her peers in the classroom. Everyone was oblivious. It was just a normal day at Hogwarts. Dumbledore and Harry have been gone since yesterday, guards were down.

"Have you got the time?" she whispered to Susan beside her.

"Quarter to four. Why?"ย 

"Have you seen Draco?"

Hannah leaned over, eager not to be left out of the conversation. "Weren't you with him two nights ago?"

"I haven't seen him since. It's like he's just disappeared."

"Miss Dawson, Miss Abbott, Miss Bones. Is there something you'd like to share with all of us?"

They snapped back upright. Susan went red in the face, but Angel only stared at Professor McGonagall as the she droned on about the essay they were to write. Could she tell McGonagall, perhaps? No, the headmistress would definitely have asked her how she knew.

The sun's rays were fading when class was dismissed. Like after the previous five classes, she scanned the hallways for Draco, but there was no sign of the familiar blond head.

He had to be around in the castle somewhere. Her friends had started making their way back to the common room to water the plants before dinner. "You coming, Angel?" Susan called.

She shook her head. "I have to find Draco." She rushed off before they could ask more questions, pushing against the crowd of students streaming in the opposite direction.

He was not in the Great Hall, where students sat at the long empty seats, studying or playing chess. He was not in the library either, where she'd peered, shelf by shelf. And he was not at the Quidditch pitch, or the courtyard.

Her anxiety swelled, and she began to look in places she normally wouldn't have thought he'd be. The kitchens, the banks of the Black Lake, the animal pens near Hagrid's hut, the beginning of the path to Hogsmeade. She checked the Astronomy Tower, even if it was still daytime and there would have been no way someone did not see him enter.

Slowly, she came back to the castle, looking around corners and corridors for him, making sure to check the little nooks he'd sometimes sit in. No Draco.

Her feet finally hit the ground level, exhausted. The sun had now set and the hallways were virtually empty, everyone gorging themselves on dinner in the Great Hall. Time was running out. Maybe he wasn't even in the castle anymore.

Could he be in his room? Of course! Why hadn't she thought of that before? Without further deliberation, she hurried to the dungeons, trying her best to recall the way.

Yes, she knew these steps, the familiar bricks. Tracing her fingers along the wall, she found the right indentation. "Pureblood." To her relief, it split open. She took a moment to consider what she was doing. From where she stood, she could tell the common room was empty. It was now or never.


"Orion." She hoped he hadn't changed the password. The lock clinked open, and her eyes barely adjusted to the darkness before she found herself staring down a wand.

"Draco, it's me."

He lowered his arm, his sneer softening. "What are you doing here?"

"I haven't seen you in two days. I was worried. Have you been in here this whole time?"

"You shouldn't be here," he rasped. He lifted a silver flask to his lips and gulped, wiping his arm carelessly across his face. Then, finding his way to the large, looming window, he propped a forearm on the glass, staring listlessly out into the green water as if she were not there at all.

Angel unpinned her heavy robe and hung it on the coat hanger that stood near the door.

"Are you deaf, Dawson?" he growled, hostility rippling in his voice. "I said, you shouldn't be here."

She flinched at the sound of her last name. Only two days ago, he had confessed his undying love for her, and now he could not bear the sight of her. "Draco, talk to me, please. I can help."

"No one can help me. Not even you. You're just a stupid Hufflepuff." His slurred words pierced like daggers, and her throat began to sting. Slowly, she made her way towards him, keeping her tone level. "Draco, you're drunk. Please just... put that down for a minute and talk to me."

She reached for the flask, but he swung away. "I have nothing to say to you. All you ever do is talk and talk and talk. When will you learn to mind your own fucking business?"

He took another sloppy swig, and she had a proper look at him then. His hair was neatly combed but his suit was crumpled and untidy, his eyes bloodshot and hollow.

He paced around the room unsteadily, alternating between mumbling and drinking from the flask. She strained to make out the words. "I have to do it tonight.... Dumbledore... he has to die tonight."

"Dumbledore's not here, Draco." She was getting increasingly confused.

"No, but he will be. Soon. Madam... Madam Rosmerta... She's to tell me when he's back."

His steps were crisscrossing and he could barely hold himself upright. He would fall. She walked calmly towards him, trying not to gag at the stench of whiskey that oozed from his every pore.

"No. Get away from me!" He stumbled backwards onto the velvet window seat. "Draco..." she said, putting a hand on his back. "We can find a way out of this, okay? We can tell Dumbledore, or even Professor McGonagall. They'll protect us. Let's go right now."

"No!" he cried, trying to push her away. "No! You don't understand! He'll kill us- My- my mother!" He was clawed weakly at her, fighting to get out of her grasp. "You're so stupid! You have no idea what he's capable of!"

His breath started becoming shallow, and he collapsed into a sobbing mess, clutching at her in despair.

"Sshhh... ssshhh..." she cooed as she rubbed his back. Merlin, she thought as she looked down at him. For the first time, she had no idea what to say or do to make it better.



He was so drunk he could hardly see straight. The whiskey had done everything but drown out the profound and suffocating pain. It screamed in his chest, asphyxiating him with its invisible arms.

He was aware of the floor beneath his folded legs, but the room spun like a whirlpool. He clung to Angel's sweater, fearing he would be sucked into its vortex.

And then there was her intoxicating familiar floral scent. It was sweet and close. A sudden lurch of lust overcame him, and he yanked her down by the sleeves, smashing his mouth against hers.

For the split second their lips touched, everything felt alright with the world. And just as quickly as it had come, it shattered when she pulled away from him. "Draco!"

"What's the matter? Had enough of me?" he asked groggily.

"No! it's not that. Draco, you're completely off your face and-"

"You said you loved me."

"With all my heart," she said sincerely.

"Prove it."


"You said you love me. Prove it, then. Help me kill Dumbledore." The words were out of his mouth before his mind could even process them. His voice had not felt like his own.

The air around him grew cold as she let go and stood up, staring at him in complete and utter shock - much to his satisfaction.

He was saying anything, everything, to make her go away. She should not be here. She had to escape while she still could. She had to forget everything he had ever told her, forget him. He needed to hurt her, until she couldn't take it anymore, until she hated him. She needed to hate him.

He climbed back onto his feet and kicked the empty flask beside him across the floor. "That's what I thought. You're a liar, Dawson. A big, fat, bloody liar. And guess what, so am I!"

"What are you talking about?"

"You got played. All this time, you really thought I was in love with you? Me! Draco Malfoy, in love with a pathetic Hufflepuff? No." He forced out a harsh laugh. "No, it was because I felt sorry for you. Poor little orphan girl, crying over her dead mummy and daddy. You're just like Potter. It was truly pitiful."

He heard her draw a breath, but soldiered on. "You know, they got what they deserved. They were weak! Your mother was a filthy, dirty Mudblood who didn't deserve a place in the Ministry, and your dad was a bloody dolt who was stupid enough to marry her." There it was - the death blow.

"You don't really mean that," Angel whispered. His vision was blurry, but he could tell she was crying by the way her eyes shone in the semi-darkness. "You- you told me you loved me. I believed you..."

"Then believe me when I say this. I never loved you. Never have, and never will." Each word was a hammer to his already-broken heart.

She was sobbing now, and he forced himself not to run and hug her.

"Get the fuck out of my room, Dawson."

He fully expected her to leave. But instead, she started towards him again.

"No." Her voice was firm as she took his hand, her freezing fingers wrapping around his. "I'm not going to abandon you. I love you, Draco. Please, just let me help y-"

"I SAID GET OUT!" He summoned all his strength and pushed her. Like a ragdoll, she was thrown against the shelves, and everything came toppling down with a deafening crash.

She let out a small yelp of pain, and for just a moment, clarity settled in. He stared at the mess in horror. The glass had completely shattered, the books and little silver figurines scattered over the parquet. She lay in the broken shards, a crumpled flower amongst thorns.

Panic rose in his throat. He had not meant to do that.

"Angel... I'm so sorry, I-" He dropped to his knees, reaching for her. "S-sorry, I'm so sor-"

She pulled away as if his flesh was burning metal. She glared at him, but when their eyes connected, he only saw hurt and confusion, not anger.

The haziness was starting to set in again, and he looked at her, dumbfounded. She stood up, her body and palms notched with cuts. "Alright, Malfoy. I'll go." Her voice was devoid of the emotions present just minutes ago.

He watched helplessly as she stepped back through the door. A thick chill settled in the room as every drop of warmth followed her out. His insides were screaming, splitting apart like the ripping of parchment.

He cried in her absence, breathless and gasping like a newborn baby.

He did not know where she was going, but hopefully it was somewhere far away; somewhere safe, where no Death Eater can touch her.



This chapter hurt my heart ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’” It only gets sadder from here on out.

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