๐˜Š๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ฑ๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ : 9

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"God fucking damn it!" A young man roared from the shadows. The finely built man's sweat shimmered in the sunlight, as he was without a shirt. He wore baggy, black pants and a dark blue belt around his waist, keeping them up. Despite his charming physique and undercut, wavy grey hair, the most notable thing about the man was the large black tattoo of a snake that extended all around his chest. Slamming his fist onto the table, a young lady jumps several feet into the air with fright instilled into her body from her master's anger.

  The young maiden had straight, clean cut blonde hair that ended at her jawline. She wore fairly large, round glasses and was wearing a cloak over what seemed like a royal maid uniform.

  "How did information of us breaking into the palace leak out? Answer me now, Rena!" He yells with a raspy voice before his hands grab his face. He sighs heavily, appearing extremely frustrated as his hands slithered into his locks of hair.

  "I'm sorry sir, I really don't kno-" The blonde woman is cut off by the man kicking a neglected, wooden chair that broke apart upon impact, due to its ancient age.

  "That is bullshit! I'm tired of you vermin screwing up my plans. This is the reason why father refuses to hand the black snake organisation to me, you fool! Please, give me some good fucking news. Yippee kay yay, did you get any information?" He interrogates, his voice becoming more calm. He sits atop the map of Intuuin that was spread out across a large, square table.

  "I-I'm afraid not sir. They only let me start yesterday. However, I'm able to hear the emperor's daily schedule as I'm required to wait outside of his office in the morning in case anything needs cleaning or fixing as soon as possible. I'm a useless errand girl. I mean, how wise can those fools in the palace be if they are blind in the mind enough to put a new recruit right next to the emperor's office? Yet they say they're taking extra measures to ensure everybody's safety. If you-" The blonde woman is cut off once again by the man, filled with rage once again.

  "God's sake! I didn't ask for your opinion, now did I? Now, listen here." The man says, grabbing the collar of the woman's dark cloak and pulling her towards him, their face now several inches away. "If you can get me some information worth my time, I'll treat you to something lovely." He whispers to her, kissing her ear before dropping her away from him. Truly, the man seemed immensely like a playboy.

  "Eugene, I love you!" The woman exclaims all of a sudden as his back was turned to her. She called out his name, her heart pounding like mad from just that mere kiss on her ear alone, just the fact that their skin had brushed together was enough to send her going into hysteria for the man.

  "Rule number 65. Don't address me by my birth name." The man hisses, taking a gun out from the holster that rested on his belt, and clicking it before turning around and quickly shooting her straight between the eyes. Her eyes were wide as she fell onto her knees, the life and soul bleeding out of her.

  "I hope your twin sister can do better than you. Truly, you've disappointed me Rena." Eugene says, getting down on one knee and holding her chin. "My, your beauty. I nearly feel bad for what I've done. However, you knew fully well when you joined us that even if a minor rule is broken, you will face death." Eugene reminds here, a dark chuckle rolling off of his pink tongue before he pecks her lips and releases her chin, allowing her nearly lifeless body to collapse face forward onto the ground, drowning in a pool of blood as he exits through a rusty and ferrous metal door.

  "Clean up this mess. Make sure nobody knows she's gone. Not even that damn Vena. If she finds out, she won't be productive when it comes to her job." Eugene orders the buff man by the door before licking Rena's blood off of his lips. "Just her luck." He murmurs, advancing towards a silver, metal door. Two buff men stood either side of the door in an entirely, plain black uniform. One of them hold a black, silk dress shirt which Eugene slips out of the man's grip and around his body. Buttoning up the shirt, once he was finished, he nodded to the guards.

  They open the doors for Eugene, allowing him access to his father's office. His father sits there behind a large, metal desk on a cushioned and expensive leather chair. There wasn't anything too notable about the office, and things were fairly plain. A large window was behind the desk and the walls and floors were made of solid concrete, no decoration or flaunt of wealth added. Eugene's father wore a black suit and his eyes remained closed. Noticing his son's presence, Eugene's father opens his eyes. They were lifeless and merciless, so cold it was enough to give even Eugene shivers down his spine.

  "Any information on the vile emperor?" His father questions calmly, his voice as slick and hurtful as ice, even though it was his son he was speaking to.

    "Our unit has managed to infiltrate the palace undercover. Information will come shortly, as it has only been a day since they have been put to work. The emperor however has been able to catch ahold of our undercover attack, closing the rest of palace staff recruitment until further notice." Eugene states, bowing his head down, not daring to stare his father in the eye and taking a whole different type of behaviour from earlier.

  "Your mother would be disappointed at the rate of the progress you make with these plans. I have decided to hand over to you my own plan. Who could be in close contact with the emperor for a long period of time and easily poison him despite being a new recruit?" His father asks quizzically.

  "Father, there is nobody that comes to mind other than the chefs, however they are not new recruits." Eugene states clearly and as confident as he can, his head still bowed down to his father. The black gloves covering the young man's hands were still stained with the newly blood, still light in colour, signalling that it was still oxygenated and fresh.

  "You fool, have you not been inspecting every new recruit? About a month ago, the emperor held a competition in order to select his new royal tailor. A young woman named [Name] [Last Name] won, and has been courting to his tailoring needs ever since. Now, I need you to find a way to either get a hold of the outfits she makes for the emperor in order to poison the clothing with a slow acting virus without anybody suspecting a thing, or to lure her into joining the black snake group so she can do it herself." His father says, hatching a malicious plan for his son to carry out.

  "If you can succeed at this, it might influence me to think about stepping down and handing my position into your hands. However, until the day you can prove to me that you are perfectly capable, do not even dream of it." His father scolds him for his failures, a disappointed growl resting in his voice.

  Eugene gulps slightly, as his father dismisses him. Eugene proceeds to leave his father's office, his brows knitted together whilst he was deep in thought for a way to carry out this plan. He needed to put this plan into more detail. Even if it took a while, the rewards that he would reap would be phenomenal.

  In the meanwhile, Octavi is on the same royal carriage. His blue hair slightly messy and his rich purple eyes gleaming with more confidence than ever before, especially since he had managed to abolish to rebellious forces under his command. His plan had worked perfectly, and he couldn't help but feel like there was nothing in the world to stop him. Thoughts of his mentally ill sister were pushed to the back of his mind. He didn't want to feel despair over their relationship at the moment, or what had happened in the past. Obviously, his sister would be better off there than with him. He was a monster in his own eyes after all. Clearing his throat, Octavi pulls his sleeves down slightly, making his uniform neat. A soft silence rested in the air of the carriage, as a notable companion was sat next to Octavi.

  It was a short, young male. He was similar in appearance to Octavi, except his hair was pearly white with strips of pale blue running through each of his curls. His eyes were the same slender shape that held beautiful purple orbs between each lid, and his skin was fairly the same.

  "Brother, why are you taking me away from the mental health facility? I was instructed to stay there with sister." The young boy questions his big brother, Octavi. Octavi closes his eyes for a split second longer, as he hesitates to answer his little brother's question.

  "It is necessary. You are next in line of the Kirayo family. When I pass away, or the current emperor is replaced with a new heir or relative, you will stand as their assistant. It the family's pride and duty to work for the royal family." Octavi responds coldly, before is eyes shift away from the green, luscious scenery outside the window, to the small version of himself that sat next to him.

  "So that you are prepared, you must undergo special training. This training will last ten to twenty years, depending how well you do. It all depends on how quick it takes for you to become perfect. From your step, to your voice and to every manner and movement, blood and bone in your body." Octavi adds, giving his brother a serious look.

  The young male sighs and crosses his arms, "What if I want to become an astrologer when I'm older? This seems like so much effort for the simple position of fourth assistant. Why not first?" He complains.

  "The family secret, my dear Oriin. If you gave it some deeper thought, perhaps you could delve into just why 'just fourth' assistant is very important. We handle most of the spare paperwork, while first, second and third get to lounge around. We are the fathers of the royal assistants. When you join the rest of the descendants, just like yourself, they will be looking up to you. Our family's honour will be laid in your hands to set an example. Please, don't disappoint our ancestors hard work, for a job as useless as an astrologer's. What we do impacts the entire system of how things are managed in the palace." Octavi tells Oriin before using his pale fingers to flick his brother's forehead as a slight punishment for not realising any sooner his special role.

  "Why can't you just get your future child to do thi-" Oriin's complaint is cut off by a loud bang in the background, causing the ground itself to shake, as though a giant had landed upon the earth.

  Octavi immediately raises himself to his feet and looks out the window to see people in black wear and white masks. The polished white masks had a black snake inked upon the front. "Shit." Octavi huffs under his breath.

  "Language!" Oriin scolds his older brother, only to have Octavi swing his brother over his broad right shoulder, before proceeding to open the carriage door. Grabbing the roof of the carriage, Octavi climbs onto the top. He dodges several arrows shot towards him with grace, before jumping onto the back of one of the horses.

  Taking his large, metal sword out of its holster, Octavi uses it to slash the horse free from the carriage, before prompting the rider of the carriage to do the same.

  Oriin is showed to sit infront of his brother in order to be shielded from any harm coming from behind them as Octavi forces the horse to go even faster than it was before. "Yah!" Octavi yells, kicking the sides of the horse and flicking the reigns using his wrists. The horse accelerates to a greater speed, guided by Octavi to move left to right in order to dodge any more arrows coming their way. Other guards accompanying Octavi were also on horses by now, shooting their own arrows at the group while riding the horses backwards.

  Whilst all this chaos had just emerged and happened in the world, you were sat in the enclosed part of the garden with the knight once again. The knight had been showing you his Shinfuxi techniques, in hopes of impressing you in some way most likely, or perhaps just to show off. And to you, it seemed liked the latter.

  "When the bastard tried cutting off my left leg, I jumped just in time and beheaded the fool! I saved the emperor's grandmother! I was a national hero!" The knight boasts with his pointy nose before stowing his sword away once again.

  "Very impressive indeed. However, why not international?" You question, a sly smile on your lips. You now had plenty of spare time due to the fact your outfit was completely finished and all other preparations and errands you might need in the future had already been attended to. So, in the meanwhile you had decided to critique the knight's combat skills as he had so kindly offered to you this morning.

  "I'm working on it. It takes time and effort to become a flawless knight." He deflects your possible insult with more confidence yet again. He swiftly sits down in a cross legged position beside you on the beautiful, freshly cut grass under a large oak tree that sheltered the two of you from the harsh mid-day sun.

  "So, tell me about yourself. What do you like, oh mysterious, flawless knight?" You ask, deciding to humour the man.

  "I am tall and charming, however anybody can tell that. Surprisingly, my favourite colour is red as it can symbolise so many different things. It's a shame that the emperor is the only one allowed to wear red. So, in result I wear my second favourite colour - sky blue. Quite royal isn't it? However, not on the same level as red. Hmm, I think what you really wish to know is why I have so much free time. Well, I'll tell you just that, my elegant sparrow. As the royal knight, I have reached the highest rank a knight could possibly get. I have received all achievements and medals that can be rewarded. This means, my talent is saved for special occasions. I am on the same rank as a Duke. If there is a crisis, or the emperor calls for me or needs for me at any time, I am always prepared to defend him." The knight responds to your question before leaning against the bark of the tree and stretching out his long legs. "How about yourself? What is your origin?"

  You clear your throat, wondering whether or not to talk about your past. "My origin tale is one that's not full of achievement. We are quite the opposite. It is a touchy subject, and I don't wish to bore you with a maiden's sob story." You respond humbly.

  The knight surprisingly rests his head upon your shoulder and yawns. "So? Bore we to death if you must. Everybody has had difficulties in their past. If it something you wish not to speak of, do not speak of it. If it is something you wish to vent out of your system, you have a man sworn to many secret, as though a cave of hidden wonders, right on your shoulder. My ears are open and my mouth if closed, my lady."

  "My lady? That's quite a title to give a peasant girl. You are supposed to ask me beforehand if I accept that title either ways, as a way of formality. On another note.. I believe it is something I wish to speak about. It is something that pains me every so deeply inside. I have only spoken to it about my busy brother Kai. However, I wish to say more. So, here I begin then. I was born in a land much different from this one. My parents were lovely people, who cared and loved me with everything they had. Despite us not being the richest nor the poorest,  they provided me with as great a childhood I could get within the boundaries of my life. The disappointing thing is, that when my land was ambushed, so many lives were taken away. The uniforms I see on these royal guards are dangerously close. Am I right to think it was the emperor who ambushed us when I was young? It couldn't be. His reign had not begun then. The story is a mystery even to me. All I remember is burnt ash, and fire roaring at me like a monster under the bed pulling on my ankles. It was truly horrifying, as I watched my parents disappear into a frenzy of orange, dragged by the ankles by these.. men. However, the part of what else had occurred is blurry in my memory. It is because I couldn't think straight. I mean, who could after their family and community had just been taken away so viciously? After all, whatever did they do to deserve that treatment? Then, I was running. Running so quickly, before somebody called for me, not by name, and grabbed my wrist. Scared, I thrashed around and hit my head, and blacked out. When I had woken, I was in a foreign room, with Kai by my side." You tell him simply, shrugging your shoulders.

  "How miserable that must be. Fortune has not been with you." The knight responds before sitting up and gently pushing the side of your head to rest upon his own shoulder this time. "So much sorrow for one young, fair maiden to bear with."

  The knight wraps you in a cocoon of his arms, as you helplessly allowed salty droplets to rush down your cheeks as you covered your face with embarrassment at your waterworks in front of him.

  He grabs your wrist and pulls it off of your eye. He stares into your [eye colour] eyes through his blindfold and gently leans in, kissing your tears until they stopped rushing down, and soon you felt much better. You had been kissed at least twenty times on the cheeks by the young knight, giving your heart a cruel throb and your cheeks a shy, immodestly red blush that seemed to grow.

  "You're cheeks at the moment.. are my favourite shade of red." He states, staring at you intently, his gaze never leaving your figure, not even to inspect the beautiful garden, that captured perfection, surrounding you. It was as though your were the centerpiece, the goddess of beauty stood in the middle of an extravagant marble fountain. However, you were just yourself. Despite this, you seemed like so much more to the knight, as sparks of passion flickered in his eyes, reflecting into your own. In fear of being too easily won, you had pushed the knight away from you slightly, clearing your throat.

  "It's not appropriate to have our bodies so close. I do not even know your name. And.. I fear that I am.. too easi-" You were interrupted by a blue, and white flare being shot up into the sky from the tallest tower of the palace, leading a loud bang to resonate throughout the air. The knight's infatuated gaze breaks from you and towards the flare, dropping your wrist and scrambling to his feet.

  "I must deeply apologise for my sudden leave, however an important situation has come up and I am needed. Till we meet again!" The knights yells before sprinting out of your sight, leaving you speechless at what had just occurred so quickly in just a short period of time. Your heart was beating like crazy, and you sad under the sienna oak tree for several moments in order to process everything that had just happened. Raising your self unsteadily to your feet, you began to walk around the garden. What was that experience? What was the situation you just endured? You weren't sure how to feel, and you also weren't sure to keep your heart from pounding against your rib cage, as though an aggressive bird swinging itself against the walls of a cage, dying to be set free.

  Timidly, you retreat back to your private quarters, only to halt in your steps at the dreadful sentence, "The fourth assistant's unit has been ambushed!" Cried a maid from behind a large column.

  "My, is that why there were those two purple flares earlier? Whatever happened to Sir Kirayo?" The other maid responds, biting her lip with concern.

  "I'm not sure, but rumour says that it's the

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