This chapter will contain an unsettling scene during the flashback that includes violence, so please proceed with caution or just skip the flashback altogether.
This weeks artwork was made by @soranochan on wattpad! Thanks so much,
I think this fan art of MC and Takahiro looks beautiful.
With the wedding quickly approaching to the point of it only being a week away, you had no sort of time to wander in your thoughts as you usually would. No, now your mind had been set with being obedient with Takahiro. Not only for yourself but for the people whom you knew as well.
At the moment, your arms were held up, perfectly aligned with your shoulders as you got your wedding dress fitted. It was made with a heavy and expensive fabric that weighed you down but looked dazzlingly elegant and graceful in every single way.
You stood on a small stage in the middle of a large and resplendent room, littered with rolls of expensive fabric from head to toe. Your arms grew tired as you had been stuck for the final fitting of your wedding dress for multiple hours now. You had given the news to Kai through letter considering you were too much of a coward to say it through the phone, and he was astonished but happy for you. Nobody knew your thoughts on the marriage, and neither did they care.
You wore a bright, blood-red dress to symbolise your new status as royalty. The dress hugged your curves in all the right places, complimenting your shape while enhancing your best features. Rather than just a single piece, your dress consisted of several layers of clothing.
The first layer was the long-sleeved, red silk shirt worn on your frame, which was tight around the torso but loose around your wrists to the point it would drape down. For your second layer, it was the bottom half of your wedding dress. It was enormous but not so much to the point you looked like you could hide the whole country under your skirt. However, the frame that was holding the bottom half up to keep it in that rounded shape was difficult to walk in, and you nearly felt as though you were to suffocate. Finally, the last layer was reasonably loose with shoulder parts that glided down to your elbows, showcasing the imperial emblem on your forearm. This final layer held much more of the detail compared to the other elements that were just the same shade of red with golden lace and embroidery done in certain places.
"Ah! You look gorgeous. Don't you agree?" The tailor interrogated you. He has a noteworthy tailor, particularly popular with those in the upper class. You sighed and nodded your head silently.
"Indeed, I have nothing to complain about; it is just a bit heavy, don't you think? And-"
"Nonsense, this is nothing! You still have your train to wear. I'm just adding some finishing touches upon it before you can wear it. I'm sure everything will work out perfectly. Besides, heavy clothing just means your movements will be more graceful and slow, no?" The tailor interrupted you.
"This is 'nothing', huh?" You let out an inaudible sigh, it seemed as though everybody cut off your sentences these days and that your opinion didn't matter at all. With nearly no time left to the wedding, you had no choice but to go with what the Emperor wanted of you.
The blonde-haired tailor stood back with a glamorous smile easing his pale, snowy face as he looked at your wedding gown.
"It is no wonder that I am one of the most famous tailors of all time. My work is astounding if I do say so myself," The man glanced to the wall, taking a mental note of the time. "Ah! It seems that you must change out of it now. Our time is nearly up, royal consort." He looked towards the several maids standing to the side, and they immediately rushed over to help you undress in order to change back into your daily wear.
In the meanwhile, the Emperor was finalising any finishing touches for the grand wedding. He planned solely to invite those especially close to the royal family that were in the upper class with the small exception of your brother Kai Fuyomui. Even if it was to be kept between a small number of guests, he was not to make it any less grand.
He rested his chin within the pale palm supported by his elbow on the grand office table. A plethora of paperwork was riddled throughout his desk, each piece of parchment paper being confirmed and checked by Eli himself who was sat at the leather chair meant for guests before the table. It was still fairly early on into the day and with the wedding to happen so soon, the stress of the due date was more than one man could handle alone.
At times like these was the Emperor most thankful to have the loyal first assistant Eli by his side to lighten his load of work.
"Your majesty, I must question your decision to throw out the imperial grandmother. I am glad that you granted the request to at least let her stay in a faraway corner of the palace with only scarce necessities. However, the imperial grandmother's time is running short, and I believe it is best to let her live her final days with freedom and bliss." Eli requested to the Emperor cautiously. Whenever he spoke or made a proposition, Eli knew how to structure his sentences and questions. He had learnt it the hard way when growing up alongside the short-tempered young Emperor.
"You are quite right in the scenario of her being your average elder. However, she has locked me in these walls my whole life has she not?" The Emperor examined Eli's request with a calm demeanour, paperwork in either hand.
"She is the only family member of yours who raised you, your majesty. She has forged you into the man you are today, yes?" Eli responded to the Emperor's comment. He knew how delicate this topic was, however, Eli was always the type to fight for the right thing to be done.
"Indeed, she is, and yes, she is the woman who raised me. However, I believe that human branding her own grandson and making him into her own puppet before he let things go out of hand is not a very appropriate way to raise a young child. I have lived most of my life doing whatever she pleases and granting all her wishes, but now that there is one thing I wish for dearly as an adult, she wants to take it away. All I want is [Name]. If she takes [Name] away, I will not hesitate to show the measures I will take to keep [Name] by my side. If imperial grandmother ignores my lenient efforts to express how [Name] is my only consort with no concubines to be included in the near nor far future, so, therefore, I will not hesitate to show her what I am willing to do for [Name]. "The Emperor reminded Eli, his tone becoming slightly lower with a predatory growl on the edge of each word he spoke.
Knowing that is was best to back off, for now, Eli bowed his head in acceptance of defeat. "As you wish, your majesty."
They continued working in silence for the next few moments before Eli suddenly remembered something, "Ah, your majesty," He began whilst shuffling paperwork in his grasp nervously. He knew it was best to stay silent, but it would be better to tell the Emperor now rather than later. "The Resniyi family.. is not invited?" Eli said in an unsure tone as he scanned through the paperwork of guests over and over again.
"Indeed, I want nothing to do with their daughter. She has been chasing me around since the age of twelve, and she still has not learnt her lesson. I have never been interested in her being my consort and never will. She has recently heard of the engagement between [Name] and I from imperial grandmother and is furious at this current moment in time. As I mentioned earlier, I am taking no chances. My wedding day with [Name] will not be ruined. I will treat her to the first beautiful day to a long life of riches and admiration." The Emperor confirmed with Eli before letting out a tiresome sigh.
"I believe that is quite the right move to make, your majesty. She has never thought about the repercussions of her actions. After all, she is the one who spread all those negative rumours about you to the ladies among the upper class to have a better chance with you. It is evident from numerous of her past actions that your reputation is not kept in mind. Nor is it cared much for; as long as she gets what she wants. She is quite the selfish young lady compared to the Resniyi family's generous reputation." Eli agreed with the Emperor, reassuring him that his decision was indeed the correct one to make. He hoped that she would not cause a scene about the Emperor's decision though and would be more careful before she wound up hung by the neck for ill intent towards the Emperor.
In Eli's humble opinion, the Emperor was sympathetic to Via due to the fact she was the one woman he ever appropriately communicated with during his childhood despite his grandmother. Even just from afar, it was apparent that the Emperor had only seen Via as a friend - mayhap ally - for his whole life.
A chill ran down the young Emperor's spine as he sat upon his ankles, knelt before imperial grandmother. The young boy was twitching furiously despite the feeble attempts he made to subdue his visual anxiety for what he knew was to come.
Twitching furiously with fear whilst clinging onto his arms as if for dear life, he hung his head low. This was the only time in his life that he would have to bow his head so low as the heir to the throne.
The surrounding air was cold and nibbled painfully on his exposed upper half as he waited in anticipation, his crimson belt pinching the fabric into his waist to shield his lower half from the cold. His pale and alabaster white back gleamed in the moonlight that entered through a barred window, not being able to reach his features as his forehead pressed onto imperial grandmother's neatly gilded and embroidered shoes.
"Look at you tremble. If people see this fear within you, do you think they will still want you to rule over Intuuin?" Imperial grandmother's words cut deep through his heart like a knife, breaking his ties to emotions slowly. She had made it her mission to make him emotionally numb. That way, her grandson could not cry or whine anymore. That way, she could produce the strongest heir yet for the people of Intuuin. One that could be heartless and merciless when needed to and could get the job done with no fuss whatsoever. With the empire of Intuuin shrinking each day, she felt it in her heart that this was what the people needed.
"No, imperial grandmother. Please make me numb to fear, to sadness, to love. As you have taught me, love is my greatest weakness. Fear will make me question myself even if I know the definite way to do things. I am the heir to the throne, and I wish to tread over my father's footsteps and outshine him. I will outshine all the past rulers before me. I will make Intuuin into the greatest nation known to man. So please, imperial grandmother, give me strength." The young boy spoke with certainty and venom in his voice that completely clashed with the childlike tone that reigned upon his vocal cords as he was still fairly young.
"That is something we will have to work on overtime, imperial grandson. For now, I need you to swear your loyalty to the crown and Intuuin. Intuuin is not the land but the people. Everything you do must be for the people, even if you must sacrifice yourself. Do you swear to the gods that you will be a worthy Emperor of Intuuin?" Imperial grandmother grilled her son. Despite her severe and merciless tone, seeming much alike to the future Emperor's tone of voice, she was perfectly relaxed. Knowing his answer already, she reached towards the metal rod sticking out of a small hatch concealing the only source of light in the room beside the giant moon.
Her wrinkled hand reached for the hatch's handle and pulled it open with a considerable amount of force before the door swung open. Embers danced in the cold air and died on the cement floor at the end of their performance. The roaring orange flames that erupted from this raging fire begged to burn for an eternity as it engulfed the end of the metal rod.
Taking a small handkerchief from her pocket, the imperial grandmother used it to protect her hand from the hot metal handle and any ashes that would be dusted over the rod due to its repeated use.
"I pledge my loyalty to Intuuin to the gods themselves. If I let down my future subjects, I will walk through the gates of the underworld wilfully with my head held low in shame." The young man discoursed with the utmost conviction despite his trembling limbs.
With those words, the imperial grandmother lifted the rod from the flames that devoured the opposite end, revealing metal shaped into the symbol of Intuuin. It had a crown over it to represent the responsibility that the Emperor had over the people. This was highlighted with a glowing orange from the immense heat radiating from the dark metal.
The young man clenched his teeth, expecting the pain.
Despite this, he was caught entirely off guard.
The metal burnt its frame into his lower back, forming a never-ending reminder of his loyalty to Intuuin whether he liked it or not. The young man squealed and grunted in pain, his hands forming into fists and hitting against the floor.
"Imperial grandmother, please help me to ease the pain - I beg of you! Call the doctor, somebody, a maid even! I need ice! I need-"
"This is just a sample of the pain you are to experience in the future to provide for the people of Intuuin. I hope you do not let your family down. It is in the blood that pulsates through your veins like the main river that streams through Intuuin's mainland. You will get over it. Do not ask for help. I expect to see you practising your new waltz by five in the morning tomorrow, not a moment late. The Emperor has no flaws, do you understand?" Imperial grandmother lectured him through her teeth before throwing the rod aside and dusting off her handkerchief. She proceeded to stow it away into her pocket.
Leaving the young Emperor in a fit of pain on the cold cement floor of a peasant, imperial grandmother left through the jail cell's door abruptly and with no regrets. She did not lock the door behind her, allowing her grandson to go whenever he had finally overcome the pain.
"Your Majesty, what do you plan to do with Odette Kirayo?" Eli questioned the Emperor out of curiosity and for the fact that the painful silence while doing their work was getting pretty awkward.
"After the investigation is completed, I will decide. I need to know whether or not she is telling the truth before I make my final decision. If she was stupid enough to lie and walk right into the palace, then we will just have to execute her. If it turns out she is telling the truth, she could be a powerful ally against the black snake group."
"Very well, your majesty. I believe [Name] should arrive back any moment now from the bridal dress boutique. I shall finish the paperwork on my own if you'd like. After all, you need to spend as much time with her. There is only a little bit of paperwork left anyway." Eli offered the Emperor as his eye caught sight of the time on his watch.
"Indeed. I shall leave you to it then, Eli. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to come and find me. I shall now go and wait for my future empress at the foot of the palace doors." The Emperor didn't hesitate to leave Eli behind to see you and immediately rushed out of the office. Eli chuckled at the Emperor's puppy-like behaviour.
"Ah, to be in love," Eli sighed dreamily as his eyes wandered to the window, wondering about the last time he had fallen in love.
The Emperor hastened to the front doors of the palace, the usual parade of servants attending behind him on high alert, ready to protect or assist the Emperor in the batting of an eyelash.
The knights on either side of the door jumped at the side of the Emperor; he had not gone through the palace's main doors for years. Caught off guard by the Emperor's sudden presence and bold strides towards the door, the knights took a moment to regain their composure before hastily opening the large doors to reveal the vast gardens at the front of the palace that seemed to go on for miles.
The young Emperor's frail body rolled down most of the steps before he finally regained his balance and stood up straight. His legs were wobbly, and he made sure to be cautious not to slip over due to the large amount of rain pouring from the grey and cloudy sky. The drops of water beat against his skin painfully as he looked up to the top of the steps to see none other than imperial grandmother.
"You useless boy! Come back when you know how to pay attention. Do you think you can live a normal childhood? You are the Emperor! Your ceremony is to be held soon, and you still can't get such simple tactics correct. I will only allow you back into this palace if you beg at my feet for mercy. I raised you, and you have some nerve paying less attention to your studies as usual. I have raised you to be strong Emperor, and I have raised you with so much love. What else do you want you selfish child? How can we have a selfish child as yourself as the Emperor?" Imperial grandmother yelled venom from her pearly white teeth.
Never had Takahiro felt so small, so helpless.
"I-I am the Emperor! You can't kick me out of my own palace! I have nowhere to go!" The young Emperor objected to his grandmother's decision.
Interrupting the argument, a young Eli came running out from the palace doors to drop on his knees in front of imperial grandmother.
"Please grant his majesty your mercy, imperial grandmother. He slacked in his studies today due to my armada of questions. I have only started this position and wished to be able to gain some information so that I could serve the Emperor in the best way possible." Eli begged for clemency for his master Takahiro.
The young Takahiro stood in the rain speechless. None of what Eli had said was true at all. Eli had nearly no questions at all and did everything he ordered of him to a perfectly high standard. The Emperor's mind had only been elsewhere due to the fact his parents' death anniversary was quickly approaching, and so was his ceremony.
The young Emperor looked pitifully towards Eli, realising that this was to be the one man who was always to be by his side.
"Eli, stop," Takahiro ordered of his first assistant, who first
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