♕𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐎𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝♛

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The next day Mal, Vanessa, and Jay walked through the school by the lockers outside as they followed Ben, Nick, and Audrey but keeping a distance.

The three had then passed a group of girls who had new hairdos which Mal had done for them. They waved at Mal who waved back to keep them from getting attention from the three ahead.

Mal opened her locker to take out the two baggies that had the love-spell cookies handing one to Vanessa.

"Are you feeling kind of weird about this?" Jay asked the girls. "I mean, it's not so bad here."

"You're not wrong there." Vanessa shrugged. "And I'm not particularly giddy about going back to one specific person." She glared to the floor thinking of one person who made her life turn completely upside down.

"Vee... Your hair." Mal nodded to her head. "What?" Vanessa questioned.

Mal pointed to Vanessa's hair which had the tips glowing blue.

"Well, that's new." Vanessa took hold of her hair as it started to fade back to normal. "I'll worry about that later."

"Back to you." Mal turned to Jay. "Are you insane? Long live evil! You're mean! You're awful! You're bad news! Snap out of it!" Mal snapped her fingers in front of his face.

"Thanks, Mal. I need that." Jay smiled going over to the ramp talking to the girls who rushed to him. "Hello, the name's Jay. Y'all going to the tourney game tonight?" The girls giggled to his question.

"What's up with you?" Mal asked her sister. "Ever since this morning you've been in a mood."

"It's just something my mom told me last night." Vanessa shook her head as Mal looked at her in shock. "Oh, yeah. After making the cookies my mom was in my room so we talked. I learned so much stuff you wouldn't believe."

"Weren't you just angry and frustrated with her last night?" Mal raised an eyebrow. "Yeah." Vanessa nodded as her sister sent her a look.

"What do you want from me?" Vanessa sighed. "I'm a teenager. Plus I have mood swings constantly."

Mal nodded agreeing with seeing as they always have mood swings.

"Well, like what kind of things did you learn?" Mal questioned. "I'll tell you some other time." Vanessa waved off.

"But she did teach me some little easy spells." Vanessa explained. "Like what? And you have access to magic here?" Mal tilted her head.

"Yeah." Vanessa nodded. "Look, I can make greatness appear." She waved her hands in Mal's locker making a pie appear in there.

Mal dipped her finger and tasted the pie that was in her locker.

"True greatness." Mal hummed. "Maybe you can use some of my spells."

Vanessa shrugged not know what to say but knew there was a high chance of it happening.

"Do you think they actually paid for those?" The girls heard Audrey ask the Beast brother, pointing to the girls who where flirting with Jay. "She did it to Jane's hair, too, and Fairy Godmother's not happy about it. Isn't that breaking rules? I mean really, Ben, Nick, what did you expect?"

"It just new hair." Nick told Audrey with a tiny eye roll. "What's the harm?" Ben shrugged as he did not understand what Audrey was so worried about.

"It's gateway magic!" Audrey exclaimed. "Sure, it starts with the hair. Next thing you know, it's the lips and the legs and the clothes, and then everybody looks good, and then where will I be?" She pouted.

"Still an annoying person." Nick grumbled lowly but Vanessa heard causing her to chuckle a bit. "What?" Audrey questioned not hearing him.

"Oh, I said late to your dress fitting." Nick sent her a smile. "Oh, you're right!" Audrey realized.

"I will see you at the game after my dress fitting for the coronation, okay? Bye, Bennyboo!" Audrey air kissed his cheek. "Bye, Nickybear!" She left soon after.

"Bye." Ben mumbled as Nick rolled his eyes.

"Hey, Bennyboo!" Mal slammed her locker door. "Hiya, Nickybear!" Vanessa smirked.

"Hey!" The boys instantly smiled walking over to them. "So, we made a batch of cookies." Vanessa half smiled as they each held up a bag with a cookie in it.

"Double chocolate chip." Mal described. "You both want one?"

"Oh, we've got a big game and we don't eat before a big game." Nick sent Vanessa an apology expression. "But thank you so much. Thank you. Next time, next time." Ben smiled as they began to walk off.

"No, yeah, we completely understand." Mal nodded. "Be careful of treats offered by kids of villains. I'm sure every kid in Auradon knows that."

"That's not it." Ben shook his head immediately. "No, no, no."

"No, we get it, you're cautious." Vanessa nodded. "That's smart. Oh, well, more for us, I guess." Vanessa shrugged as they both began to take the cookie out.

They were about to act as if they were to take a bite out of the cookie when Ben and Nick took the cookies out of their hands and taking a bite for themselves.

"See that?" Nick asked Vanessa scarfing down the cookie. "Totally trust you." He smiled.

"Totally." Ben smiled to Mal. "How is it?" The girls asked the boys.

"Good." Nick nodded. "Great." Ben added in.

"Amazing!" They both smiled. "I mean it's chewy."

"Mmm..." Ben moaned. "Is that walnuts?"

Mal nodded with a small smile as Vanessa tried to see if the spell was working.

"I love walnuts." Ben smiled. "I mean the chocolate is..." Nick trailed off looking in Vanessa eyes as Ben did to Mal.

"I'm sorry." Nick shook his head. "They're warm... soft...." Ben trailed off looking to Mal.

"They're sweet." Nick said completely lost in Vanessa's eyes. "Mon amour, have you're eyes also shine this much when you smile?"

"Mal, have you always had those little golden flecks in your eyes?" Ben smiled.

The boys comments had surprised the girls making them freeze up a bit in shock. The gang had walked closer to the four as Jay walked behind the brothers.

"How you feeling, bro?" Jay put a hand on both their shoulders.

Mal had satisfied look as the spell worked while Vanessa was worried wondering if anything could go wrong.

"We feel like... singing your names!" The boys exclaimed. "Mal!" Ben smiled.

"Vee!" Nick smiled.

The girls quickly covered the boys mouth with their hands trying to keep them shut.

"Game time, guys." Jay informed them pulling Ben with him as Carlos pulled Nick with them too. "Those cookies worked great." Mal nodded at the cookie in her hand.

"These are so going to backfire." Vanessa sighed putting the cookie in the baggie. "You may be right." Evie nodded.

"How?" Mal questioned. "Not on the plan, on us." Vanessa responded.

"I highly doubt that." Mal chuckled as they started heading to the game.


The game had started a while ago and the Fighting Knight were tied with the Sherwood Falcons with the score 2:2. Forty-seven seconds were left on the clock.

The cheerleaders were chanting, clapping, and dancing. Jane, the mascot,  danced along with them.

Mal, Vanessa, and Evie were in the bleachers with Lonnie with them watching Jay and Carlos at the bench.

"You're up!" Coach told Jay. "Coach!" Jay stood up pulling Carlos up surprising the girls.

"How about my buddy here?" Jay put an arm around Carlos. "Hm, not so sure about that." Coach shook his head.

"Jay, I'm not good." Carlos shook his head. "Coach, he's been practicing." Jay ignored Carlos.

"And you said it yourself a team was made up of a bunch of parts." Jay smiled. "Well, he's kind of like my brain."

Coach nodded calling a player off the field before turning back to the boys.

"You heard him." Coached tossed Carlos a playing stick. "Get out there!"

"Don't worry, bro. I got your back." Jay smiled pulling them to the field. "How about my front?" Carlos gulped.

Jay laughed before they split taking their position on the field.

"He's bringing Jay in from the Isle of the Lost and that little who can barely hold his shield!" The announcer said causing the VK girls to roll their eyes at him. "And the tip-off is ready. Here we go!"

The girls everywhere, in the stands and the cheerleaders, all cheered some were mostly for Jay. The teams soon broke from their huddles.

The ball first landed to Jay who passed it to Nick. Nick checked his directions and spotted his brother open so he tossed it to him. Carlos was able to block his opponent which he did a victory dance in front of.

The ball was once again tossed to Jay, who did a move making a throw to Ben. Unfortunately Ben was in the kill zone luckily though was that Chad did a great block and was able to catch the ball that Ben tossed before passing it to Nick who passed it to Jay.

Jay was clear and throw the ball and just as it was about to go to the net it was caught by the Falcons goalkeeper.

The Knights groaned at the catch as the Falcons cheered.

"Come on, guys!" Jenkins called out to the boys. "Twenty-three seconds left. You can cut the tension with a sword!" The announcer screamed.

"Would it be a crime to put that guy's butt on fire?" Vanessa asked her fellow blue hair friend. "Tempting offer but I'm pretty sure it may be here." Evie nodded.

"Shame." Vanessa sighed as they turned back to the game.

The next play soon started at the boys wasted no time. Once again the ball was tossed to Jay who rushed on the field taking leaps. Chad was blocked so Jay threw the ball to Nick who rushed off before tossing it to his brother.

Carlos had a big block as he laid down on the field in the kill zone. Jay ran into the kill zone picking up Carlos rushing them off the kill zone.

Carlos rushed in front to the goal as Jay did a move catching the ball that was tossed to him.

"Jay!" Carlos, who was in front of the goal, grabbed his best friend's attention. "Carlos!" Jay tossed the ball to him.

The ball hit Carlos's shield which caused it to be thrown back to Jay. Jay took the chance and threw the ball to Nick who shot the ball and scored leading his team to victory.

The crowd went wild as Mal covered her ears. Vanessa understand it was loud but was too happy to be annoyed so she cheered for them along with Evie.

"What a team!" The announcer cheered. "Incredible! And it's the new guys, Jay and Carlos, who set up the prince to win. What a victory! An absolutely wonderful end to one of the best games ever! Here they come, folks, the winners-"

Ben snatched the microphone from the announcer putting it between him and Nick.

"Excuse me!" Nick exclaimed. "Excuse me!" Ben exclaimed.

"Can we have your attention, please?" The boys said grabbing everyone's attention but the VK's looked more curious than the others. "There's something we'd like to say." They went to stand on the dragon cannon.

"This half, give me an M!" Ben pointed to the people who sat on his right. "This half, give me a V!" Nick pointed to the people on his left.

The crowd copied their movements and echoed his saying.

"Gimme an A!" Ben pointed to his half. "Gimme an E!" Nick shouted to his.

The crowd echoed and copied the movements once again causing Mal and Vanessa to go wide eyes.

"Gimme an L!" Ben shouted. "Gimme another E!" Nick point to his half.

For a final time they echoed the boys and followed their movements.

"What does that spell?" The brothers asked. "Mal! Vee!" The crowed boomed.

"There's no way this can backfire, huh?" Vanessa told Mal with her teeth was clutched. "How was I suppose to know they'd do this?" Mal questioned but was equally as embarrassed.

"Come on, we can't hear you!" The brothers smiled. "Mal! Vee!" The crowd cheered as Evie yelled to Vanessa and Lonnie yelled to Mal.

"I love you, Mal." Ben said through the microphone. "I love you, Vanessa." Nick smiled through the microphone as well.

"Did we mention that?" The boys smiled.

Vanessa and Mal wanted to be shock but they couldn't help it to smile.

Audrey looked between Ben and Mal before rushing off the field looking embarrassed. Vanessa felt bad for her but heard from enough people to know that Audrey had done similar stunt like this.

"Give us a beat!" Nick and Ben told the band. "Uno, dos, tres, cuarto!" Doug called out causing the marching band to start.

As the beat came Ben and Nick started to sing.

Did I mention
That I'm in love with you.
And did I mention
There's nothing I can do.

And did I happen to say
I dream of you everyday?
But let me shout it out loud if that's okay
That's okay

I met this girl that rocked my world like it's never been rocked
And now I'm living just for her and I won't ever stop
I never thought that it could happen to a guy like me.
But now look at what you've done, you got me down on my knees.

Because my love for you is ridiculous.
I never knew
(Who knew?)
That it could be like this.
My love for you is ridiculous
My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!
It's ridiculous!
Just ridiculous!
And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss.

Well did I mention
That I'm in love with you
And did I mention
There's nothing I can do.

And did I happen to say
I dream of you everyday?
But let me shout it out loud, if that's okay
If that's okay.

I gotta know which way to go, c'mon gimme a sign
You gotta show me that you're only ever gonna be mine.
Don't want to go another minute livin' without you
'Cause if your heart just isn't in it, I don't know what I'd do.

Because my love for you is ridiculous.
I never knew
(Who knew?)
That it could be like this.
My love for you is ridiculous
My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!
It's ridiculous!
Just ridiculous!
And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss.
C'mon now!


Because my love for you is Ridiculous.
I never knew
(Who knew?)
That it could be like this.
My love for you is ridiculous
My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!
It's ridiculous!
Just ridiculous!
And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss.
C'mon now!

During the song everyone was dancing besides Mal and Vanessa, who switched spots, as they were too shocked.

Near the end Ben tossed his jersey to Mal while Nick threw his to Vanessa. Both the girls caught the jerseys with grins. When the the brothers sang the last verse they were in front the girls and were about to kiss them but the girls quickly blocked them with a squeal turning their heads to the side.

"I love you, Mal." Ben smiled moving his hands to her waist. "I love you, Vee." Nick smiled putting her hair behind her ear causing Vanessa to blush slightly.

"Did we mention that?" They asked the girls as the crowd cheered for them.

Audrey and Chad went up to them as Audrey snatched the microphone from Ben.

"Chad's my boyfriend now!" Audrey said through the microphone. "And I'm going to the coronation with him. So I don't need your pity date."

Audrey smashed her lips to Chad who happily kissed back. Evie looked at them before looking away a bit hurt.

Ben, not caring about Audrey's actions, took back the microphone.

"Mal! Will you go to the coronation with me?" Ben asked her. "Yes!" Mal said through the microphone smiling.

"Will you go to the coronation with me?" Nick whispered to Vanessa as he rubbed their noses. "Yes." Vanessa nodded softly smiling.

Nick grinned before moving down to her neck leaving her surprise causing her eyes to go wide.

"Come on, guys." Jay grabbed the Beast brothers. "Whole team's waiting!"

"Bye." Mal and Vanessa waved as Vanessa had a hand on her neck where Nick left the surprise.

The three boys ran to the field as the sister hugged the jerseys they had. They turned to their best friend seeing her feeling hurt.

"I feel really sorry for Audrey." Mal told Evie. "You do?" Evie asked surprised and hurt.

"Yeah." Mal nodded. "I feel like if she were talented like you, and she knew how to sew, and knew beauty tips, she wouldn't need a prince to make her feel better about herself." Vanessa explained as the sisters smiled to Evie.

"I guess I am kind of talented." Evie laughed smiling. "You're definitely gifted." Mal and Vanessa smiled.

"Thanks, Vee, M." Evie smiled.

Looking back to the field they saw the boys cheering having Jay on their shoulders as he was holding up the Tourney Trophy.

"And there it is!" The announcer cheered. "Jay, the most valuable player!"

The girls cheered for him as did the rest of the crowd.

Evie turned to Vanessa seeing she still had her hand on her neck.

"Vee, why haven't you moved your hand?" Evie asked causing Mal to turn to her sister. "Cause I think Nick left a love bite." Vanessa responded slowly moving her hand down.

"Oh my gosh!" The two gasped before laughing. "What?" Vanessa pouted.

"That's a full on hickey." Mal laughed as Evie handed Vanessa her compactor. "Oh, man!" Vanessa stared at the mark.

Vanessa looked around quickly and saw nobody was looking over to them so she quickly transported them to the hall where her room was.

"Okay I don't like that feel." Evie complained as her and Mal clutched their stomachs. "Aw, too bad." Vanessa falsely pouted.

"I need to hide this before anybody sees it." Vanessa pointed to her neck. "See what?" Celina questioned as she walked to her daughter and the girls.

"Ce-Mom!" Vanessa turned clutching the jersey in her hands as Evie and Mal tried not to laugh. "Now what is it that nobody can- oh, my." Celina eyes went wide as she saw the hickey.

"Okay, I can explain." Vanessa started as Mal and Evie were dying of laughter while Celina looked shocked still waiting for the explanation. "Okay, I can't explain it. But it was Nick's fault!"


Chapter Outfit^^

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