Chapter 6 ~ School project

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"You're grounded for a week. No going to the sturniolo's until I say." she says. I scoff before walking upstairs. I walk into my room, locking the door. I pick up my phone to text the group chat.


Me- Bro, my mom just grounded me. I can't go over until next week.

Nick- What, why?

Matt- I don't care

Me- Came home late

Nick- Grounding you at 18 is crazy.

Me- I know. She still thinking I'm a child.

Chris- Just lie and say you're coming over for homework

Nick- Since when have you ever seen Y/n do homework

I put my phone down just staring at the celling. I sigh before going back downstairs. "I'm going for a walk." I say walking out the door. I picked up a branch of leaves off the ground, peeling apart the leaves slowly as I walked to the sturniolo's house. I tried to open the gate but I couldn't. I reached in my pocket for my phone, realizing I left it in my bed. I groan before jumping the fence. I knock on the door and in only a few seconds the door opens. It was Marylou. "Hey Y/n are you looking for the triplets?" She asks. I nod my head. "Just Chris though." I say. "Okay, one second." She says before closing the door. I wait while peeling more leaves. Finally, the door opens again. This time it was Chris. "Yeah? Wait, I thought you were grounded?" He asks. "Just cause I'm grounded doesn't mean I can't go on a walk." I say. "So you're asking to go on a walk?" he asks with a smile. I nod. "Alright, let's go then." He says. We walk down to the gate. "I had to jump over the fence. It literally wouldn't open." I say. "It's not that hard." Chris laughs. He tries opening the gate, but he struggles. I look at him and laugh. "Guess we're jumping the fence." He says before jumping over, I follow right after. "I'm assuming you want to talk about something?" He asks. I pause, leaving silence. "No, I just wanted to talk. Nothing special." I say. Chris quickly changes the subject. "How long are you grounded for again?" He asks. "A week." "A whole week? That's insane." He says shocked. "I know. I'm so sick of her. I wish Marylou was my mom." I say. Chris laughs before putting his arm around my shoulders.

~ Time skip ~

My alarm went off at 5:00am, as usual. I jump into the shower and quickly wash off. I wrap my towel around myself along with one on my head. I walk to my closet and pick an outfit.

I do my makeup and hair. Once I'm done its  6:21am. I was still thinking about yesterday. I always romanticize the littlest things. It felt like a date, I know it wasn't, but I wish it was. I didn't feel like eating breakfast today, so I went straight outside. I was surprised to see that the triplets were already parked in my driveway. I open the backdoor and see Nick. "Hey!" I say putting my bag in first. "Hi." He says sleepily. "Sup." Chris says. "Hi." I say. I wait to see if Matt would say anything. "Wow. Be like that." I say. "Hey Y/n." Matt says smiling. "Mhm." I say. Matt waits a few seconds before driving to school. We make it to school and we all get out. Matt and Nick go a separate way while Chris and I walk into the school doors. He puts his arm around me as we walk in. I see Brandon with his friends standing at their lockers. I put my head down, trying to avoid eye contact. Luckily, he doesn't see us. You both walk into your class and see "BABY PROJECT" written on the board. Chris and I give each other a look before sitting down. Soon, class starts and the teacher announces there will be a project for Child Development. "You and you're partner will be assigned a baby and will have to take care of it together. Feed it, Bathe it, the basics." He says. "If anything goes wrong with your baby I get a notification. If you're baby cries longer than 5 minutes you both will be deducted 10 points." He says. "Here are the partners." he reads off all the names. "Y/n and Chris-" . You and Chris look over at each other smiling. You dab each other up and wait for the teacher to finish. "Now you will pick a baby!" the teacher announces. He calls people down the row and Chris and I were the last one. You grab the doll, a bottle, and a carseat. I take it back to our desks and I start putting the baby in the carseat. "Should it be a boy or girl?" Chris asks. "mmm, boy" I say. "You pick the name." I continue. "Let's name him." He pauses. "woolly Mammoth." Chris says laughing. I roll your eyes smiling. "Are you joking?" I say laughing. "Do I look like I would joke about my son's name?" I smile before asking "Who's gonna take him home?"  "Why don't you tell your mom it's a project so you can come over?" "You've actually had a good thought for once!" I say with a smile. "I'll text her now." I continue. I take out my phone, before texting my mom. Just as I put my phone down Woolly Mammoth starts crying. "Oh my gosh! What the fuck do we do?" Chris says panicking. "Uhm, where did you put the damn bottle?" I say looking around. Chris quickly hands me the bottle and I feed the baby. Woolly mammoth stops crying and we let out a sigh of relief. "And there we have our first parenting lesson!" The teacher says excitedly. "Who's taking woolly mammoth to their next class?" I ask. "Can't, I have library." Chris says. "Wow Chris" I scoff. Soon the bell rings and you grab the carseat walking to your next class.

I walk in and go to my seat. I set the baby down on the table. You take your folders out and woolly mammoth starts crying. You groan and drop my folders onto the desk. When I look up I notice everyone starring at you. I awkwardly take Woolly mammoth out of his carseat and start rocking him. It stops crying in just a few minutes and you put back into the carseat.

~ Time Skip ~

I walk into lunch and I go to the table we always sit. Nick was already there so I tell him to watch my baby. I got in line and pay for my food. When I get back Chris and Matt are already there. I take Woolly mammoth back and before I eat, I feed him. I put him in his carseat and hand him over to Chris. "You're turn. I'm not having him any longer." I say. "What? Bro, Y/n thats not fair." He complains. "No, I had woolly mammoth all day." Before Chris can say anything, Matt and Nick start laughing. "Woolly mammoth?0 Matt yells while laughing. Chris smiles while watching, waiting for them to stop. Chris finally takes him and sets him on the floor next to us. Lunch ends and we all throw our trash away and start walking to class. Matt and I walk together since our classes are next to each other. "Bye Y/n." He says. "Bye." I say waving. I walk in class and start the assignment for the day. Once I finish I put my head down. Not long after my phone started vibrating. I check it and see texts from Chris.

Chris- Y/n I can't find woolly mammoth

Me- I swear you better be joking

Chris- Seriously I need help finding him. I've been looking for 5 minutes.

Me- I'm coming. If we don't find him you're taking the F, not me.
Read 1:12pm

I raise your hand before asking "Can I use the restroom?" The teacher nods his head and I start walking upstairs. I see Chris just down the hallway. "Chris!" I whisper yell. He turns around and he starts walking over. "How did you loose the damn baby!" "I don't know. I had him and he just disappeared." he says. I roll your eyes. "When was the last time you had him?" I ask. Chris looks around. "I think before this period." He says. "So you haven't seen him in you're class?" Chris shakes his head. "Then it's in the lunchroom Chris!" I say annoyed. You both walk downstairs and into the lunchroom. There it was. Woolly mammoth was still in his carseat. You look over at Chris annoyed. He laughs and grabs the baby. "I'm going to class." I say walking out. I knock on the classroom door and the teacher lets me in. "You were gone awhile." He says. "Oh, yeah there was a line in the bathroom." I say. I go back to my desk and put my head down once again.

~ Time Skip ~

The triplets pull into their driveway and we all get out. I grab the carseat and follow them into their house. "Hi Marylou!" I say with a smile. "Hey Y/n!"You all walk into the kitchen and I take a seat by their island. I pull out the bottle since I already know Woolly mammoth would be crying soon. "Oh, what's that?" Marylou asks. "It's Chris and I's project. We have to treat it like a real baby." She nods her head. I pull out some homework and a pencil. I start working on it and when you look up you see all the triplets working on homework except Chris. He is on his phone. you grab your phone and text him.


Me- Can we go upstairs real quick

read at 3:13

"Hey, Y/n come upstairs. I need to show you something." Chris says. I smile and when I turn my head I see Nick staring at me. Nick smiles and shakes his head. I put my finger over my mouth and whisper "shh." with a smile. You follow Chris upstairs into his room. "I missed you." He says wrapping his arms around my waist. "Chris, we've been with each other all day." I say with a smile. Chris starts leaning in, and we both lightly kiss. I pull away and hug him tightly. We talk for a little before going back downstairs. You walk down with a smile and see Nick eyeing you. "What?" you mouth. He shakes his head still smiling. "We should go to Universal." Matt says. "When?" Chris asks. "Uhm, tomorrow." "We have school, Matt" I say. "So? Just skip. I literally have my own car. He says sarcastically. "Fine, I'm down" I say. "I'm down if your down" Chris says looking over at nick "Then, I guess I'll go too." Nick says. "Who's ordering the tickets?" Nick asks. "Already doing it." Matt says. I walk over to the couch and jump onto it, going on my phone.

~ Time Skip ~

"I should probably start going home." I say. "Awe, no why." nick says dragging the y. "Awe." Chris says. "Okay, bye." Matt says effortlessly. "Thank you for the tickets, Matt." I say giving him a look. "Yeah no problem." Matt says. Bye Y/n." Nick says. "Bye!" I wave to all the triplets. I grab my bag. "Wait, am I taking woolly mammoth?" I yell from the kitchen. "Yeah, I'll get him tomorrow morning." Chris yells. I grab the carseat and woolly mammoth, walking out the door, and over to your house. I check my phone. It was 6:53pm. I knock on the door and my mom answers. "Finally home?" my mom says. I ignore her and walk upstairs. I put the carseat down on my bed. I place my bag down and grab my towel. I walk over to the bathroom and take a shower. I took a way longer one than expected. It was 8:37pm when I got out. I chose a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. I go over to my vanity and do my skincare. I get in bed and grab the remote putting on a sturniolo video. Soon I fall asleep.


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