Chapter 2 ~ The first day

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I woke up at 5 a.m., making my bed. I walk over to the bathroom, get dressed, and fix myself up. Once I'm done, I grab my phone.


2 messages from Nick
1 missed call from Matt
4 messages from Chris

The messages were all about my first day of school. Chris said they would be in the driveway to give me a ride to school. I walked outside and saw the triplets. "Before we go can you take a picture?" I ask. "Sure." Nick says getting out of the car. He takes the picture for me before we both get in the backseat of the van.

First day!
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We get in the car and Matt plays music. Before we know it, we are at school. The triplets all walked to their class. I take my schedule out and find my class. When I walk in I see Chris in the back. He looks at me and smiles. The teacher introduces me to the class and tells me to pick a seat. I walk to the back and take the seat next to Chris. "Today you guys can have a free period since it's the first day." Chris turns over to face my way. I smile. "You seriously didn't get a girl?" "Are we still on this?" he says sarcastically. "And no I didn't" "You used to get anyone you wanted, what happened to that?" "I still can" He says with a smirk. "I just couldn't find anyone better than you." He says looking away from me with a smirk. I shake my head smiling. The rest of the period Chris tells me where I can find my classes.

~ Time Skip ~

I walk into the lunch room looking for the triplets "Over here!" Matt yells. I turn and start walking over. I sit next to Matt with Chris in front of me and Nick across from me. "So how's your first day?" Nick asks. "It's been ok. Nothing interesting.". "Have you made any new friends?" Chris asks. "Yeah, only one." I see Chris and Nick's eyes move from me to above me. Before I can turn around someone taps my shoulder. I look back and see a tall blonde guy. "Hey you're Y/n right?" I nod my head "why?" "well I've never seen you around and I thought we should get to know each other" He says with a smirk. Before I can say anything he continues "why is such a pretty girl sitting with these kids?" I turn and look over at the triplets. They all look disgusted before Nick says "Brandon get the fuck out. She obviously isn't into you." "Hey, hey, let's not assume what I was here for" He says as he puts his hand on my shoulder. "Dude, can you not touch me? I don't even know you and you're disrespecting me and my friends." I say moving away from his hand. "Okay, you need to go now." Chris say looking at Brandon. "Chris, there's no need to get mad. I'm just gonna get with you're girl and after you can have her back." He says smiling. Chris stands up, walking over to Brandon. "What makes you think disrespecting a girl is the way to get with them? Look man, we aren't trying to start anything and we already asked you to leave, so why are you still here?" Chris says getting more annoyed by the second. Brandon starts to get closer to Chris slowly pushing him back. Nick stands up before pushing Brandon away from Chris. "Get the fuck out. Coming over here trying to talk yourself up is one thing but disrespecting us is what you're not going to do. Now leave." Nick says. Brandon laughs. "Didn't know this is you're girl too" He says. At this point the lunchroom is silent and everyone has their phone out recording since Brandon was known to fight. Nick and Brandon continue to yell back and forth, but nothing ever happened. "Okay dude, if you wanna be controlling over some girl then do it. Pathetic." Brandon says laughing while walking back to his table with his friends. Nick and Chris sit back down. None of us are talking and it's a little awkward. "Thanks guys." I say to try and break the silence. They both just nod. Thankfully the bell rings for class. "I'll see you guys later." I say getting up from the table.

~ Time Skip ~

It's finally the last period of the day and I get a text from someone.


Chris- Come to the upstairs bathroom

me: Okay, coming
Read at 1:27pm

Since my class was downstairs, it would take me some time to get upstairs. Once I made it to the bathroom, I slowly peaked at the Men's bathroom. I see Chris standing there. "What's up?" I ask. "Sorry for what happened at lunch." He says. "No, it's fine. You were just standing up for you're brothers and I." I say. I can't help but stare into his beautiful blue eyes. We look into each other's eyes, unmoving, and still, our eyes are burning with so much passion. His lips are only a few breaths away. I can't help but feel the need to close that gap. I slowly begin to lean in, and so does he. I hear the door creek open and I immediately put away. It's a teacher, my teacher. "Fuck." I whisper under my breath. "Seriously Sturniolo? Skipping class? What could you're coach think? Get to class." He says. Chris awkwardly walk out leaving me standing there alone. "Let's go" He says holding the door open for me. I slowly walk to class, embarrassed. "Since you are a new student, I'll let you walk in a few minutes before me to save you from the embarrassment. But I won't do it again. Now go." He says motioning to the door. I open the door before walking in. I finish the assignment so I started to pack up. Just as I finish the bell rings. "Have a good weekend!" The teacher yells as everyone walks out.

As I walk out, Matt is already at the door waiting. "Is you're class close?" I ask. "Yeah I'm right there." he says pointing to the class next door. "Oh, Nick is already in the van." Matt says. "I thought his class was upstairs?" I ask. "He skipped." Just as we were walking out the door, Chris comes from behind, putting his arm around Matt and I's shoulders. "Hey guys!" Chris yells in the loud hallway. We make it to Matt's van. Chris opened the passenger door, surprised to see Nick. "What the fuck are you doing." Chris says. "Go sit in the back, kid." Nick says closing the door. Chris opens the back door and gets in. "Do you think you can come over today Y/n?" Chris asks. "Yeah, let me tell my mom first." I say before texting her. Soon, Matt pulls into their driveway and we all get out.

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Word count: 1197
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