19. π’Έπ‘œπ’·π“‡π’Ά 𝓀𝒢𝒾 𝓂𝒢𝓉𝑒𝓇𝒾𝒢𝓁

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"Eli what the hell was that" I murmured the second we both got in the car.

"You don't know them princess, he deserved it" He scoffed.

"Well, maybe he did but don't you think it was a little excessive? You had already hurt him, you won, you made your point, why did you need to continue?" I asked avoiding his eyes.

"What don't you understand y/n?" His voice started to get louder. "This is how it should be! No mercy right! Maybe you're just not Cobra Kai material after all!" He hit the stirring wheel in frustration before looking at me.

"What happen to you?" I spat growing angry." When I first met you, you wouldn't even hurt a fly!" My vision became blurry with tears.

"I'm not a little pussy anymore y/n, deal with it." He said venomously.

"Drive me home, I'm done" I said calmly turning completely towards the window.

He sighed angered before starting the car and driving off while I fought back tears.

After what felt like an eternity, he finally dropped me home without saying anything.

I was so confused I didn't know how to feel exactly. The only thing I knew is that I was frustrated and didn't want him near me right now.


I glanced at my once again ringing phone;

2 missed calls from my little dove πŸ•ŠπŸ€

Thankfully Miguel invited me over to his house; tonight was the night I was going to Β« meet Β» his girlfriend and finally see my old friend, Samantha LaRusso.

I walked over to Miguel's apartment before knocking nervously on the door.

"Y/n!" Miguel hugged me which took me by surprise.

I suddenly saw sam in the back with an open mouth. She looked so beautiful, she aged well. It was weird to see your childhood friend suddenly becomingΒ  a woman.

"Y/n? Oh my gosh..." She walked over to us and pushed her boyfriend out of the way before grabbing both of my hands.

"I can't believe it!" She said with a wide grin. "It's you!"

"It's me" I laughed at her shocked face before she held me in a tight hug. I has sure getting a lot of hugs today.

"So, how are you? How have u been?" She leaded me to the couch before we all sat.

"I'm good" I smiled at her.

"Y/n has been doing karate with me" Miguel enthusiastically said.

"Oh have you? That's nice. I still practice karate with my dad from time to time but I'm pretty rusty."

I forgotten she used to do karate. Her dad's one of the best.

"Yeah but I don't know how I feel about it anymore..." I mumbled.

"Kreese?" Miguel asked concernedly before I nodded and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah I don't like him either." He sighed heavily."Apparently, He's gonna be our only sensei now"

"What?" My eyes widen."What about Johnny?"

"I think he had enough of Kreese's bullshit." Miguel shrugged.

"Don't we all" I sighed.

"Well, my dad is pretty eager to teach karate, maybe he wouldn't mind opening a dojo" Sam said enthusiastically. "He has been training me and my friends, I'm sure he wouldn't mind new people joining"

Her comment sparked my curiosity. Karate practice without Kreese, count me in.

"I don't know Sam... Cobra Kai is important to me" Miguel looked unsure.Β 

I absolutely loved karate and I wanted to participate in the All Valley so bad without having anything to do with Kreese; maybe this was my opportunity. After all, Mr.LaRusso was known for his karate.

"I'm in, when's the next practice?" I laid further into the couch with a smirk making Sam's face light up.


I finally got the guts and went to the dojo to pay for the last time. It was getting pretty late but there was still some lights coming from inside so someone had to be there.

I didn't wanted to enter, but I wanted to get this over with.

The sight I saw while entering made me audibly gasp.

"Well hello miss y/l/n..." Kreese said slowly walking towards me.

Besides him was a shirtless Eli with messy hair. He was hitting the punching bag non-stop, which explained his bloody knuckles. He looked so mad; he didn't even noticed I entered.Β 

I backed up from Kreese, as much as I hated to admit it, I was scared of him, I always have been.

"Y/n?" I heard Eli's soft voice before he stopped his agressive punching.

"What are you doing here?" He asked looking slightly mad while sweat dripped on his face.

I stared at him not knowing what to say.

Was he training alone with Kreese and not telling me?

"You're not Cobra Kai material remember?" He spat his words like venom. I tried my best not to pay any attention to him.

"Calm down y/l/n" Kreese looked down at my clenched fists while a soft smirk appeared on his face.

"I'm only here to give the money I own. If this is what Cobra Kai is, maybe I'm not Cobra Kai material." I finished glancing intensely at Eli.

"Well drop your money and leave." Eli said cruelly.

"I wasn't talking to you Hawk" I called him by his stupid nickname for the first time making him flinch before his face soften up.

In pure frustration and anger I reached for the necklace he once bought me before ripping it from my neck aggressively and throwing it at his feet.

I regretted it almost instantly.

His face dropped instantly switching from anger to sadness. He crouched and grabbed the necklace.Β 

"Fuck you" I looked at him directly in the eyes before running out of the dojo.

What happened to my sweet little Eli?

I'm scared at what he will become if he stays with Kreese.


I knew I went too far.

"I wasn't talking to you Hawk" Her words were like a knife stabbing my heart.

She swiftly grabbed her necklace ripping in from her own neck before throwing it at my feet.My mouth fell agape.

What have I done...

I crouched and grabbed the little sliver chain. I realized how much I had hurt her.

Kreese looked down at me disapprovingly. He thought I was showing her mercy.

"Fuck you" She suddenly spat taking me off guard before running out of the dojo.

I couldn't help myself but to run after her.

But as soon as I stared making my way out, Kreese held a strong grip on my wrist. I glanced back at him with furrowed brows.

"Don't" He mumbled shaking his head before releasing me.

I could see y/n from outside of the window getting in a car and driving off with tears falling from her eyes.

"Continue" Kreese pointed to the punching bag.


a/n: Hey peeps! How's it going? I hope your doing good! As usual, I hope you liked this chapter, feel free to vote if you did <3 Chapter 20 will be out soon!

Daily dose of serotonin πŸ₯°:

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