17. π’Ήπ‘œπ“ƒ'𝓉 π‘”π‘œ

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I am woken up from a loud banging on a door and Eli's sudden groans.

"Eli hun, breakfast!" A sweet woman's voice came from outside the room. It made me miss my mom.

"Coming mom" He whined in his raspy morning voice.

"Wait, what are we gonna do?" I looked over at him concernedly while he got up from the bed.

Even in the mornings he looked hot, especially with his hair down and his shirt off.

"How about... You go through the window and knock at the door, I'll tell my mom I invited my girlfriend for breakfast." He said nonchalantly throwing a shirt on.


I sighed nodding before walking towards the window.

"She's excited to meet you, you know?" He smiled.

"So you've been talking about me to your mother, Moskowitz?" I smirked while opening his window.

"Of course I have" He rolled his eyes laughing.

"Eli!" His mother yelled from the kitchen.

"See you in a minute" I winked kissing his cheek before jumping out of the window. Luckily, it wasn't a high fall.

I straighten my shirt whileΒ  heading towards the door.

I exhale nervously before knocking at the door.

"Well hello y/n!" She hugged me tightly. "You're just on time"

"Hello Ms.Moskowitz." I hugged back smiling before making eye contact with Eli who was trying not to laugh.

"Come sit at the table sweetie" She patted my back while I joined Eli.

"Hey y/n I missed you" Eli leaning towards me kissing my temple. I rolled my eyes while his mother wasn't looking.

"Idiot" I mumbled under my breath before we both started laughing.

Ms.Moskowitz put all kinds of delicious looking food at the table before sitting with us.

"I've heard so much about you y/n I feel like I know you already" She laughed making Eli look down in embarrassment. I look over to him in awe.

"Anyways, are you only here for the summer?" She asked before bringing a piece of toast to her mouth.

"Yeah I am, I'm going back home when school starts. It's like a tradition for me, I've always stayed here, with my uncle during the summer" I nodded.

I could see faint sadness building on Eli's face before he stopped eating instantly.

This has been brought up to us multiple times, but we always shook it off, not wanting to talk about it.

She could see that it made us both uncomfortable, I could feel her regret.

"I hope that he's good to you" she added as if he hasn't there. I glanced to him and he's already looking at me, genuinely waiting for my answer.

"Yeah, he is" I said my eyes fixated on him.

A smile appeared on all of our faces.


After a slow but pleasant breakfast, I realized just how much I was in trouble.

43 missed calls from Dawson.

"Shit!" I whispered getting up quickly from the table.

"What is it?" Eli looked up at me finishing his food.

"I got to go home now"


"Y/n where the fuck were you?" Dawson ran to me the minute i entered.

"I almost called the police" He added even more panicked his hands gripping his tangled hair.

"I was at Eli's" I murmured.

"And you couldn't text me to let me know?" He started to yell which made me flinch immediately.

"I-I forgot Dawson I'm sorry" I whine loudly.

"Don't you realize how worried I was! You're lucky I'm not gonna talk about this with uncle." He slowly calmed down before taking a deep breath and sitting down at the kitchen table.

"I'm sorry Dawson, I really am."

there was a long pause.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you" He signed before looking up at me.

We hugged which made us both feel so much better.

"Who's Eli?" He asked suddenly before pulling back from the hug.

I hoped he would've brush that part off.

"Umm well he's the guy that saved me from Robby, he's the reason why Robby looked so bad that night."

"Well I like him already... Is he your..." He said hesitant like he didn't want to say the word.

"Yes Dawson, he's my boyfriend." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Well I like him less now" He sighed. "Be careful okay? I don't want you to get hurt" He put his hands on both side on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. I nodded.

My brother was rarely serious so I knew he really meant it.


Eli invited me back to his house to watch a movie and told me to just come in when I arrived because he would probably be in the shower.

So I did.

When I entered the house I heard Demertri's voice even though I thought it would be just the two of us.

I walked towards them before stopping, realizing they were fighting.

"God Demetri, shut up you're such a nerd!" Eli said angered.

"You know what? Your new clothes, awful tattoos and weird hair doesn't fool anyone Eli." Demetri said louder.

"You are as much of a nerd than I am, you always were and you'll always be" He spat.

"It's Hawk." I could hear anger building up in his voice with every deep breath he took.

"Yeah whatever Hawk." Demetri laughed through his nose.

"Alright... I hear how you're saying it and I don't like it"

"Oh no are you gonna hurt me!" Demetri said sarcastically, mocking Eli

"Maybe I will"

What the hell...

"Woah, boys calm down..." I Intervened getting between the both of them before it got ugly.

"Y/n?How long have you been here?" Eli's face soften up.

"I'm the one who should be asking question" I looked at the both of them confused.

"Your boyfriend was gonna beat me up" Demetri crossed his arms.

I turned to completely face Eli. I tried looking for any kind of emotions on his face but he stayed completely apathetic as he tried to avoid my eyes.

"Look Eli, calm down okay, Demetri was only being stupid, he didn't mean it. And Demetri, I'm sure Eli would never lay a hand on you, he just said that in anger."Β  I explained.

"Now, even if you don't want to, apologize to each other and hug" I hold back a laugh.

"Bye y/n" Demetri sighed before leaving.

"What happened?" I put my hands on both of Eli's biceps concernedly. He finally looked down at me.

"Nothing, I don't want to talk about it." He pushed me off delicately before crashing on the sofa behind him. He looked upset.

"Do you want me to leave?" I asked but he didn't respond, all he did was stare at the floor.

"Okay well, I'll go then." I sighed heavily. "Goodnight Eli" I turned around and started making my way towards the door.

"Please don't go princess..." I heard a whispery whine.

a/n: Hey my lovely readers, how's it going? I am so overwhelmed my how many reads I've gotten in such a short period of time, thank you so much <3

I hope that you liked this chapter, I'm already starting on chapter 18 so stay tuned for that! I sorry if this chapter felt all over the place I had a hard time writing it so I'm sorry for that. I wish you the best day/night.

I love you, take care of yourself:)

Cuties omfg😩

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