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"Why are you avoiding me?" A voice asked and she jumped startled not expecting it. She turned to look towards where the voice has come and saw Stormhund leaning in the frame door of her quarters.

"What are you doing here?" She asked leaving her book on the desk and standing up, because it was already night she was only in her cotton nightgown and robe.

"I wanted to see you"

"You can't just-" she was interrupted by him walking around the room completely ignoring her. He grabbed trinkets and papers that were scattered around until he finally arrived to her desk and looked down at the book.

"Gaeliar, I remember this book, where did you get it?" He asked about to take it in his hand when Maslagov snatched it away and put it securely in her drawer. "I'm not going to take it away from you. I just wanted to say that it was my favorite book when I was little, it's hard to even believe that place was real once"

"Yeah, it sounds quite marvelous in the book"

"Every day when I was a boy I used to pray to the saints to go to that place, it always felt comfortable when I thought about it"

"I used to do the same" the blonde woman replied with a weird look on her face that she quickly wiped away. "I didn't thought you'd like history"

"I like adventure and Gaeliar sure does sound like one" he sat on the chair in front of the desk getting himself comfortable. "Anyway, I'm glad I finally ge to have a proper conversation with you"

"Yeah, the next time you want to have a conversation with someone don't follow them around for months, it feels a bit threatening"

"I'd thought you didn't know" he narrowed his eyes in confusion.

"You do realize your ship is the opposite of unnoticeable" she said sitting back in her leather chair.

"Pfft, your ship is the opposite of unnoticeable, black sails, black wood, gold everywhere" he waved his hand around the room. "I could see you were Malsagov from miles"

"I like people staying away, unfortunately for me, not all people realize that" she glanced at him pointedly.

"It's not my fault you've caught me in your spell" he crossed his arms with a smirk.

"Spell?" She grinned at Stormhund's words.

"What? Surely you know" he leaned in with his elbows on his knees and the woman raised a brow in question. "Everywhere you go, the eyes are always in you, like a spell, after I saw you for the first time, I've realized that you could tear down kingdoms if you so desired"

She was speechless as her cheeks turned red at his words. No one had ever spoken to her like that or looked at her like that. Sure, she had been with men before but never had they uttered such beautiful words to her. It did something to her that she was not ready for.

"I think I must retire for the night, Privateer Stormhund, I'm rather tired and tomorrow is going to be a long day" she announced standing up she went to leave when he grabbed her wrist.

"I apologize if I made you uncomfortable" he frowned worried that he did.

"You did not made me uncomfortable,  do not worry" she also had a frown on her face but tried to reassure him

It was quite the opposite.


Her ship had been following his since she had agreed to the job but she had noticed that his ship has deviated from the agreed curse.

She was stomping through his ship when she arrived to his quarter and slammed the door open.

"Who altered the course?" She asked closing the door behind her as he saw him leaning over some maps.

"That would be your captain" he pointed at himself.

"You also forget that you are not alone in this, there's two captains if we move, you have to consult it with me"

"It's just a brief change to make use of Eastern wind. We'll make better time" he turned to get a drink.

"I'm also the captain, Stormhund, you need to tell me when you make the minimum changes" she demanded as he turned back to her with a cup in hand.

"That's not what this is about, is it?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Trust is a tricky needle to thread for both of us, you need to trust that I don't have some ulterior motive and I need to trust that you don't betray me whenever I turn my back"

"Trust is hard in my world, privateer, it's hard to gain it and it's easy to loose it"  she reminded him.

"But we are not in your world anymore, trust me, please" he stepped closer to her slowly brought his hand to hide her hair behind her ear as Malsagov tensed. "You can trust me, I promise, I would never break your trust"

"Do not make promises you cannot keep" she muttered feeling the after feeling of his fingers touching her skin.

"Believe me, I would not be making you this promise if I thought I wouldn't keep it"

"Just consult with me the next time" she said before leaving his quarters with blushing cheeks. What the hell was wrong with her? Blushing cheeks?

In her entire lifetime she had never blushed at a man's words, and now she was a blushing bride every time the blonde man opened his mouth.

It had been like that since she met him, and it was done of the reasons she avoided him so intently, and when she couldn't avoid him it is why she was always annoyed around him.

He made her blush so easily, it was usually the other way, but when he came along everything changed. She just had to maintain a strong face around him and everything will stay the same, wouldn't it?

She speaks!
Kinda hate this chapter ngl
Anyways they are both whipped for eachother but Nira is annoyed by the fact

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