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"๐๐ก๐๐ญ ๐๐ซ๐ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐๐จ๐ข๐ง๐ ?" Malfoy hissed under his breath as I slipped my hand into his and putting my other on his shoulder.
"Diverting suspicion. Making the act believable. Now do the same."
He wasn't moving fast enough so I moved his other arm to my waist for him.
"Dance with me, asshole." I said through gritted teeth as I started to sway to the music, acutely aware of McLaggen's hateful gaze following the two of us. Malfoy blew out a sigh and then started to move with me andโ
Damn, he was a good dancer.
Not to mention I so close to him that I could literally feel his heart beating against mine.
It was beating really fast.
"Where did you learn to dance?" I said after it had gotten too quiet and too awkward for my liking.
"My mother forced me to take lessons when I was younger." He replied, his voice vibrating through his chest. His cologne smelled so good right now andโ
God, what was wrong with me?
Why was I liking the way his hand gently gripped mine, the feeling of his skin, the gentle pressure on my back, his heartbeat, the smell of him?
Us...that couldn't work.
Why was I even thinking about whether or not it could work?
The song ended and people started to separate, but Malfoy didn't let go of me. I glanced up at him, but there was something I didn't recognize behind his eyes and the way he was looking at me. My heart skipped a beat and so did his.
Then I came to a terrifying realization.
Draco Malfoy was not as miserable as I thought he was.
And I was really liking the situation the two of us were currently in.
No. Stop.
I pulled away from him before my mind could run away again and pushed through the crowd towards the table holding the firewhiskey. I didn't think he followed me, so there was nothing to stop me from picking up another glass and downing it. It made me not think, and I liked it. It was easier than feeling that change in the way I perceived Draco Malfoy. It wasn't as absolutely terrifying.
I reached for another as McLaggen appeared out of the crowd.
"You really came with him?" He snorted, taking his own glass. "I don't believe it. You hate him. He hates you."
"It's mutually benefiting." I shrugged taking a sip of my next drink. "Now fuck off, McLaggen, I'm trying to enjoy myself."
"You'll enjoy yourself a lot more if you let me...help you." He said, reaching out towards my face. For some reason, I didn't push him away. For some reason, he didn't seem as disgusting as he normally did, and maybe...maybe I'd actually like his.
His lips were nearing mine and I didn't move away even though warning bells were silently ringing in the back of my muddled mind andโ
McLaggen was yanked backwards and shoved sideways into a table, knocking it over. Absolutely fuming, Malfoy was standing in front of me, his wand out and pointed at the Gryffindor.
"What the hell were you doing?" He spat angrily. I went to grab another firewhiskey but without even glancing my way he ripped it out of my hand and then proceeded dumped it in McLaggen's head.
He sputtered in shock, his undoubtedly expensive suit ruined as people started to gather around. I saw Harry and Hermione appear from the other side of the room.
"She wanted it. Didn't you see her face, ferret boy?" McLaggen sneered. Malfoy's face contorted in rage.
"She's drunk, you pervert! She doesn't know what she wants."
"I'm not drunk." I slurred, leaning against the table for support. Malfoy shot me a look that clearly told me to shut up as he kicked McLaggen in the shin.
"I'm taking King back to the common room. You better not take advantage of anyone else, you foul, disgusting prick!" He spat, gesturing for me to follow him. I tried to take a step, but my feet were suddenly unsteady and he gripped my upper arm, pulling me out of the office and along the corridor leading towards the Slytherin Common room.
"Honestly, King, couldn't you see that that prat was taking advantage of you?" He muttered under his breath, helping me along. I shrugged. "I dunno. Seemed funny."
"Yeah. Because you're drunk."
"Why do you even care?"
"I don't."
I gave him a skeptical look and he threw up his hands. "Fine. Maybe I do. But that doesn't change the fact that you got drunk when I told you not to and now you're making a fool of yourself. You almost snogged McLaggen, for Merlin's sake. Think of how much you'd've regretted that when you wake up tomorrow."
I rolled my eyes, pushing away from him and trying to walk on my own. "This is so patronizing."
I stumbled, almost falling to the ground and he caught me, helping me back to my feet. "I could just leave you here to pass out in the hallway if you'd rather. Which you don't."
I laughed slightly, the whole prospect seeming really silly as he continued to half walk, half carry me all the way into the common room. Thankfully there was no one there to see me. I looked at the stairs, and very slowly, relying greatly on Malfoy's support, made my way up them.
There was no one in the dorm at that moment either, except for Malfoy and me. I leaned against the wall, breathing heavily, as Malfoy pulled out his wand and pointed it at my trunk. My pajamas flew out and he caught them.
"Change. Unless you want to go to sleep in that dress which might ruin it."
Rolling my eyes, I accepted them and turned towards the bathroom, intending to change in there, but Malfoy grabbed my wrist and pulled me backwards.
"No. If you pass out I won't know or be able to get to you. You're changing here." He said, gesturing towards the curtained beds that made up the sixth year girls' dorm. Groaning in frustration, I stumbled over to my four poster bed and wrenched the drapes shut so he couldn't see me.
"Happy now?" I grunted, struggling with the zipper on my dress. My fingers kept slipping (totally not because I was drunk) and I couldn't get it undone. After a moment, I realized with an annoyed sigh that I would have to ask him for help.
"Malfoy?" I called, stepping carefully off of my bed. To my horror his name came out slightly slurred.
"I can't get my dress unzipped."
Silence for a moment.
"What do you want me to do about it?"
I groaned in frustration. "Help me, you asshole."
Rolling his eyes, Malfoy walked behind me and glanced down at the zipper holding my dress on. After a moment, he sighed and reached for it, gently unzipping my dress.
His hand lightly grazed my back and shockwaves radiated through my skin at his touch. Through my foggy, drunk brain, I heard a little voice saying that this wasn't right, that I hated him.
But it was getting really hard to remember why.
"Right. Now change." Malfoy said, his hand dropping from my back. His fingertips brushed against my spine again and I stiffened slightly. He needed to stop touching me before things got a whole lot more confusing than they already were.
"Thanks." I muttered, quickly heading back towards my bed and pulling the curtains shut around me. I pulled my dress over my shoulders and dropped it on the floor. I could see Malfoy's outline standing on the other side, waiting. Why was he still here?
I finished changing into my pajamas and pulled back the curtain, moving to climb out of the four poster.
"Are you alright, then? Am I good to leave you or are you going to pass out on the floor and cause your friends to blame me for leaving you alone?" Malfoy drawled. I made to answer, but as I stepped onto the floor, a cold, clammy feeling rushed up my body and I clutched the frame of my bed.
"King?" Malfoy prodded tentatively, peering at my clearly ashen face. "Are you alright?"
The tightness in my chest and the cold sweats that had suddenly taken over my body warned me what was about to happen moments before it did. Not answering Malfoy at all, I sprinted towards the bathroom and reached the toilet just in time to throw up.
Malfoy had followed me into the bathroom, pausing in the doorway. My eyes were running and my throat was burning, and I flushed the toilet, sitting back on my heels. His eyes widened as he took me in.
"Did you justโ"
He didn't even have time to finish his sentence before the feeling washed over me again and I bent back over the toilet.
"Oh, shit." I heard him whisper before he came behind me and was pulling my hair back for me, out of the way of the toilet. I threw up again and spat, getting everything out of my mouth, while Malfoy gently rubbed my back.
"That's one way to get the alcohol out of you." He said quietly after a moment. Just then, I realized what he was doing and shrugged him off and stood, staggering over to the sink where I started rinsing my mouth out. My makeup was a mess, and I tapped my wand against my face to remove it. After a moment, I pointed my wand at my mouth and cleaned it out as well, ridding myself of the disgusting taste that was lingering inside. The entire time, Malfoy kept his hand on my shoulder, steadying me.
"Why are you still here?" I rasped, my throat still burning. He rolled his eyes, steering me towards my bed.
"Because you're drunk. I'm not a monster, despite what you may think, and just because you annoy the shit out of me doesn't mean I want to see you passed out on the floor in potentially dangerous situations. Now shut up because you're already going to feel terrible tomorrow and probably won't even remember any of this."
He pulled back my blankets for me and helped me climb into bed. My head hit the pillow, hard, and I groaned. I felt foggy and gross and I hated it. Why did I even drink so much anyway? This was supposed to be a fun party, so how did I end up like this? How was Malfoy still right beside me?
Why was he looking at me with more care and concern in his eyes than I had ever seen, even more than that time I had broken my ribs playing quidditch?
"You know, Draco?" I slurred, not even really noticing what I was saying, "I don't hate you. You're not a bad person."
He looked at me, pity filling his eyes. "You don't know what you're saying."
"Maybe I do." I said, my eyelids fluttering open and shut. "I say I hate you...but tonight maybe I don't hate you. I like you quite a bit. Maybe too much. More than I want to admit."
A sad smile appeared on his face as he switched off the light on my bedside table.
"Get some rest, Diana."
"I don't want you to leave though." I said, giggling slightly. God, what was wrong with me?
He blew out a breath of air. I was probably annoying him but honestly I didn't really care.
"You're drunk. You don't mean anything you're saying and you probably won't remember it anyway. I'm..." His voice caught in his throat and I thought I caught a bit of longing in his face. "I'm not staying here with you tonight. That would be taking advantage of you."
"So you don't hate me either." I snickered. It was more of a statement than a question.
"I...fuck, you won't remember this anyway." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I don't, Diana. You're a pain in the arse sometimes but I don't hate you. I want...I can't..."
"Come on, Draco, what do you really think about me?" I prodded, grinning at him. He froze, staring at me. He opened and closed his mouth a few times. Then, he shook himself and turned towards the door.
"Go to sleep. You're going to need it and...you're better off forgetting all of this."
I wanted to protest, but my eyes were so heavy and sleep seemed so comforting. I gave up fighting sleep, rolled over onto my side, and immediately passed out.
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