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chapter five
real life + social media
warnings : none

faes hair hit her face, whipping around everywhere with the harsh wind as her and karl screamed 'death of the bachelor' by panic at the disco. they had decided to take the more, scenic route to ikea. which wasn't actually scenic. it just meant longer with less people on the highway. meaning, they could scream these songs at the top of lungs all they want, probably fucking up their vocal cords, but you only live once.

"my voice is so screwed now." karl said, ruffling his hair. "honestly, worth it." fae said, grabbing her mask from her bag with a smile. "truee."

a quiet gasp came from fae as they entered the large store, her heeled boots clicking on the floor as she made her way towards the room setups.

"wait, sit in that chair, that would be a cute photo." karl said, fishing his phone from his pocket. "photographer karl, ooh." she smiled, pulling her sunglasses from her bag for the photo.

"oh wait, no, you're right." she said while they looked over the photos, "airdrop that to me i'm gonna post it on twitter." he hummed and airdropped the photo. "oh." he said, tapping the edge of his phone with his finger. "what?" she asked, looking up after putting her glasses in her bag. "i may have airdropped your photo to you, and someone else random in this store." he said, laughing slightly. "its alright, maybe they need a new wallpaper."

fae <4 @faeonthefloor
karl takes photos of fae in ikea, a thread

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azalea @redazaleas
replying to @faeonthefloor
this is funny because theres only one photo
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fae <4 @faeonthefloor

replying to @redazaleas
when she gets you ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
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karl :) @karljacobs_
replying to @faeonthefloor
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fae <4 @faeonthefloor
replying to @karljacobs_
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karl :) @karljacobs_
replying to @faeonthefloor
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fae <4 @faeonthefloor
replying to @karljacobs_
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user4 @user4
replying to @faeonthefloor
ok but why is there only one? ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿคจ
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user3 @user3
replying to @faeonthefloor
there goals, your honor

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user1 @user1
replying to @user3
theyre* but youre still right ๐Ÿ˜ซ
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fae gasped, grabbing a fistful of karls sweatshirt sleeve and dragging him over to the fancy kitchen set up.

karl laughed, clearing his throat. "hello dear, how are thee on this fine morning?" he asked, smiling so wide he could feel his cheeks start to hurt. "i'm just splendid! would you care to enjoy some tea my dear husband thee?" fae replied, picking up a marble tea pot from the very expensive looking stove. "oh i would just kill for a sip of such a beverage!" he said dramatically, both of them erupting into a fit of giggles.

"can we go look at the nice beds?" fae asked, watching as karl tapped his finger on his jaw, noticing his chipped black nail polish. "hmmm, i don't know..." he trailed off jokingly, pretending to be deep in thought. fae sighed loudly, "i hate when men."

"oh my god... they have a sage green bed set!" the girl let out a very girlish squeal as she ran towards the bed setup. both karl and fae started running and jumped onto the bed, probably messing it up.

fae and karl laughed loudly as they fell onto the bouncy mattress. fae landed with her head practically on karls chest.

once fae looked up at karl and their eyes made contact, their smiles faltered. the moment now ten times more awkward than ever expected. an awkward silence hung in the air, time felt like it was moving slow in the worst way possible before it got interrupted by karl clearing his throat.

the blonde rolled onto her back on the bed, staring at the ikea ceiling and the flickering hanging lights. "whats your thing with sage anyways?" karl asked, his hands resting on his stomach as he looked over at fae. "i don't know, its just my favorite color. i think if i could, i would have almost everything in sage." she nodded, eyes still trained on the flickering light.

"wouldn't you get sick of it though? like, if you owned everything in one color it would be boring to see very single day." she hummed, looking at him, "thats why i said almost everything, id probably throw in a few browns, cremes and maybe white for a bright color." she explained.

fae smoothed the fluffy sage comforter over the edge of the bed once they got off as karl fluffed up the pillows and put them back into the places they were before. "are you gonna get it?" karl asked, fae shook her head, bangs swishing slightly as she moved. "maybe i'll get a throw pillow but i'm more of a simple white comforter type of gal."

and so, they walked up to the cash register with a cart containing, a sage pillow, a few fake plants, that fancy tea pot from the fancy kitchen setup, a new lamp for her living room, pink, blue and clear cutlery, a new shell shaped chair, and a simple clear vase. "will you help me set this all up and stuff?" she asked, grabbing her wallet. "of course."

"uh, the group chat is ringing me, do you-" she gasped, "oh! answer, i wanna show azalea my plants!" karl smiled, unlocking the car and answering the call as they got in.

"FAE!" azalea said, interrupting whatever conversation the other boys were having before hand. "oh my god, azalea, look at the plants i got!" she said, beginning to bring out her plants to show as karl smiled brightly and azalea payed close attention. "what are you gonna name them because i have some ideas!" azalea said, opening her notes app, "NO, azalea, your naming privileges have been taken away, remember?" alex said from beside her.

fae <4 @faeonthefloor
karl and me went shopping, and heres what my house
looks like now...

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karl :) @karljacobs_
replying to @faeonthefloor
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fae <4 @faeonthefloor
replying to @karljacobs_
when he picks where the lamp goes <33
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user9 @user9

replying to @faeonthefloor
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user4 @user4
replying to @user9
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azalea @redazaleas
replying to @faeonthefloor
thoughts on the name calliope? maybe bobert?
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quackity4k @quackity4k
replying to @redazaleas
dont let her trick you fae
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๐€๐”๐“๐‡๐Ž๐‘๐’ ๐๐Ž๐“๐„

literally i had such a shit night tonight
and my home life rn is dogshit, not like
its normally any better but you guys
lowk make it better ig, don't let that go
to your head ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

credit to my love cas for the cute kitchen
scene <3 -siriuslystyles

ilysm and i'm insanely proud of how far you've come, your gorgeous and amazing go take care of your body <3

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