𝐌𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 ; 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐞
N/N 🫶🫶
Tartagalish FOR REAL
Number1Ayatofan the way they look at each other makes me want to cry
Number1Thomafan Thomas crying help me
ThatoneCanadian they're endgame
Balladeer give me that photo.
Hutaosaghost ur honor they're married
Joinmygangplz literally #1 couple
Ayyyaka happy for them :)
(Scaramouche pov)
I stood there behind her. My hands finding their way around her waist. A little part of me was nervous that she would reject me, yeah it's stupid I get it we're dating.
I stood there waiting for her response, her head then turns towards me her eye making contact with me.
"I would love to go with you Scaramouche Raiden" I felt so relieved from that response. I gently turn the rest of her body around to face me. She had the biggest smile on her face, the flowers she was holding were still in front of her. Getting in my way of wanting to kiss her; I couldn't squish the flowers?
"I didn't think you would ask me to the dance to be honest haha,,"
"Why? We're dating after all. How could I not ask you?"
"That reason why, I thought that you thought since we were dating you didn't need to ask me. But I love that you did, I love all of this that you planned out!" She breaks herself from me and starts looking around, I guess she really did love this idea.
"I wanted to fit as much as I could in here of things you loved. The walk, the snow, the flowers, me of course" she snickers by what I said.
"You really needed to add yourself in??"
"Why wouldn't I?"
"True, I guess you really are my favorite thing, the thing I love the most" archons she looked beautiful in this moment, herself contrasting from the whiteness from the scenery making her the main attraction.
"I guess I'm just everyone's favorite. Couldn't blame them though. I'm my favorite thing too"
"What about me!?"
"I'm joking n/n, your my favorite person. How could you not be my favorite person?" She comes back over to me, carefully setting the flowers on a empty bench. Her hands find their way up to my hair, she starts laughing while trying to "fix" it. She just wanted to mess with my hair. All I could do was look in her eyes, until she finally stops and looks at me.
"May..I..?" I say asking her; she knew what I meant and shakes her head yes. I calmly close my lips against hers, her lip's immediately melting to mine. I wanted the kiss to show how deeply I've fallen for her. Hopefully she got the message from that, I think she got the message from that. From the way she was kissing me back it seemed she did.
We both parted, her eyes were practically sparkling mostly from the lights. Which made me realize how dark it was getting outside.
"Come on it's getting even darker outside. I don't want to keep you out here all night." She quickly goes back to grab the flowers and then takes my hand we both walked side by side on the way back home.
As we got back a wave of flavors and seasonings hit us. Miko was in the middle of cooking while Ei was again at the kitchen table. She then notices us and smiles at us as we take our jackets off.
"Son can I talk to you for a second?" What did she want now? Y/n goes upstairs while I go over to the table meeting with Ei, asking her what she wanted?
"I just wanted to have a little mother son conversation. We don't talk much you know Kunikuzushi?"
"I suppose so. Your usually always busy"
"I know and I'm sorry for that. That's why I want to talk with you now." She's never actually wanted to try and talk to me before, without some how making fun of me. I nod at her, it felt awkward.
"How was the 'proposal' you did for Y/n?"
"It went well, she really enjoyed everything I put together. She said yes to going with me too"
"I'm glad to hear that your treating her well. She's a very lovely person Kuni."
"I know she is mom, that's why I want to stay with her. For as long as possible maybe." It felt weird telling her my feelings. But it also felt comforting.
"You two have only been together for about a month and a half I wouldn't move that far yet son. But I approve of a marriage between you two" marriage? I genuinely never thought of that before. But I suppose it wouldn't be a bad thing to keep in mind.
"I know, I don't want things to move to quickly. Things are finally going well for the both of us."
"Ah. I also wanted to tell you something, Y/n's mother hasn't stopped by here for the time she's been gone. I think she's just stopped trying to get to her. So I think now it's safe to say that she can come back here. If she would like, but that's something the two of you can discuss"
"I'll talk to her about it."
"How are you feeling about Sunday? I never got to talk to you about it." And I personally didn't want to ever bring it up again.
"I feel stupid for what happened. *sigh* I feel like I just fucked up again. And I feel like that's everyone thought of me too." After hearing my words she took her hand and rested it on top of mine.
"I don't think anyone feels that way son. I know Y/n certainly doesn't. I know I don't. And I'm for certain no one else thinks that way. It's only you who are putting those thoughts into your head and making you think like that."
"I know that. It's not something that I can just get rid of though. It adapted into my brain to think like that." She pauses for a minute before speaking, thinking about something.
"And I'm sorry if I've ever caused you to think that way. I know I haven't been present much, or seemed I haven't cared much. But something you got from your mother and Miko can back me up on this. It's hard for the both of us to communicate our emotions to people." I could see Miko nodding while chopping up Vegetables.
"I got that from you?"
"Well then how have you been able to handle that?"
"I just found the right person to be here with me, and I think you've found the right person too Kunikuzushi. It'll take time of course, but it's something you have to work on."
"What would I have to work on?"
"Thinking on the positive. That's why having someone to lift you up is always helping. You just have to try and talk to her about how your feeling at any point. It'll help trust your mother." I nod at her, this was so different. But I guess this is showing that she truly cares about me. Being a good mother to me.
"You can leave now, I'll let you guys know when dinner is done okay?"
"Okay." I start getting up from the table and walking over to the staircase. Pausing, then looking back over at her.
"Hey mom?"
"I love you." The words left her frozen for a second, we barley ever told each other 'I love you' before but I think now was the right time to use it.
"And I love you son" she says smiling at me, I return it before going upstairs. Knocking on Y/n's door before she lets me in. Her hair was pretty wet, I suppose she took a shower while we were talking.
"How was the talk with your mother?" I go over to her bed sitting on the edge, after she closes the door she comes and sits next to me.
"It was actually nice. We just caught up on a few things. It felt nice talking with her."
"That's good! I'm glad things went well between you two." She fell silent after that. I suppose she was upset.
"What's wrong N/n?"
"Oh nothing! I promise Scara!" I didn't want to push her to telling me something she didn't want to. So I didn't say anything.
A few minutes went by, I could feel her looking at me, her eyes were filled with passion almost.
"What are you looking at?" I ask her.
"You." Threw me off guard for a second. She moved herself closer to me before I pulled her onto my lap. She wasn't laughing like she usually would, her eyes were now filled with lust.
"Can-" she cuts off my words by kissing me, it was passionate. They were long yet steamy kisses, at one point I found a way to slide my tongue in her mouth while kissing her.
A few minutes went by, she wanted to take control over this, she stopped kissing me and moved down towards my neck. Kissing it. I hissed by the contact of her lips. Is this what she feels like when I do this to her? I could feel her hands moving down towards the edge of my shirt, putting her hands under it about to take it off.
I quickly stop her from doing so, and make her stop kissing me to look at me.
"Not now, I..I want to save you for Friday." Her expression completely changed from those words, she wasn't feeling confident anymore. My words could practically break her at any time of the day. And I loved it.
After that we ended the night off peacefully. For this night I went back in my room, Iris was begging for attention from me. So I decided to sleep in my room for the night, Y/n stayed in hers.
(Y/n pov)
It was the last day for exams, we only had one exam today so I was just ready for it to be over so I could go back home and feel even more nervous about tomorrow.
There was so much to unpack from yesterday, archons where should I start...OH
Other than that, the proposal he did to ask me out was literally the cutest (and might I add) hottest thing ever? I'll marry him right here and right now if I wanted to..and if he was with me right now.
The teacher hands us our packets...oh history...my favorite subject of course. (It's not) even better my best friend was in here (no she's not) Ayaka. But for once she wasn't staring me down like a hog.
Thankfully the exam went by quick I was now on my way outside to the parking lot. I feel someone tap my shoulder; I turn around to see Ayaka there about to say something but before she could I try and walk away. But she grabs onto my hand, immediately letting go after realizing what she did.
"What do you want.?"
"Look I know you hate me, I know that I can never fix the friendship that I broke up with you. I'm sorry about that random confession Y/n it was stupid of me to do that. I don't love you anymore, if that makes you feel better. I know all the things I've done is unforgivable and you don't have to accept my apology you shouldn't to be honest. I just genuinely wanted to tell you how sorry I am, no secrets are being unfolded, no apologies need to be accepted. I just want you to know; I regret what I've done and that I am truly sorry Y/n.
I uh...also wanted to give you back the things you still had at my house. Here." She handed me a box that had a few of my clothes and jewelry. All of her matching half necklaces I gave her. I'm surprised she didn't destroy these.
"Thank you for returning these Ayaka." I didn't want to accept the apology from her, even if I knew she was sorry. It's too late to try and fix our friendship as much as I want to. It's better for myself to not do that.
"Your welcome Y/n, I hope your doing well. Uhm, I'll take my leave now." She then made her way out to the parking lot leaving me the speechless one this time.
I feel Scaramouche come up behind me. Putting his hand on my shoulder to get my attention.
"Are you okay Y/n?"
" yeah I am. Ayaka just came to give me all the things I left at her house." He looked down at the box I was holding.
"I'm surprised she didn't burn them."
"Me too if I'm being honest" he takes me home after that. There was more I needed to be thinking about than Ayaka right now. The dance is tomorrow.
(Y/n pov)
It was finally the day. The day of the dance. Ever since 1pm I've been a nervous wreck. Ei and Miko have been helping me get ready for the dance, Mostly Miko. Ei was trying to help Scaramouche most of the time.
Miko did my hair for me, and I tell you she is literally so good at doing hair??? (Pick any hairstyle you want <3)
It was now 3:45pm, I still had a little bit of time before I needed to get ready. We decided to eat after we stayed at the dance for a little bit so that gave me more time. Hutao and Ajax are currently blowing up my phone.
Ajax is gay‼️‼️
(Hutao👻, Ed Sheeran wannabe)
(A) I'm constipated from how nervous I am...
Ajax honey I don't think we needed to know that ‼️
(H) yeah no we didn't....
(A) idc it's a cry for help.
Why? I mean we're all nervous but
(A) cause Zhonglis taking me this time
Wait. Y/n did Scaramouche ask you to the dance yet?
Yes? He did Wednesday it was so cute
Cause I forgot to tell y'all 😭💀
(H) I hate you sometimes y/n
Love you too bb 🫶
(A) wait are we all getting pictures together?
Cause if so where we meeting up?
(H) well I'm going with a group so idk
Maybe we'll just do pictures ourselves when we get to the school? So we won't worry about it?
(A) I like that idea you good with that Hutao?
(H) Mhm!!
I was mid texting when I got a notification from someone. I never thought they would ever contact me.
Hey there kiddo! I know we haven't talked in a while. I know today is your winter formal, I hope you have fun!!! Maybe one day we could talk and catch up on things!! You know I'm always here for you Y/n, I know that your mother hasn't been doing well since the divorce. I hope that you know I'm always just a phone call or text away. I know that I have new family but your still my daughter and part of my family, so if you ever need a place to stay there's always a spare room at my house.
My wife would also love to meet you :)
You don't have to respond to this if you don't want to, I know it's my bad for not reaching out and keeping contact with you. I just needed to figure myself out for a bit, if you can understand that.
I love you so much kiddo! I hope you have a fantastic night ❤️
All I did was stare at the message, after all these years I thought he hated me, forgot about me. And moved on with his new family. But he didn't. He cared about me still. Even after all this time.
I quickly message him back, saying that I'd love to catch up with him and finally see him again. And I told him that I loved him as well. Things were really starting to go up from here.
I turn my phone off and finally start getting ready, Miko again was helping me zip/lace up my dress (dress was chosen in 38. 3 strikes you're out) the dress looked so good on me. I felt even more nervous about the dance now that it was so close.
It was about 4:30pm when me and Scaramouche decided to reveal ourselves to each other. He was downstairs at the time, so I had to make the 'grand entrance' down the stairs to him. Once he saw me his eyes wouldn't move away from me, he was following my every move. He looked so good, he cleaned up well when it came to dressing up well. It was his basic black on black with a hint of blue/white (based on ur dress) on to match with me. The butterfly necklace was poking through as well, he never took it off. I never took off my necklace either.
"You look...amazing Y/n." He looks at me up and down.
"And you look as handsome as ever Scaramouche" I quickly give him a light kiss, trying to get my lipstick off of him giggling.
"Alright you two I don't want to keep you guys here long so let's get pictures over with!!" Ei said pulling out her phone and camera.
"Really mom?"
"Yes Kunikuzushi now pretend you two love each other?"
( Scaramouche pov )
We now finally arrived to the school, there were already people walking in. I grab the two tickets I bought for me and Y/n.
"When did you buy the tickets?" She asked me while we got out of the car.
"Tuesday, after exams thats why it took me longer to get out" she meets up with me and links her arm with mine as we meet up with everyone for more pictures....
The place actually looks really nice, some would say it's magical. That someone was Y/n...we were sitting at a table as both of us weren't much dance people. There was someone who came up to us. Mona. I could feel myself tense up as she came over. The both of us started to get up.
"No wait please! I want to talk to the both of you. Can I? Please I won't bother you guys anymore after this!" I looked over at Y/n who answered that question for me.
"Go ahead Mona." Mona then looks at me for my approval, I slightly nod my head as we sit back down. She joins us and sits at the table as well.
"I just, I actually wanted to apologize for everything I've caused you two for the time I've been here. Y/n I am so deeply sorry for what I've done to you, the pictures the stalking it was all wrong. I know. It's very creepy of me to do that, I've sadly only started to realize that. I feel so bad for all the trouble I've caused you and fear that I've caused you. And Scaramouche. I want to apologize for everything. I'm sorry for me being obsessed with you, going completely crazy and making you feel so uncomfortable. It was so wrong of me to act like that around you. What happened at the mall I take complete blame for, all the rumors going around and the posts about what happened I've been telling everyone I started it all. That's all I wanted to say, have a good night you two. You guys look amazing" and then she just got up and left. We both looked at each other, Y/n started laughing. I couldn't help
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