26. ๐Œ๐ฒ mother

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    ยป Fight or Flight : Conan Grayยซ
0:00 โ”€ใ€‡โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ 0:00
โ‡„   โ—ƒโ—ƒ   โ… โ…    โ–นโ–น   โ†ป

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Hottisignora you literally said I looked like ashes
โ•ฐโ”ˆโžค Tartagalish cauze you do ๐Ÿซฃ

โ•ฐโ”ˆโžค Balladeer For once Childe has a good point

N/N no ๐Ÿคญ I was gonna post this but you took it from me :(
โ•ฐโ”ˆโžค Balladeer don't give me that sad face.
SangonomiyaKokomi KITTYTEEHDU๐Ÿ‘น๐Ÿ‘น๐Ÿ‘น

(Raiden Ei pov)

"So Ei how do you really feel about your sons new girlfriend?", Miko questions looking over at me while we are outside.

"I truly do like the girl. When I talked with Kunikuzushi he really did seem to care about her, you've been here long enough Miko to see how he acts, speaks, feels to other people; I think now he's finally showing some sort of love and affection for this girl. Of course I'm surprised he got a girlfriend but he finds this girl special. And I like the girl. I have a good feeling about her. Yet I feel so bad for her, from what Kunikuzushi told me and what she told me." The sun was starting to set, which meant it was starting to get colder. So Miko brings the both of us back inside the house.

We both take our coats and shoes off, Miko takes my cup out of my hands and refills the tea she made earlier.

"I know you feel bad darling, but it's not something I would worry about. She's here now with us, I know you Ei. You would do anything for your son so I know you would do anything for someone so close to him" she hands me my tea smiling at me, we both go over to the couch to relax for the evening.

We were cuddled up together on the couch for 2 hours watching tv. (Approx. time 6:50pm) . Miko notices that both of our cups were empty, she took them and set them over on the kitchen counterโ€”then decided it was a good time to start preparing dinner. I would help her but I can't cook eh.

I stay on the couch watching tv until I heard someone knocking at the door. I turn around to look up at Miko to see her attention was already focusing on the knock at the door. "Did you order anything or something?" I shake my head no, getting up and opening the door to see who it was.

A women with dark brown hair (if that ain't your hair color then just pretend you got your hair from ur dads genes idk) tied back in a low ponytail, mascara that looked as if it was rubbed on her eyes, dark eye circles, a blue sweater that hung off of one shoulder and black jeans was standing there. 'Weird'

"Um excuse me? Who are you?" I say confused. Who would be here at 7pm on a Monday.

"Hello there Ma'am. I was just wondering if you have seen a girl about this tall (she puts her hand next to her head trying to show how tall this girl was) uh short/long h/c hair? E/c eyes by chance?" 'That almost perfectly described Y/n. I think I have a feeling on who this woman is.'

"Uh no I have not? Are you her mother? I can make sure I'll keep a look out for her"

"Yes I am her mother, we got into a little disagreement one day and you know how teenagers are! They run away! Haha now I'm just trying to find her. I'm worried sick for her! Are you sure you haven't seen her?"

"I'm quite sure I haven't seen her ma'am. I hope you find your daughter, Have a nice evening." I try and close the door, but her hand pushes the door so I couldn't close it.

"I know you have my daughter here. Don't bullshit me. Where is my daughter!?"

"Ma'am please calm down. I do not have your daughter here. You must be mistaken for another house."

"What the fuck did she tell you? I know she's here, with that god awful boy ! Don't play dumb with me."

"Excuse me but I will not let you talk about my son like that? I suggest you leave my house now."  I can feel Miko come up behind me wondering what was going on.

"What is going on?"

"I know you two are hiding my daughter here. That evil fucking son of hers is why my daughter is acting like this!" She points her finger in my face. This women is crazy?

"My son is not evil. Your daughter is not here. Now goodnight." I slam the door in her face, she stayed there knocking on the door for about 5 minutes. Until she finally gave up and left.

"Ei are you okay?" Miko grabs my shoulders so I was facing her.

"I'm fine, I just need to talk to the both of them." I make my way upstairs over to Kunikuzushis room. Knocking a few times slightly because I knew he would be sleeping.

No answer.

I quietly open the door peaking to see the both of them sleeping on his bed. His arms were wrapped her, her arms were on his chest. They both were still in their uniforms. They looked so peaceful together, I didn't want to ruin it. But I knew I should let them know.

(Y/n pov)

I had such an amazing dream, sucks I couldn't remember it to explain it though. I could feel someone lightly tapping my shoulder which was enough to wake me up. I open my eyes to see Scara looking down at me, his eyes still trying to stay awake. He then moves his eye up trying to get me to look behind, so I did. And there was his mother standing in the doorway. I quickly sat up and got off of him. All she did was laugh at my actions

"I'm sorry if I scared you sweetie! I was just wondering if I could talk to you both for a minute?" She says coming to sit on the edge of the bed. I could feel Scara move and sit up next to me.

"What do you need mom?" He says rubbing his eyes annoyed from her ruining his sleep.

"Well, Y/n I met someone who you may know very well. She was at the door" 'She?' Oh god please don't tell me it was Ayaka! Or...

"It was your mother."

My mother.

"Are you serious? What did she want?" Scara speaks for me, I felt like I was in complete shock to where I couldn't speak. 'How could she have known? She doesn't know where he lives?'

"I'm serious Kunikuzushi. She wanted to know where you were Y/n." Oh god. I didn't want this to happen. My eyes started to widen, I didn't think she would try and find me being honestโ€”with how long she hasn't tried after I came here. But now she is.

"What did you say?" He speaks for me again, putting his arm behind me; pulling me closer to him. He knew how bad this was already starting to go.

"I told her you weren't here. But Y/n she knows your here. Do you have any idea she might know why?" I start rethinking everything.

"I don't know. She doesn't have a tracker on my phone-" I stop talking. Realizing why she would know.

"Ayaka. It was her, she was the only one who knew I was staying here with you. And the only one who still likes my mother" I turn over looking at Scara.

"Who is this Ayaka?"

"My ex-best friend. My mother adores her, she must have been the one to tell her that I'm back here." I didn't know what I was feeling, a mix of anxiety, fear and anger.

"Well this a problem. But we'll come up with something that will keep you safe okay?" She grabs both of my hands trying to reassure me. All I could do was nod at her.

"Well that's all I needed to tell you guys. Miko's making dinner I'll let you guys know when it's ready okay? And please change out of your uniforms" she then leaves the room. We both sit there in silence until he speaks up.

"Are you okay?" He looks over at me concerned but I couldn't say anything. I felt so angry. I quickly get off the bed and grab my phone, letting my anger control me.

"Y/n what are you doing?" He was still concerned but was more annoyed I wouldn't answer him. I open my messages on Instagram, scrolling down to find the one contact I needed. Opening our messages and texting them.


You mother fucking bitch.

ใ€‹* ใ€‚ โ€ข หš หš ห› * ใ€‚ยฐ ใ€‚ โ€ขหšใ€Š

Word count : 1472

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