19. Confesson to make

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ยป Care for you : The Maria's ยซ
0:00 โ”€ใ€‡โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ 0:00
โ‡„ โ—ƒโ—ƒ โ… โ…  โ–นโ–น โ†ป

๐Œ๐ฒ ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ ; ๐’๐œ๐š๐ซ๐š๐ฆ๐จ๐ฎ๐œ๐ก๐ž


Balladeer Don't call me emo then ๐Ÿคจ
ThatoneCanadian oh Archons....
Tartagalish you guys are the best couple ๐Ÿฅน

Ilovegirls 100/10 ur literally beautiful
Joinmygangplz that damn Scarf covering up ur whole face ๐Ÿ’€

(Y/n pov)

He...he kissed me..

It was such a sweet and loving kiss though. His lips are soft, I melted into the kiss. He was so careful with the kiss, like I was fragil. I grabbed onto the collar of his shirt pulling him closer to him, wanting the kiss to last longer. I could feel him smirk into the kiss when I pulled him closer. Archons, everything felt so right in the moment. We both break the kiss, still staying so close to each other. Only inches away, I look into his eyes. The eyes I could get lost in.

"There's a confession I want to make."

Looking at him he laughs at me

"I think there's a confession we both need to make" we both give each other more space between us. I could get a better look at him, his cheeks were tinted red, so were his lips.

"Ahaha, do you wanna go first then?"

"You wanted to talk first so you go."

My face started to heat up again, oh great here this goes.
"Oh um, well here goes nothing. I think it's pretty obvious now but. After the time I've spent with you and the time I've spent away from you I've come to realize that I have feelings for you. You've made me feel special, you've been here for me when I needed someone. I've tried to deny my feelings for a while. But now I've finally come realize my feelings for you. Your such an amazing person Kunikuzushi, I don't care about what you've done. I have feelings for you, you Scaramouche. I'm done trying to run away from my feelings for you."
I could feel my legs start shaking. I couldn't look at him anymore, even if I knew the answer from him a little part of me still thought he would reject me.

"Pfft, hey look at me." He Grabs my chin making me turn my head to face him. I look over and smile at him. Tears were still welling up in my eyes.

"There's no need for you to cry. *sigh* I have feelings for you Y/n. I have for a while now. But I just never tried to admit that I do. I've always felt like you were too good for me. Like you deserved someone better than me. Or that I was scared you were just going to get up and leave me." He brings his hand down to my hand. Intertwining his with mine.
"But now I don't feel like you would, the more I've known you and the more people have been on my ass about you. I've felt more comfortable to come realize my feelings" he then smiles at me. Archons his smile. Something I missed.

"So what does that make us now?"

"I'm ready to commit to a relationship with you. If that's what you want"

"I do want that."
I lean over to him. And kiss him again. His lips felt so addicting. He leaned into the kiss, it felt so loving. I wanted so much more from him. I wanted to know more about him. At some point I was now lying on his couch and he was on top of me. Still kissing me, he started deepening the kiss. It felt more rough and passionate but it still felt lovingly. He then stopped and parted from the kiss. His hair was a mess, from me running my hands through his hair. I smiled and laughed at him. It felt unreal what was happening. Like a dream.
But a damn good dream that I never wanted to end.

"Come on. Get up your still soaking wet and getting my couch wet." He gets off of me and reaches his hand out for me to grab to pull myself up.

"Shower or bath? It'll be better to clean yourself then stay soaked for the whole night."

"I shower would be fine! Are my clothes still in my room?"

"Oh yeah. I cleaned your clothes while you were gone. Just in case you came back." How adorable

"Awe Moochie cares for me!!" I pat his head

"I will literally go grab your clothes and throw them outside in the rain."

"And there's the Scaramouche I know.."

He just gives me a plan monotone stare, then pushes me off the couch.

"Now go shower. You smell like wet dog." He shooed me away. I laugh and grab Apollo to take him up to my room.

I open the door to see all of my clothes folded together on the bed. His clothes, my dress, and the rest of the clothes I wore. 'He really wasn't lying. How cute' I set Apollo on the bed close to the pillows so he wouldn't go and lay on my clothes. I then go and take a shower

(Time skip lolz I can't write again๐Ÿ™)

(Scaramouche pov)

I go back over to the kitchen to make Y/n soup. Still trying to comprehend what happened. 'Are we dating now? I said I'm ready for a relationship and she agreed. So she's now my girlfriend?' I find it nice thinking about that. Y/n's now mine. I love that.

I hear her come down after her shower to see her wearing my clothes I gave her the first night she stayed here. 'Oh archons' I could feel my face heat up. She laughs walking over to me.

"Stop staring it's creepy"

"Your creepy."

"What? ๐Ÿ™"

"Joking." I hand her the bowl of soup I made

"You made me Food?? I think I can get used to this relationship thing!"

"I'll take that food back."

"No no no! It's okay I take it back!" She goes over to the couch where my soup was and sits down.

"Your soups almost cold come over and eat with me!"

I go over and sit next to her. She smiles at me.

"So tell me about Apollo your cat."

"Oh uhm, well my parents got him when I was three when they were still together. He then attached himself to me, he loved playing with me when I was little. If I still had pictures of me when I was a baby you'd always see me with Apollo! Everyone knew he was my cat, we would always play outside together, it's weird because he's one of the few cats that love to be outside and in the rain. When my parents separated Apollo was like my emotional support animal as funny as that sounds.
But I was only 12, so he was all I had. Once my mom started going on her rampage of men Apollo was the only thing keeping me from running away! Though I would have never gotten myself to run away at 14. So once I heard she let him out, I completely lost it. But I found him!"

"Ohh. I'm glad you found him. I don't know what would have happened if I lost Iris"

"I hope you won't. It's not fun lemme tell you!"

"Now eat your food. It's getting late, you should get some rest soon." Mostly I was just getting tired, I could tell I was getting more sick. But I wouldn't tell her yet.

This wasn't the night I was expecting. But I'm glad this happened. Having Y/n with me felt like this was the only thing I needed. I loved this.

ใ€‹* ใ€‚ โ€ข หš หš ห› * ใ€‚ยฐ ใ€‚ โ€ขหšใ€Š

Can you tell I suck at writing kissing scenes ๐Ÿ˜

I missed school this morning so I stayed home ๐Ÿ˜œ so maybe another chapter release soon?????!!!???

Word count: 1316

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