12. Pre-Party

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ยป Doin' Time : Lana Del Reyยซ
0:00 โ”€ใ€‡โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ 0:00
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Tartagalish ITS HAPPENING @Hutaosaghost

Hutaosaghost AWWWWWW

Joinmygangplz why wasn't I invited :(
โ•ฐโ”ˆโžค Ilovegirls cause girls only

(Scaramouche pov)

I get myself to go downstairs to try and make breakfast without burning anything. After a few minutes I can hear the shower water, seems Y/n just got in the shower. I'm kinda dreading today. I have a bad feeling about how this party will turn out. But I can't ruin it for Y/n.

I start making some eggs, bacon and toast for the both of us.

I didn't actually burn the toast this time crazy. I know.

About 20 minutes later I hear Y/n come down. Her hair still wet, dressed in comfortable clothing, kinda similar to what she wore to bed.

"Did you burn anything this time Scara?" She walks over next to me

"Surprisingly no" I hand her the plate of food I made

"Oh wowwww im shocked" She Said sarcastically

"Okay" I take her plate right back out of her hands and pretend I'm about to throw it away

"No wait!!! I'm sorry I'm sorry!! Can I have the food back?"

"Ask for it"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Ask for it or get on your knees and beg for it. Your lucky I'm letting you decide" I smile at her. I could see her face flush a dark shade of pink. Something I liked to see.

"I hate you so much you know that?"

"Do you want your food or not?"

"Fine.. Please Scara?? Can I have my food??" She was so flustered I couldn't help but laugh

"Hmm I don't knowww maybe you should do it again?"

"Just give me my damn food. Please?" Her voice was demanding.

"Fine" I hand her back the food trying to hold in another laugh. She stomps away over to the table to eat her food

"Do you want medicine now or after you eat?" I say grabbing the bottle

"Hmm now" she looks over at me

I get her a cup of water and take out two pills for her. I bring them over to her and sit across from her watching her take the pills

"Aren't you gonna eat too?" She looks at me after she was done

"I already ate while you were showering."

"Oh. Sorry for taking long haha" she looks away from me

"It's not your fault, don't be sorry" I say giving her a reassuring smile "Now eat before it gets cold"

She went quite and started eating her food. I was just sitting there watching her. She looked up at me and started laughing

"Are you just gonna keep staring at me like that?"

"And what if I am?" Her face gets red again

"I hate you"

"Mhmmm sure you do" She then decides to kick me from under the table, and I kick her back. We both start laughing at each other

"Are you sure you still want to go the party? Your still not feeling well" I ask her

"I'm sure! I promised Ajax I would be here. So I need to be there! If your worried about me you'll be there with me! So if I'm not feeling well you'll be there for me"

"Yeah. Im not worried about you I was just asking"

"Stage one Denial "

" really? I'm not in denial"

" that's what they all say!"

"Finish eating your food before I shove it down your throat"

"Yes sir" sir now I feel like the flustered one.

"Did you just sir me?"

"Yes? And what about it?"

"Nothing I was just asking ma'am" she looks away

"You can't beat me at my own game n/n, you'll always get more flustered than me"

"Shut up"

(Y/n pov)

Time went by quick after breakfast, right now it was 5:30 and I'm trying to find something for Scara to wear for the party. His closet has a good amount of clothing for me to use for this. I came up with a good outfit that suited him well

(Outfit inspo)

"Im wearing that?" He asks me after I put the outfit together

"Mhm! What do you not like it?"

"No no I do, not bad N/n" he comes over to me and...pats my head..

Did he seriously just pat my head?

"Okay now go change!!" I push him away from me

He just stands there for a minute and I look at him confused

"Are you gonna turn around so I can change? Or are you just gonna watch me get undressed?"

"OH SHIT RIGHT! Ahaha sorry!" I turn around hiding my embarrassment I could hear him laugh behind me

"Alright here" I turn around to see him in the clothes I picked. Holy shit he looked hot. Wait what?

"You look Great! Now accessories" I say grabbing a few things from his desk

"Do I really need those?"

"Yes now shut up and put these on" I hand him a few necklaces and rings. He rolls his eyes and puts them on.

"There happy?"

"Very happy." He looked so good.

"Shouldn't you go get changed now?"

"Oh yeah hang on!"

I rush downstairs to grab the bag that had my dress in there. Then run back upstairs to my room. I get changed into my dress, I put on some white see-through tights, get my shoes, put some of my own accessories on and did my hair

(Hair and accessories inspo)

I make my way over to Scara's room to show him.

"Sooo how do I look??" I show him

"Hmm." Sit sits down on the edge of the bed, I feel a bit embarrassed from him just staring at me for so long

"Do you not like it?"

"Spin around" he says smiling

"Are you serious?"


I do a spin then looked at him annoyed

"There happy?"

"You look good" he gets up and comes up to me. Only so that we were inches apart, I could hear his breathing. He was just looking at me, his eyes shining down at me.

"You look really good n/n" his damn smile.

"You don't look so bad yourself Kunikuzushi "

(Scaramouche pov)
Ive always hated when people called me Kunikuzushi. But when it comes out of her mouth, I love it. I could feel my heart race, anytime she says my name I can feel my heart race. Like I can count each beat of my heart.

"Do you care if I call you that?"

"Not at all N/n you can call me that if you'd like" I say giving her another smile

"Great! Now common Kuni we got a party to go to" she grabs my hand and leads me out of the room. Practically dragging me out of the house.

We get outside and the cold hits her, I guess she forgot it's been snowing for the past two days? She then quickly runs over and gets in the car. I start laughing

"Did you forget it's freezing out?" I say getting in the car

"Yeah haha" She says shivering in the car. So I turn the heat on. After the heat kicking on for a minute she finally starts to warm up and I drive out of the driveway to Childes house.
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I am on a roll with These chapters

Also please let me know if you guys are able to find the playlist alright!!

Word count : 1242

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