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"Ugh this shitty phone. Why does it have to fail me now?!"

@ Lee_Hyunjae24 is calling you!
[Answer] or Decline

"Hello?" Hyunjae said over the line and I can't help but blush after hearing his voice. Oh God. I need to stop this instant.

"Uh hi..."

"Did you get your m-match already?" He stammered, making my heart beat two times faster than usual. If this continues, I might have a heart attack

"Yea... what about you?"


"What?" I asked

"I like you! CAN YOU PLEASE GO OUT WITH ME?!" He yelled and Geezus, I clutched my heart for I have gone insane.

"B-bitch, I like you too. So my answer is YES!"

"YAY!" He cheered. smh. I hope I didnt make the wrong choice

"Come to the restroom." He suddenly demanded and I got flustered


"Oh yeah. I almost forgot my girlfriend is a pervert. I don't mind-"

"NO! I- mean like uh what the heck are we gonna do there?"

"I found something."


@ Lee_Hyunjae24 ended the call.

Proceed to chat?
Yes   or   [No]


I went out of my cramped closet and stretched.


"The fvck?" my backbone cracked. I guess this is the perks of getting old.

I went to the restroom tip toeing so that I wouldn't disturb the small ritual held by Haknyeon oppa, Kevin, Sunwoo, and Eric in the living room

I opened the door as quiet as possible and I got pulled inside and got slammed against the door.

"Hello there, my girlfriend." He smirked while our face were one inch apart. Thank goodness he knows social distancing. Just kidding, he smashed his lips on mine when I didn't answer him and pressed my body on his.

Honestly, I looked like some kind of fish. I still had my eyes open but then Hyunjae pulled apart while giggling.

"You really shouldn't have your guard off like that- AhH~" He moaned on the ground  when I kicked his balls. I guess learning karate from Karate kid paid off.

"YAH-" He shouted but I shushed him with a little kiss.

He held my head and waist, closing all kind of space that was between us. I felt a smile form during the kiss and it felt like my heart tingled.

It was something new, yet something I want to treasure. Why? Cause this kiss was not just for anyone, but for first and last boyfriend.

We pulled away after the kiss for air and stood up.

"Now, you shouldn't let your guard down around me, my boyfriend."I smile but all our happiness were washed away by nervousness when we heard some loud stomps outside the restroom. We quickly stood up, although I had to assist Hyunjae due to a little something.

"Y/n?! Hyunjae?!" The 4 shouted as soon as I opened the door but me and Hyunjae laughed it off.

"We're official guys! Ah-" Hyunjae shouted but suddenly he crouched down

"Y/n! What the fuck happened? Did you guys perhaps-" Haknyeon oppa bombarded me with questions but I smacked his head

"Shuddap! I only kicked his balls... a little too hard." I pouted but Eric laughed

"HAHAHAHA. hyung deserved it for confiscating my gaming laptop."

"T-then what about you guys dating..." My brother worried but I just nodded

"It's true. We are official." I smiled proudly and Haknyeon oppa's jaw was left open

"Hyung, you might want to close your mouth if you don't want a fly to come in." Sunwoo joked and my brother closed his mouth


"NO! IM THE ONE WHO'LL SING AT MY SISTER'S WEDDING!" Haknyeon oppa fought off Kevin and it was evident that Kevin felt insulted while Eric laughed his ass off while taking care of Hyunjae- I mean my boyfriend.


Can't believe the next chapter is the last ๐Ÿคง I'll make sure it's long so y'all won't have regrets reading this.

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