Ch 9

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"Hey Yuri?" I called out to him. "Y e s?~" "What are we?"

"What are we?~ We can be whatever you want us to be- friends, friends with benefits, a couple, lovers- I will support your decision to the fullest.~"

"Then-" I said sitting up. "Yuri Ayato, do you want to be my boyfrend?~" "With pleasure.~" He said and kissed me.

"And then he sai-" A group of guys came on the roof when Yuri and I kissed.

They just stared at us and whispered. "Hey Is that the new trensfer student and Yuri?" "Huh! Yuri in like Yuri Ayato?" Another whispered. "Yea."

"Oi! If you're going to gossip then say it out loud so I can hear you!" I kidna yelled as I said that.

I just couldn't stand the fact that they were gossiping abour Yuri.

"Y-yes ma'm!" One yelled.

{Ma'm? Hmm it has a nice ring to it.} "So, what did you say about Yuri?" I asked giving them a cold glare. "W-well, you see, Yuri is kinda a man-whore..." Another one said. "And? I already knew that." I said. "T-then why are you...?" The one said. "What? Dating?" "Y-yea..."

"Well, I'm dating him because I like him. Isn't that normal?" "Well yea, It is... But Yuri is a player..." "I see... Hey Yuri, in how many relationships were you before me?" "Z e r o~" "See? He's not a player."

They looked down and one said, "I'm very sorry!" And bowed. The other ones did the same thing.


School is done. Now the real torture starts... club activities.

I found myself standing in front of the clubroom debating if I should go in or just transfer schools. {Okay Y/n, calm down everything will be okay, you won't get gang-banged. Deep breaths, deep breaths.}

I slowly started to open the door. {No one is here. Huh? Why is no one here?}

I put my bag down and started to look around the clubroom.

It was interesting really. The club room looked plain if you just took a quick glance but now that I'm looking around it's much differend. There was some kind of weird poster that has a banana on it.

"So, do you like how the clubroom is decorated?" "Fucking shit! Oh, it's you Akemi-senpai." "Haha, who else would it be?" "I don't know? A robber, terrorist?" "Oh wow, what ideas."

"Hey, Akemi-senpai?" "Yes, what is it?" "I am very sorry!" I yelled bowing. "Eeh!? For what?" "For leaving yesterday before the end of club activities." "Oh, it's okay, now stop bowing, you're making me anxious."

I raised my head. "Now, let me explain everything about the club to you." Akemi-senpai said sitting down with me following.

As he was about to start the door opened. "Hello!" Tamura-san and Yuri came in. "Oh, hello Tamura-kun, Yuri-kun." Akemi-senpai greeted them. "Hey." I said.

Yuri took a seat next to me and put his hand on my thigh. Akemi-senpai noticed but pretended that he didn't see. He just flashed me a smile? I guess.

"Sooooo, what were you two talking about?~" Yuri aked. "Akemi-senpai was about to explain how the club works." "I see, I see.~"

"Now without further ado, let me explain."


"I see, so basically I need to have sex every month." I said waiting for Akemi-senpai's approval. "Yes exactly."

"So what do you usually do in the clubroom?" "We try out sex toys." Tamura-san said proudly. I looked at him with a 'Why?' look.

"So what is going on between you and Yuri, Y/n?" Akemi-senpai asked looking deeply into my soul.

I could feel chills going down my spine as he looked at me. "Yuri and I are dating." I said as the pink color came into my cheeks.

"Congratulations!~" Akemi-senpai said. You could hear the excitement in his voice. "So, did you have sex?" Shikatani-senpai said. "Yes!- well no- but yes!~" Yuri yelled. "So is that a yes or a no?" Shikatani-senpai sweatdropped.

"Hey- did you hear- new transfer students are going to come here next week. If I'm not mistaken there will be two or three of them." Akemi-senpai said going to the box in the corner. "And we got a new package!" Quite of 'Yayy's' could be heard trough the clubroom. "What package?" I asked.

Akemi-senpai pulled two dildos out of the box. "This!" I sweatdropped. "Here! this is for you!" Akemi-senpai handed me a purple vibrator. "What!?"

WOAH ONE MORE DONE! I hope you liked it!

I will probably update again around friday since I have a chemistry and german test on wednesday so I have to study.
And for physics I have to make a weighting scale

I have to make something like this. Oh fuck me T^T.

I'm thinking of making Bakugou x reader or Aizawa x reader after I finish this story.

Anyways, see you around friday. Toodles~

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