{Dorm 3 room 202 huh?}
As I was reaching for a key from inside of my backpack I felt presence behind me and quickly turned around.
"What are you doing?~" Yuri asked me. "Opening the door, what are you doing?" "I was going in!~" "Wha- wait, you're living in this dorm?" "Yeeees!~"
My face went pale {Thank you wery much gramps!}
"R you going in or no?~" "Yea yea just wait until I find the key." "No need!~" Yuri reached into his pocket and unlocked the door. "Come in!~"
The room looked normal bit there was one problem... there is only oNE BED
"Why is there only one bed?" I asked. "Because I was the only one living here.~" "Can we get another bed?" I asked turning to him. "No.~" "Yes." "No." "Yes." "Yes." "YES. HAHAHA I AIN'T FALLING FOR SUCH A STUPID TRICK!" "WAAHH!! NOO!" Yuri fake cried.
"Anyways, where can I put my luggage?" He showed me a closet that was already half full with my stuff that I sent. "Thanks!"
As I was closing the closet after putting the rest of my stuff in it I tripped and fell on the floor. "Are you ok!?" Yuri panicked and stood up next to me. "Yea."
As I was getting up I felt sharp pain in my ankle and fell into Yuri's arms. "S-sorry." I looked at him while blushing like crazy. We stayed like this for a moment or two. {Ah~, I wanna kiss him so badly.~}
He looked at my lips and I looked at his. Our faces drew closer until our lips connected. The kiss was soft and romantic, but passionate at the same time. His hands went onto my waist and mine around his neck.
After some time he slipped in his tounge. A soft moan escaped my lips. He chuckled and picked me up. We were kissing while I was in his hands. He sat on the bed. We parted our lips to get some air. I was shitfing in his lap looking into his eyes. {Damn he's hot.~} "You look soooo hotttt!~" Yuri said making me blush like crazy. When he said that I put my hands onto my face.
He slowly removed my hands and kissed me. But this time around I was the one to but the tounge in. "Ngh" (I'm sorry I only know yaoi noises ๐๏ธ_๐๏ธ) He moaned. His hands gripped my waist strongly but gently while my hamds explored his chest.
{What a fuckboy. I like him.~}
We kissed for some time and then his hand slowly started going up my shirt. I stopped kissing him. "Yuri... I'm not ready yet..." "Oh, ok, I'll wait as long as you need. For you I would even stop fucking other people.~" He was still singing his words a bit but I could tell that there was a lot of seriousness in his voice. "What do you mean by fucking others?" "Oh right, you still don't know.~ In Yaribu you have to fuck at least one person a month or you'll get g a n g b a n g e d!!~"
My face went pale. "GANG BANGED!?"
And as you can see the things started to heat up between you and Yuri! Yayy!
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