"Hey, sorry I'm late." I said entering the car. "Yea yea, whatever let's just go."
As we were driving I had a flashback to the day when I told Yuri about my past.
"My mom was from London and my father was from Tokyo. My dad went to London for a buisness trip and then he met my mother. They fell in love and started dating.
My dad moved to London a year after and then they got married. Two monts after my mom was pregnant with me.
Three years after I was borm they decided to move to Japan. They moved to Hokkaido.
When I was five I then met Haru-san. He approached my parents about me trying out for a modeling agency.
Three years passed by and I was already known in the modeling companies.
When i was nine my parents and I went to a funpark. As we were returning home a truck driver lost control over his vehicle and crashed into us. My mom died on the spot and my dad died while we were driving to the hospital. I was in a coma for a week but it wasn't life treathening.
After they died I was staying with my aunt. Around my 15th birthday I joined a singing agency.
Little around three years after that and here I am sitting on the bed telling you my life-story.
As we were approaching the agency there was a song that I really liked so I started singing.
"She keeps her Moet et Chandon
In her pretty cabinet
"let them eat cake" she says like Marie Antoanette
A built-in remedy
for Krushchev and Kennedy
At anytime an invitation you can't de-- AAAH!!"
*BAM!!!* A truck ran into our car.
There was blood...
There were sirens...
"Get her to the hospital, FAST!"
"Miss, can you hear me?!" "She's not responding!"
"Her vitals are low!"
"Quick, bring the..."
Everything was so quiet.
I felt so at peace.
{Huh, maybe this isn't too bad... I can finally rest...}
"3, 2, 1, MOVE!"
"Work, work, please!"
There it was.
A Shinigami.
They were tall and grey.
I said to them.
"Let's go, your time has come." "My time? What does that mean?"
"You died. You're going to the afterlife." "But I want to see Yuri again..."
I started to tear up. "You can't see him anymore. Is there a messege you want me to pass to him?"
"Tell him that I love him and tell him to go inside of my left table drawer."
"Ok. Now, let's go." They gave me their hand and we went to the door.
The door was big. It had a big knob perfect for the Shinigami's big hands.
"We lost her..."
"Haru-san what're you doing here?" I asked. "We both died."
Haru-san hugged me. "Well, at least we're still together." Haru-san said. A slight chuckle escaped my lips. "Yeah..."
"Yuri-kun, please report to the principal's office." A voice called out of the speakers in school.
"Hello, what did you need me for?" Yuri said entering the office.
"You might want to sit down for this..." The principal said.
Yuri sat down. His face started to fill with wory as he saw the pricipal tear up.
"Y/n... died today...."
My face went pale
My throat was dry
I could feel the salty and warm liquid going down my cheeks
How is that possible?
"How-how is that possible? She she was fine when she left this afternoon..."
"She got into a car crash with Haru, her manager." "D-did Haru-san survive?" "Unfortunately, no."
I left the office shortly after that.
As I was walking back to my room I could feel the warm liquid still straming down my face.
When I went into our dorm I saw a Shinigami sitting on my bed.
"Hey, sorry for your loss. She wanted me to tell you something. She loves you, and that you check her left drawer in the table."
And with that they were gone.
I went to the table and opened the drawer.
There it was. A picture that we took on the roof. She was smiling.
I cried the whole night.
In the morning I went to visit her in the hospital.
There it was.
Her body covered with white sheet.
She looked so at peace yet so sad.
"Just you and me. Forever." A planted a small kiss onto her forehead that was covered with a white see-trough sheet.
I went to see Haru-san.
"Thank you for taking care of Y/n all these years."
Expect only one more probably short chapter so yea... Toodles~~
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