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eleven (You are brilliant, Jasper!)

"George Fabien Weasley," the little blonde first-year cried out, announcing her entrance to the entirety of the great hall along with George's middle name something he wasn't necessarily ashamed of but didn't need the entire school knowing either.

It wasn't like he was embarrassed of his name either. It had a wonderful meaning that was personal. He just knew that many of the Slytherins would now torment him with it for the rest of his time at Hogwarts, possibly even beyond the castle walls.

"Yes, Jasper," he gazed down at her with dread in his eyes and a sarcastic sort of smile upon his lips. The kind of smile that had a secret meaning. One of which Jasper had no intention of interpreting. She couldn't care less so long as she got her way.

"We need to talk after lunch," she crossed her arms, trying to present confidence and initiative of leadership. Something the girl liked to pride herself on whenever possible.

The young girl, despite her confidence and charm, was always terrified that her peers looked down on her due to her young age. It wasn't easy watching everyone her age get bullied and picked apart while she stood out due to her choice of friendship, often looked at as alliance from her fellow peers in her year.

"Alright," hesitation cracked and intertwined itself into George's voice as he looked back down at his food and continued eating. The intimidating stance the girl held over him was wildly effective.

There were only a few minutes to spare before it was over, George's eyes flickered over to the young blonde waiting for him. Her peirceing blue eyes had him up and out of his seat as quickly as humanily possible. He had no intentions of pissing her off, not when he could actually help it.

"So how can I help you dearest and wisest Jasper?" George tried to act posher in order to hide the fear that tangled itself into his voice.

She smiled at him, giggling with excitement. "I want to force Cassie and Fred to talk again." The young girl practically bounced off the walls with energy of pure joy.

George quickly felt all the stress and tension leave his body as he smiled down at her. " That's absolutely brilliant idea Iasper what do you recoken we do to actually make it happen"

The girl hasn't thought about that part yet. What could they do because getting them near each other was a fight in itself. It wasn't exactly like they could be direct about this, not when the self-inflicted wounds ran as deep as they did. Cassie wasn't one to fall for tricks after growing up being friends with the twins, so a prank would be extremely difficult to play off. Yet it seemed like the only logical choice. Some sort of scheme to get the two together in the same room to talk it out. It was brilliant.

"You're the prank mastermind, whats something we can get then both to believe so we can lock them in a room till they work things out?" Jaspers brain wouldn't shut off and only kept ramping up how many ideas were flowing through her head in the moment.

George looked around before smiling to himself with an idea. "Cassie believes any word you say, I can get Fred to meet 'me' somewhere, and he will. Do you know anything that might get Cassie to wait for you?" Jaspers eyes widened with her smile

Jasper knew Cassie the best out of anyone. Even though George has been friends with her longer, he didn't have the same bond that the two girls did. Their unique connection was admired and commonly gossiped about amongst fellow students who had nothing better to do with their lives.

"She's a sucker for studying, and there just so happens to be a broom closet nearby." Jaspers smile turned into an evil smirk. The kind of smirk that sent chills down your spine and left you feeling a bit paranoid.

Cassies brilliant mind would now be her downfall. A much needed downfall that would bring her soul back with Fred's. The exhausting duo needed to get there act together or move on living in the in-between was beyond miserable.

"You are brilliant, Jasper." George high fived the girl. The duos were sure to be a success.

With Jaspers charm and witts combined with George's sneakiness and ability to study the little things, they were sure to take down their friends and bring them together. It was easier than working alone and letting the suffering continue to drag on any longer than it already had. It was not only difficult to watch but also to hear about it. The countless late night rants and meltdowns were enough to drive the two insane.

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