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๐€๐ฌ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐‚๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ž๐ง'๐ฌ ๐ฐ๐ž๐ซ๐ž ๐ฌ๐š๐ญ ๐ข๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฅ๐ข๐ฏ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ซ๐จ๐จ๐ฆ, And Eleanor sitting on the couch answering her finals.

Everyone was minding their business until a phone rang. Eleanor stood up to pick up the phone, it was Bella.

"Hello? Hello?"

"Hey Bells, what's wrong?"

"Eleanor, can you put Carlisle on the phone?" Bella said, nervousness can be heard through the call.

"Uh, yeah sure."

Eleanor gave Carlisle the phone, everyone listened closely. Carlisle puts the phone on speaker to let Eleanor hear it since she doesn't have enhanced hearing.

"Carlisle? Are you there?" Bella asked, Nervously.

"Yes, I'm here loud and clear Bella."

"Carlisle.. Um.. I don't know how this happened but.. Carlisle, I swear something has just moved inside me.."

Everyone frozed.. Something moved? Inside of her? Is this some kind of joke?

"What do you mean?" Carlisle asked.

"It's like.. I don't know, Can I get pregnant with a vampire?.."

Everyone sat on the couch in deep silence. Eleanor was the first person to break it by letting her thoughts out.

"She's pregnant.. SHE'S FUCKING PREGNANT!?"

"Eleanor calm down. That isn't possible." Carlisle said, "Are you sure that something moved inside of you Bella?" He asked again through the phone.

They were having a conversation about the possibility of her might be pregnant. While, Eleanor being Bella's Older sister, was freaking out. But then again, she was happy to have a niece or nephew.

"I thought it wasn't possible? WHAT'S HAPPENING!?" Eleanor yelled, pacing around the room.

Alice was trying to calm her down while Jasper was trying to send calm waves towards her, it was working but it'll instantly turn back into either furious, confuse, or go bezerk.

Bella and Edward were soon on their way back to the Cullens house. As soon as they were inside the house, Eleanor rushed to Bella to pull her into a hug but not as tight as before. She doesn't want to hurt her future niece or nephew.

"I told you to wear protection idiots."
She teased, trying to get the rooms atmosphere a bit better.

Everyone laughed for some time when they soon turned serious.

Bella was now 2 or so weeks pregnant. She looked like a skeleton, barely any skin, but bones showing..

Eleanor was having a hard time helping her sister and helping Edward also. Edward wanted to kill the baby, but Bella wanted to keep the baby.

As for a few days, Jacob came inside the Cullens house.

"Where is she?" Jacob asked furiously.

"It's a pleasure to see you, Jacob."Carlisle said, sarcastically.

He, was then push passed Jacob. Jacob came inside to where Bella was laying at. As he got closer and closer to her, Rosalie stopped him.

"That's close enough dog."

The two were having an intense glaring competition until Bella stopped her and to let him see her.

Rosalie then walked away from Bella and sat on the couch, as Jacob saw Bella, he had a frowned face.

"You look horrible."

In which, Bella gave a sarcastic remark. As Bella showed Jacob her baby bump, Jacob turned towards Edward, Furious.

"You! You did this to her!" He framed.

"We didn't know it was possible." Carlisle said, in his and the others defense.

Everyone kept on explaining on what they know or not know, when Jacob turned towards Eleanor.

"You? What about you?" He quickly asked.

"What about me?" Eleanor asked, confused.

"Are you going to stop her? It's killing her! YOUR HER OLDER SISTER ELEANOR! DO SOMETHING!" Jacob answered, his blood through his veins began boiling even more than before.

"It's not my decision to make Jacob! It's her baby! Even if I.." Eleanor gulped, looking towards her baby sister in pity, "Even if I don't support her idea.. But, I respect her for what she chooses. Unlike all of you! Trying to take it from her!"

"Bella's literally dying Eleanor!" Edward argued.

"It's her baby! She's the one bearing the pain with the baby! Not you! Not any of us! The least you can all do is to just help her!" Eleanor argued back, silencing everyone to shame.

"It may be the cause of her death, but why not look on the good side at least? She has a chance to survive with the baby!" she continued.

"What if she doesn't? What,then?" Jacob argued.

"If she doesn't at least we'll have a piece of her, the baby is now apart of her." Eleanor smiled at Bella,holding her hand closely.

"I will never love it, for killing it's own mother, my wife and my source of life." Edward snapped, walking out of the room with Jacob following him.

"Assholes."Eleanor muttered.


A few days has passed, Bella was getting better than before when Jacob shared his 'slide comment'.

The Cullens had a dog fight with the pack, when Jacob informed us about Sam surrounding the area.

Many twists were witnessed in those horrible days, but there's always time for a good one.

Eleanor was sat on the couch with Rosalie on her right and Jacob on her left side of the couch, holding her dear niece, Renรฉesme.

Jacob imprinted on Renรฉesme when she was birthed on the same day the dog fight was playing. His imprinting on Renรฉesme was the only answer to stop the fight, they can't hurt someone's imprint. That's their main law in the pack.

Bella was turned after Renรฉesme's birth, if she wasn't turned in the quick second.. Then, she might have been dead by now..

Bella and Edward were together out in the wood, hunting.

The Cullens advised that Eleanor should go back to Charlie's house until Bella can control her thirst. With Renรฉesme.

Since they weren't sure of what Renรฉesme is.

Eleanor though, disagreed. Bella isn't going to kill her older sister nor her daughter. She could never do such a thing even if she's a newborn or not.

She can't kill anyone at all.

But, what about if she found out that Jacob imprinted on her daughter?

There's good in bad, and bad in good.

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