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          THE BLACK HAIRED GIRL pushed her glasses up again as she read the characters printed in the book in a very concentrated manner. She absorbed everything written on it and stored those bits of info in her mind for future use. The room was silent with him and her only present inside their class. They were early; too early in fact.

Who was that other person you ask? Well, it was none other than the infamous last surviving Uchihaβ€”Uchiha Sasuke.

"Please refrain from staring at me. It's creepy." Ai balantly said to the boy seated behind her. She could practically feel the burning gaze he was giving to her and it made her utterly creeped out.

"Hn." the young boy replied with a grunt, averting his eyes to the side, still taking habitual small glances in her way.

"No, I am not imagining it. Please don't be a hypocrite." Ai retorted back, flipping her book to the next page.


"I am not acting cool. I just don't want to crane my head up just to look at you, I have more important things to do than that."


"I am a bookworm. What more better insult do you want to give me, number two?"


"Oh, you haven't heard yet? Well, you will know soon then."


"I take it as a compliment, egoistic Uchiha."



And just like that, their unusual conversation has finally come to an end. How can she understand his foreign language you ask? Well, it was fairly easy in her part, she just simply understood it. Like how her mind immediately decipher his grunts to a sentence, nothing strange to her.

But, what is really strange for her is the ability to speak freely to him with no stutters slurring in her sentences, this brought confusion and curiosity to her. Nonetheless, she brushed it off and instead brought her attention back to her book.

Students started to pile in the once silence room that the two ravanette's before had. This was more than appreciable by Ai since she can no longer stand the hawkish eyes that the young Uchiha is giving her.

She heaved a silent sigh before closing her book, directing her attention towards her blond haired friend.

"How was your morning, Naruto-kun?" Ai asked, wanting to start a conversation with him. Naruto turned his head to her, eyes gleaming brightly when she talked to him.

"Same as always, dattebayo! How about you?" Naruto chirped with a big goofy smile plastered on hisface.

"Like any other day. I hope we get to pass together." she genuinely said in the end, smiling towards the optimistic boy

"Yeah! I want you in my team Ai-chan!" Naruto said, eyes brimming in utter joy with just thinking about her being one of the teams that will beat the others.

"I am looking forward then." she chuckled before abruptly stopping when she heard her name being called.

"Well, I will be going then. See you later then, Naruto-kun, good luck!" she shot him another smile before walking her way outside the classroom.


          "SHADOW CLONE TECHNIQUEβ€”" she muttered lowly for her only to hear, puffs of smoke starting to appear behind her that revealed five perfect replicas of her.

The exam has already started and she was asked by Iruka to create atleast three clones to pass the exam. Iruka let out a sound of amazement as he look in awe towards the ravanette. She made it look so simple to execute the technique without using her hands, Iruka immediately concluded that Ai is a prodigy with just doing such a small feat.

Ai released the technique the moment she is said to pass the exam, a small smirk seen on her lips lips as she slowly walk her way to get her headband.

"Congratulation, Ai-chan." the girl turned her head towards the man who is holding out the said object with a scrutinizing look on her red hues.

She is suspicious of this man. That fake smile adorning his face didn't reach his eyes, making her conclude that he was just forcing himself to do it. She immediately thought ill of him.

"I'll be going now." Ai muttered, nimbly taking her blue clothed headband from the white haired male.

She exit the exam room and immediately headed outside the academy, not wanting to go back the classroom to tittle-tattle aimlessly to the people she had not really interacted with, except for Naruto.

Sitting on the swing present on the lone tree facing the academy, Ai swung on the swing a bit moderately to ease her boredom. She felt tired and the five hour sleep was not enough to her overly fatigue body. Maybe she should take a break today and just get some sleep, she wouldn't want to get herself sick because of her over exerting in training.

Speaking of which, she still hasn't started job hunting. Her current money is running low, she needs to get a job quickly or else she would be going on missions with an empty stomach everyday.

She was to immersed in her thoughts that she didn't notice the crowd getting bigger and bigger with each student exiting the academy, an all too familiar blue forehead protector seen tied on their preferred place. All passed except one personβ€”Uzumaki Naruto.

To say the least, he was devastated. Devastated at the fact he wouldn't be able to reach his dreams to become a ninja and to show the world his importance in it. It hurted him; hard. Naruto walked slowly to the swing he usual sit on with slumped shoulders and gloomy aura radiating from him than his usual optimistic one.

Ai's blood red eyes flickered on his form and immediately noted that he was not wearing the same forehead protector than the others. She immediately concluded that he wasn't able to pass. A frown carved its way on her thin lips as she slowly stood up from the swing and walked her way to comfort the blonde who was in the verge of breaking down.

Her slim arms wrapped themselves around his body as she offered her shoulder for him to cry upon. His body trembled as he return the hug with a tight one, salty tears rolling down his cheeks and to her shoulders. He was disappointed. Disappointed at himself to someone who can't be stronger. It hurted him and his pride. His hope slowly slipping away like a light dimming down.

"Why am I not good enough?" he asked in a broken-hearted tone, making Ai close her eyes at his cracking voice.

This was not that once cheerful Naruto she would always see nor was he that shy and bashful boy she first met yesterday. This boy right here is the real him--the real Naruto. A broken person can only smile to hide away the pain and that also applies to this blonde male on her arms. Smiles are does not only mean happiness, it also meant pain and grief, that's why it is the perfect mask everyone can use.

"Because we are humans with flaws. Everyone is imperfectβ€”so am I and you. Sure, you failed. But remember that everything has a reason. And that reason is not because you are not good enough, it just meant something more greater will happen than the first. So, cry it out. Cry all those unshed tears you had kept for a long time. Don't worry, I'll be here, Naruto." Ai muttered softly near his ears as she run her dainty fingers through his unruly blonde tresses, bringing Naruto to warm seclusion.

It struck him. Each and every single of her words made him just breakdown. Her motivating words and warmth just brought him out of his shell, like a light bringing color to his dark, monochrome world. At long last, after so many years, he had found someone that truly cared for him. Someone that would stay by his side and comfort him from the harshness the world brings him.

Akashi Ai, you unknowingly brought back the missing light that this lonely fox lost.

"β€”Are you feeling better now?" both retracted from the embrace as Ai wipe away the tears with her thumb. Naruto nod in answer as he slowly showed big thankful smile to the female ravanette.

"A smile suits you more." Ai off handedly praised, making the complimented boy to have a tinge of red marring his juvenile face.

Naruto has decided. He would protect this girl in front of him. It was something he could only do to say how thankful he was to her.

But their heartwarming scene was abruptly cut short when the all to familiar suspicious albino step into view, his usual counterfeit smile seen on his face.

"Can I speak to you a moment Naruto? Privately that is." he shot a knowing look to the red eyed girl who had her eyes suspiciously narrowed to the older male.

Mizuki knows the suspicion that Ai has for himβ€”it was visible broad in the daylight. He needs to be careful and quickly make a plan to eliminate her before she tarnishes everything he had worked hard to create.

Ai grabbed Naruto's arm and brought her lips near his ear, wanting to convey the message for him only to hear. "Don't trust him." she whispered lowly enough for him to understand before letting go of her hold to him.

Naruto immediately had a confused expression once he heard her. But, he doesn't know why though? What is so threatening about Mizuki? As far as he knows Mizuki has been nice to him this far. So why?

Naruto could only mull deeply in thought as he silently follow the cunning albino.


          NIGHT TIME HAS FINALLY DAWNED UPON THE VILLAGE.  And as planned, Ai didn't head to the training grounds to overly train herself like usual. She instead sat comfortably on her mauve leather couch, a thick book seen in her hands like usual. But, no matter how much the girl tried to concentrate herself to the book, her thoughts would later on return back on Naruto's dilemma.

A fustrated groan escaped her lips as she shut the book down, rolling herself on the couch with dull eyes. She was worriedβ€”antsy even. Why does Mizuki want to talk to Naruto? It was just like, too suspicious. Of all years that he could talk to Naruto and form a bond with him, why now?

Ai clicked her tongue in frustration before abruptly standing up on her two feet. She needs to take a breather. This is really not helping her. With a sigh, Ai slipped on her shoes before leaving her apartment.

She ventured around the village with hands nicely tucked in her cargo short's pocket, an apathetic expression seen on her visage like usual. Ai started to mull over on what she will do tomorrow, to pass time. Since she had passed the exams, she will have to attend the orientation tomorrow to know which team she will be in. She was thrilled to know who will her teacher is, she hoped someone cool and had a reputation outside the village.

Although, she is more anxious to who will be her teammates, she hopes someone she could easily befriβ€”

Ai abruptly stopped in her tracks when she suddenly sensed three chakra's in the forest. The two chakra was spiking up in fright while the other had a more dark swirl of intention in it. Those signs were enough to alert her that the two were in trouble. Ai immediately sprinted her way to the forest that she felt the tree was in. She quickly hid behind a tree and masked her chakra for the three to not notice.

"The Nine tailed spirit that killed Iruka's parents, destroyed the village, has taken over your body. You are the Nine tailed fox!" Ai's breath hitched when she heard Mizuki's voice.

The nine tailed fox. She had heard of the mention of that beast from the book she read long time ago and had her suspicion that her friend had it inside him. That faint ominous chakra she felt that time was enough proof that he had it. Although, even if Naruto had such a beast sealed inside him, she still accepts and love him.

"Stop it!" Iruka desperately shouted, blood gushing out from his wound.

"Didn't it seem strange that everyone in the village started hating you and treated you like dirt, like your own existence is curse itself." Mizuki babbled, continuing to add fuel to the already crackling flames of emotion.

"NO!NO!NO!" Naruto shouted desperately with chakra swirling his form, not wanting to hear anymore from him.

"Even your beloved teacher hates you. Maybe even Ai, who you thought was your friend is only befriending you out of pity!" Mizuki had an evil grin crossing his visage as he peer down at the two like he was above them.

Ai clenched her jaws in anger with eyes gleaming dangerously when she heard Mizuki spout lies to her friend. Having enough for such treachery, she jumped out of her hiding place and harshly kicked Mizuki on his side, resulting for her to hear a satisfying crack from him.

"Shut up, baboon!" she exclaimed with furrowed eyebrows as she merely watch him writhe in pain.

"Ai-chan!" Naruto and Iruka gasped when they saw the ravanette standing in front of them.

Mizuki could only wheeze in pain as he felt the severe fracture inflicted on his ribs, blood drip from the corner of his lips with eyes staring wide at the young Akashi's eyes.


That ominous feeling that raved his mind like warning signs, those dangerous pair of bloody red irises that peered above him.

Dangerous. Destructive. Chaotic. Do not provoke her.

Red sirens blared inside his head in alert as sweat profusely roll down behind his neck in anxiety. Although, no matter how correct those danger signs that she triggered in him, it was too lateβ€”utterly late for him. The moment he showed that obvious fraud smile to her, his future was already conjured.

Mizuki, too preoccupied on his thoughts, didn't notice that the three had already hasten their escape. But, no matter how much he wants to forget, those haunting eyes will always plague his mind that sent those threatening words in his mind and soul.

"I will hunt and kill you."


          AI PLACED A HAND OVER HIS MOUTH to muffle the short yelp of surprise from being heard. The two cramped themselves behind a tree that was thick enough to hide them.

"Calm down, it's just me." she whispered lowly enough for him to hear, successfully calming Naruto from throwing a fit of panic.

"Ai-chanβ€”" Naruto whispered back, muttering the name of his friend. The two just stayed still in their position, silent as they both listen to Mizuki and Iruka's conversation.

Both parties argued to speak their side, both children listening attentively at their heated conversation. Naruto's eyes is slowly brimming with tears as he continued to hear his teachers past. He was slowly losing hope that he was genuinely unloved by his teacher, but Ai secured her hold on himβ€”a reassuring hug to keep him together.


Luckily enough, Iruka fully spat out at Mizuki that he could never ever hate Naruto just because of the past. Naruto's eyes dilated in shock as a silent gasp escape his mouth. A feeling of happiness warmed his chest at the heartfelt words his teacher is saying. Determination grew inside him as he took liberty to show to the three that he can face any challenges with this small fight.

"Go Naruto-kun!" Naruto smirked as he formed a hand sign, eyes gleaming in determination at the passing seconds.

"Forbidden Technique: Shadow Clone Jutsu!"


          IRUKA AND AI BOTH STARED AT THE SUNSHINED BOY IN FRONT OF THEM, who had his eyes closed as the two had a smile plastered on their faces.

"Are you ready, Naruto?" Ai chided, keeping the bubbling happiness in containment.

"What is going on? Hurry up already, dattebayo!" Naruto said while clutching his ankles, a pout crossing his bruised covered visage.

"At the count of three, oneβ€”three!" snapping his eyes open, the blinding light firstly invaded his line of sight before seeing the joyous faces of the two and a blue headband seen at Iruka's hand.

Naruto could only jump in happiness when he saw the blue clothed headband given to him by his teacher. In joy, Naruto couldn't help but to tackle his female friend with a huge grin on his face. He showered her with words of gratitude and thankfulness as he hug the life of her.

Thankfully, Iruka had announced that he will take the two in the famous ramen shop as a celebration for the two's graduation before she could die in suffocation.

A smile paved its way towards her lips as her blood red eyes flickered in amusement as she let the fox-like boy to drag her away. She was happyβ€”stoundingly happy.

Konoha, are you really the place that she is searching for?

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