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Smooth like butter~

30th November, 2021.

"Did that boy come today?", Minjeong asked.

"Yeah. I asked him why he didn't come on the day of the match. He said that he was sick. But he was clearly lying", Jaemin answered.

"Leave it. It doesn't matter now. We have won."


Jaemin and Minjeong were going to the cafeteria, holding hands.

The couple came and sat on their chairs. They greeted others and the others did the same.

Mark sighed and said, "November has come to an end."

"Yeah time flies so fast", Renjun said.

"It was like yesterday when these two got married", Jimin said indicating Soojin and Jisung.

"Yeah the food was so delicious. I still remember the taste", Haechan said licking his lower lip.

"All you can think about is food and food", Aeri said with a laugh.

"Ofcourse it's the love of my life."

"Hey! Let's have a mini party at my place some days later", Chenle suggested.

"Oh really? I'm down", Jisung said.

"Me too", Jeno said.

And ultimately everyone agreed.


3rd December, 2021.

Soojin had a free class and was going to her favourite spot when she noticed a figure on the rooftop of the Business Department building. She realized it was Jisung and changed her path.

"Hey!", Soojin greeted as soon as she came to the rooftop.

The boy who was leaning on the parapet wall of the rooftop, turned around only to see the girl coming closer. She stood beside him and leaned on the parapet wall.

"What are you doing here?", Jisung asked.

"Just came to have some fresh air."

"Ohh." Then the boy looked infront, enjoying the view.

Soojin looked at Jisung and saw his side profile. Indeed he looked amazing. She didn't realize that she was starting at him for too long.

"I know I'm good-looking", Jisung blurted.

"Huh? Ohh." Soojin chewed her lower lip and looked infront.

The male looked at her and noticed something. "You are wearing that necklace again?"

Soojin touched her necklace. It was the same necklace which Jisung gave her on her birthday. "Yeah I like it", she said with a smile. "I like your choice."

"I just randomly picked one because Mom told me to give you one gift", he said.

"Oh really? But I heard from Chenle that you spent days looking for this necklace. You searched online, went to stores and finally chose this."

The male gulped and mentally cursed at his friend. "I... uhhh... it's just that..."

"It's ok. No need to explain." Soojin then asked, "Do you remember our friendship when we used to be very young?"

"Ofcourse I do. You were very bossy. Now that I think I should have imagined those leaves to be cookies. Maybe my leg would have been saved."

"Excuse me! Your leg was broken because you broke my favourite doll's leg. Don't forget."

"That doll was creepy."

Soojin slapped his arm and sighed. "I wonder how we would have been if that incident never happened."

"You would have probably been bullying me right now."

"What? I don't bully people."

"Oh yeah you don't", he sarcastically said.

"I don't know if you remember or not but our mothers used to take so many of our pictures together. Like I still have that thick album with all our photos."

"Yeah I also have that. You used to give so many dramatic poses."

She scoffed and said, "And you used to stand like a statue."

"Yeah yeah. Our mothers used to make us wear matching clothes. So childish."

"Please those were so cute."

"Yeah but I had to wear pink clothes. Eww."

She laughed and said, "My favourite was the Tom and Jerry costumes. You were Tom and I was Jerry."

"Haha yes."

"Have you learned to ride a bicycle now?"

"Uhh... no."

"Omg what? When will you?"

"One day for sure."

Soojin looked infront and was watching the beautiful scenery. Jisung who was looking at her side profile, smiled. He saw how her brown wavy hair was blowing in the cold wind. He suddenly extended his hand and tucked her hair behind her ear. Soojin faced him and made eye contact with him.

"You look pretty", Jisung blurted out unknowingly.

"What?", Soojin asked as her eyes widened.

Jisung flinched and said, "I mean... umm." Then the bell rang. "The next class will be starting. I gotta go. Bye." Then he quickly left, leaving Soojin in shock.


12th December, 2021.

It was Sunday and finally the whole group gathered at Chenle's house. They all sat around a small table on which various of snacks and beer were kept. Almost everyone was drunk.

"WHERE ARE MY CHICKEN NUGGETS???", Haechan screamed.

"It's just infront of you", Renjun said from beside.

"Oh thank you Renjun. You are so sweet." Then the drunk Haechan side-hugged Renjun and kissed him on his neck.

"AHHHHH!!! EWWW!!! LEE HAECHAN!!!", Renjun screamed in disgust and pushed Haechan which made him lay on the floor and he probably passed out. Renjun took out his handkerchief and began to rub his neck. "I'm coming in a bit." He got up and went out of the room.

"Jaemin tell me honestly. How many girls did you flirt with before dating me?", Minjeong asked, a little bit drunk.

Na Jaemin who didn't like alcohol, was drunk because of a drinking competition with Haechan, Mark and Jeno. He answered in between his hiccups, "I flirted with infinite number of girls before dating you but...... I did flirt with four or five girls after...... I started a relationship with you."

Minjeong gasped. "What did you say? How dare you!!!" She started to hit his arm continuously.

"Ouch ouch ouch. Stop babe." He grabbed her hands and kissed on her lips which stopped her from whining. "But it doesn't change the fact that I love you."

"Aww really?", Minjeong asked in a pout.

"Yes baby. I only love you." He side-hugged her and they began cuddling.

"Ohhhh too much PDA", Aeri said as she opened her beer can and started to drink.

"Jeno!", Jimin called her boyfriend.


"Let's get married", Jimin blurted out in a drunk state.

Jeno almost choked on his beer and snapped at her direction. "Huh?"

Soojin, Mark and Aeri started laughing.

"Dude what is she telling?", Mark asked.

"Then we can have a baby", Jimin said.

"What?" Jeno was still in shock.

"I just want a baby. They were so cute. I saw some baby pictures today. And I really need one of my own." Then suddenly Jimin started to cry out of nowhere.

Jeno immediately hugged her and began caressing her hair. "It's ok darling. We will have one someday."

Jimin leaned away and extended her pinky finger. A pout was visible on her face. "Pinky promise?"

Jeno smiled as his girlfriend who looked like a baby now, wanted a real baby. He interlocked his pinky finger with hers and smiled with his eyes. "Pinky promise."

Then Jimin smiled and hugged him. She gave him a kiss on his cheek and said, "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Why didn't Koeun come today?", Mark whined.

"Her relatives came today. She needs to spend some time with them too", Soojin said.

"Yeah you are right." He took out a nugget from the packet and put it in his mouth.

Jisung was sitting on the bean bag chair and playing games. He was the only one who didn't drink beer as he hated the taste. The members did tease him by calling "Baby! Baby!" but he ignored.

The other couple i.e. Chenle and Ningning fell asleep in each other's arms on the couch. They looked like a cute couple.

Soojin got up as she needed to use the washroom. After doing her thing, when she was coming back to the hangout room, she saw a person standing in the balcony. She went closer to him and tapped on his shoulder.

Renjun flinched and turned around. "Oh it's you."

"Yeah. What are you doing here?" Soojin leaned on the railing just like Renjun.

"Just looking at the sky." Renjun looked at the beautiful night sky decorated with sparkling stars and a crescent moon.

"Oh you like space and all, right?"

"Yeah. Especially stars."

"Can I ask why? I have always seen you reading astronomy books although it's not your subject."

"Hmm... actually when I was very young, I used to visit my grandparents often. They used to live in the countryside. And at night, it's really dark there which scared me a lot. But when I looked up at the sky, I saw the stars. There were thousands of stars. It looked so beautiful. I guess because of those stars, I didn't feel scared anymore."

"Wow. That's why you love stars. I see."

"They are the reason why the night sky is so beautiful. Have you seen Cepheus and Cassiopeia constellations?"

"Huh? I didn't."

"Oh you missed out. They are really beautiful. They were the king and queen of ancient Ethiopia. Their constellations are seen in the month of November. They represent love."

"Wow. Now I really want to see those constellations."

"Maybe next November I can show you if you want."

"Ofcourse I'll love to." Soojin sneezed because it was pretty cold outside. "Achoo!!!"

"Where's your coat?", Renjun asked with furrowed brows.

"Sorry. The heater was on inside, so I put off my coat. I was going inside but then I saw you and came here."

"It's ok. Here." Renjun put off his own jacket and put it on her shoulders.

"Thank you. But won't you feel cold?"

"It's ok. I'm fine."

Jisung who just came out of the washroom, saw Renjun putting his jacket on her. He furrowed his eyebrows and scoffed. "Again they are together?"

Renjun and Soojin got inside the hangout room but saw something strange.

"What's wrong with him?", Renjun asked.

"I don't know but suddenly he came to the room and started drinking out of nowhere and now he's not stopping."

"Weird. He doesn't like drinking", Soojin said as she saw the boy drinking the beer nonstop.

I am not at home so I couldn't update for two days :(

Anyway how are y'all?

I wanted to adopt a puppy for 10 years and I still want but my mom always denies. T^T

Thank you~

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