Saving you, saving me~
2nd September, 2021.
7:00 a.m.
It was a beautiful morning. It is said if the start is beautiful, the whole day will be too. In the Kim household, Mrs. Kim Heeyoung was busy making breakfast for her lovely granddaughter and husband. Mr. Kim Dohyun was out for his morning walk and maybe after his walk, he was busy chatting with his old friends. At this time, the door bell rang.
"SOOJIN, CAN YOU PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR?", Heeyoung shouted from the kitchen. "SOOJIN!!!!"
Ms. Kim Soojin- oops sorry it would be Mrs. Park Soojin was on her bed having her beauty sleep. Hearing her grandmother's voice from downstairs made her groan. She didn't want to respond but again when her grandma shouted, she finally did. "COMING!!!!"
She lazily got up from her comfy bed, sleep still didn't go from her eyes. She went downstairs, still wearing her pajamas. She asked her grandma in her raspy voice, "What happened? Why did you call me?"
"I think the milkman came so, please open the door."
"What? You could have done that!!!"
"Stop complaining and open the door. I am making your food only and how long will you sleep? Go!"
Soojin whined but still dragged her drowsy self to the front door. The door bell again rang. Rubbing her eyes, she opened the door and infront of her stood a tall male. She squinted her eyes at him and tilted her head. "Uncle why do you look like Jisung?"
"Because I'm Jisung!", he said in his deep voice.
Soojin rubbed her eyes quickly and looked at him. She then blinked her eyes a few times before letting out a squeal.
Jisung put his huge hand on her mouth. "Shhhhh!!!"
Heeyoung came at that time. "What's taking you so long?" Soojin and Jisung looked at her. Heeyoung squinted her eyes to see the male's face properly. The grandma gasped, ran to him, pushed Soojin and immediately hugged him. Jisung was so surprised as his eyes became wide.
She broke the hug and looked at Jisung's face with a broad smile. "Is this my grandson in law?"
Now the whole family was sitting at the table for breakfast. The Parks were sitting beside each other and infront of them was sitting Dohyun who came back from his morning walk fifteen minutes ago.
"Breakfast is ready." Heeyoung put the plates infront of them and served the food and then took her seat.
"I'm so happy that you came, Jisung." Heeyoung beamed.
"Why didn't you guys come together?" Dohyun raised an eyebrow.
"Because she-"
"Because he had important classes yesterday and I wanted to come early", Soojin cut off Jisung and said.
"Why didn't you tell us that Jisung would be coming?" Dohyun asked his granddaughter.
"Because we wanted to give you a surprise", Soojin once again interrupted the boy and answered.
"Ok.... but why do you keep interrupting him?"
"Because he's nervous. And when he's nervous, he babbles."
Jisung just smiled at the grandparents. He looked over the girl and glared which went unnoticed by the elders.
"Oh Jisung! No need to be nervous. We are family", Heeyoung said with a welcoming smile.
Jisung was going to take a bite of his food when Dohyun asked, "Tell me more about yourself."
"Uhhhh.... I don't really have anything special in me but I am majoring in business."
"Oh so you will be taking over your dad's business?"
'Unfortunately yes.'
"Yes Sir."
"Sir? Call me Grandpa."
"Uhhhh.... ok.... Grandpa", Jisung awkwardly said.
"Also you guys married so early. Kids these days don't do that."
Soojin and Jisung just gave them a tight smile.
"We also married early remember?", Heeyoung asked.
"Oh yes. Also I miss my college life. I had so much freedom back then." Remembering the old days, the grandfather sighed.
Heeyoung gasped and raised her eyebrows. "What do you mean by 'I had so much freedom back then'? You mean after marrying me you lost you freedom?"
Heeyoung rubbed his wife's arm. "Calm down dear. I didn't say that."
"Whatever." Heeyoung continued eating.
The two kids just giggled seeing the sight infront of them.
"Jisung why did you marry my granddaughter?", Dohyun suddenly asked.
Jisung was taken back with this question. His eyes flickered back and forth to Soojin and her grandpa.
"I..... think she is a nice person. Previously I didn't know... much about her but after living with her, I discovered a different Soojin. Although our parents decided this whole marriage, I think now I'm experiencing a whole different life. I know I'm still immature but I'm trying my best to improve myself. I can't do many things but she always helped me. We may fight sometimes over something stupid but I guess I'll cherish those moments. She really...... has a good heart. She also takes care of me. And I think I married her because......." Jisung looked at Soojin. "I wanted to."
Heeyoung and Dohyun both looked at the younger boy and nodded with a smile.
"You are just like me when I was of your age", the grandpa said.
"He is a nice boy but you used to be brat!"
"Hey!" Dohyun exclaimed hearing what his wife said.
"Now eat. You should eat more. You are so skinny." Heeyoung ignored her husband and put a lot of delicious food on Jisung's plate.
"Give me too!" The nineteen years old girl said extending her plate.
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6:00 p.m.
Jisung and Soojin were now sitting on the sand of the sea beach. Heeyoung sent them out to spend some couple time together. In front of them was the orange sun- it was a setting down and the view was breathtaking. The sky consisted of an assortment of shades, a blend of reds, oranges and yellows. The water below mirrored that effect. The waves were tinted vermilion, with underlying streaks of blue that clash with it.
There was a silence between them which Jisung decided to break. "Why aren't you talking?"
"Because I don't want to?" Soojin's eyes were still on the beautiful sight infront of them.
"But it's awkward if you don't talk."
"Now you will decide whether I'll talk or not?"
Jisung sighed in defeat and joined her watching the sun setting down slowly.
After a few minutes, Soojin said, "You are good at lying."
"Huh?" Jisung frowned in confusion
"What you said about me during breakfast."
"Ohhh.... because you are their only granddaughter right?"
"So what?"
"They would feel bad if I say something bad about you."
Soojin scoffed and nodded "Right."
"You know? I really envy you."
Jisung looked infront and sighed. "Because you still have your grandparents. And I.... I never even saw them. They passed away even before I was born."
Soojin was sitting there silently.
"How does it feel to have grandparents?"
Soojin furrowed her eyebrows as she was thinking. "Uhhhhh.... whenever I can't say something to my parents, I say it to them. If I ever feel down, I call them. They give me advices. Whenever I want, I come here. They love me more than their own children. They just want to see my smile. One day, when I was little, I was making a sandcastle but a naughty boy came and ruined it. Then you know what my grandpa did? He wore a monster mask and scared that kid. The boy even started to cry." Soojin laughed remember that particular memory.
"I think I felt that today. I saw how your grandma and grandpa took care of me."
"I think they already love you."
Soojin nodded with a smile. "By the way, why did you come here?"
"Because my Mom told me to."
"You do whatever your Mom says?
"Yes. She is my Mom so, I have to listen to her."
'What was I even thinking? Why would he come for me on his own?'
"You should be thankful because I had to cancel my date with Yoona. We decided to go to shopping today."
"Yeah sure I am thankful that you came here instead of going on a date with your girlfriend."
"Also what you said about Yoona that day, was it really true?"
"I don't know. You should find out on your own. I won't say anything." Soojin shrugged her shoulders.
"Ok and I shouted on you that day so I'm...."
"You are?"
"What? I can't hear you."
"Ok fine. I'm sorry!"
Soojin stood up and dusted the sand from the pants. "Ok but I don't forgive you." Soojin gave him a cheeky smile.
"What?" Jisung furrowed his eyebrows.
"Ok look there's the icecream man. The person who comes last have to pay for the icecream!" And with that the girl started to run.
"What?! Wait for me!!! This is cheating!!!" The boy also got up and ran after her.
After having dinner, the 'couple' just entered Soojin's room. They had to share a room again.
But something happened as soon as they entered the room.
"Ok so you'll-" Soojin couldn't finish her sentence as Jisung slipped on the foot mat accidentally and his body crashed into hers. Both of them fell on the bed which was behind Soojin. Her back hit the soft bed whereas Jisung hovered over her. His hands were either side of her head. Their faces were dangerously close. One wrong move and their lips would touch. Jisung looked into her eyes through which he could see his own eyes' reflection. He saw every feature of her face- her eyes, her nose, her lips. Yes his eyes flickered once to her soft pinkish lips. Her heart was beating very fast. She was sure by now he could hear her racing heart because of the close proximity. She felt her face heating up.
But Jisung cleared his throat and got up. Soojin also sat on the bed while Jisung was acting as if he was fixing his shirt.
They let out a small laugh as they said the same things three times together.
After a long silence, Jisung said, "Where will I sleep?"
"Huh? Ohhh!"
Soojin threw a pillow at his face which he catched at the right time.
"Today is your turn to sleep on the floor."
"Yes. Now prepare your bed and go to sleep." She turned on her right side and covered herself with a blanket. She giggled seeing the frustrated Jisung.
"I can't-"
"Goodnight Cuddles!"
Jisung sighed and was going to throw the pillow at her but ultimately threw on the floor.
So Jisung irl went to Busan yesterday. He was doing his penalty as he lost his friendship ring during promotions.
Thank you~
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