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( recommenced that you listen to 'stained glass' that was written and sang by madison beer! all credits go to her! )

IT WAS A COLD, wet and rainy day in los angeles. a rare sight for the city of angels. it usually humid and sunny weather with occasional rain.

mollie amato loved the rain. ever since she was little she had great love for the rain, thunder storms being her favourite and snow and ice being her least. david also enjoyed rainy weather but prefers sunny considering it's easier to film bits and just do things in general when it's good weather.

the two still hadn't spoken, for almost a month. mollie hadn't hung out with their group for almost a month too. the group missed the singer a lot and mollie missed them too, she's just stubborn and scared david won't want to talk to her.

however that isn't the case whatsoever. david wants more than anything to talk to her, his best friend. they grew close so fast, fell apart even faster. they left each other's lives.

the girls of the group, and zane + heath had been trying to convince the two to talk to each other, both being stubborn and having big ego's refused. which only ended up hurting each other more.

paige curran, alex ernst, mariah amato and heath hussar we're currently at mollie's apartment listening to her almost released song, about her mental health. named 'stained glass'.

mollie wrote stained glass at a time where she was really struggling mentally. this song was her message, not only to the public, but to those around me, to be more gentle on people and not judge them so hard, because you never know what someone's been through.

it was evidently about all her baggage, leaving new york, her ex, david and everything around. everyone around her seemed to be speeding and she's just sitting there in slow motion, watching everyone move on.

"wow mollie this is definitely your best written song" alex commented as the song finished. the ernst boy was mollie's best friend other than david, who technically wasn't her best friend anymore.

"thank you" mollie smiled to her best friends lover. "mollie this is beautiful" mariah spoke up, almost in tears. heath comforting his sister, who evidently felt bad for her struggling sister. "awh riah! stop being soppy you're going to make me cry!" mollie lightly scolded her older sister. "it's just amazing, i don't know how you do it" heath laughed.



*one audio attachment*


just listen to it.


DAVID CLICKED on the small folder icon, opening the audio he noticed it was named 'stained glass', realising it was a song title. he clicked play and instantly recognising the sweet, angelic voice playing through his phone.

"lately i'm counting the minutes that i've got left
and lately i'm counting the words that i haven't said 'cause you will never know what i been through And you should be a little more gentle"

mollie's angelic voiced played throughout the bedroom, the 23 year old listening very carefully to each word that exited her mouth.

"but maybe i need to start takin' my own advice
'cause my heart's so heavy it's ready to fall out twice 'cause you will never know what i been through so you should be a little more gentle with me"

david listened carefully to the heart wrenching lyrics. mollie was mentally hurting. partly because of him. he hated himself for that stupid prank he did, he was finally realising how much it damaged her.

"my skin is made of glass but apparently it's stained
'cause you notice all the cracks but can't look inside my pain and if you throw another stone then i'd stay far away, far away, i just might break"

david took deep breaths as he tried to contain his tears, he was slowly breaking down. he felt as if someone took a blade and was stabbing him in his chest, he couldn't breathe, all he could think about was her, and the guilt building inside him.

"my life's just a faded memory of one i can't have
and everything 'round me is starting to fade into black, mm but black and white is so much better
i'm learning how to hide my colors

you should've been a little more gentle with me"

unknown to david, the mariduena assistant was stood outside his bedroom door. she heard his cries. david wasn't a frequent crier. he cried when josh told him that his paige was pregnant and when he won his kids choice award.

he wasn't a person to cry about girls or anything like that. he cried a handful of times when he and liza ended but natalie couldnt count on her fingers and toes the amount he had cried over mollie. she felt terrible for him.

"my skin is made of glass but apparently it's stained
'cause you notice all the cracks but can't look inside my pain and if you throw another stone then i'd stay far away, far away, i just might break"

when mollie let out the last note, that's when he finally broke down, tears streaming down his porcelain skin, breathing evidently loud, loud enough that natalie could hear him from the kitchen.

"hey dave what's wrong" the assistant asked as she walked in, immediately engulfing her boss who really was just her best friend, in a hug.
"p-paige sent me mollie's new song" david blurted out as he continued to cry into the brunettes arms.

"what was it about?" the chicagoan asked. david tried to speak but he was trying to breathe too. he was crying, the type of crying where you can't even talk because you're breathing so hard. "hey! hey! deep breaths!" natalie lightly shouted as she motioned deep breathing, which eventually calmed him down.

"i-i, i think it was about how bad she's hurting" david let out as he let more tears escape his brown eyes. "davey, how many times will i need to tell you this! mollie is a lovely girl, you hurt her" his breath hitched as he heard those words escape her mouth.

"but, she will forgive you, she is a time needing person. she will heal. and she will forgive and forget that it ever happened. not to mention it was never your intention to hurt her, i know you and everyone knows you. everyone knows you'd never intentionally hurt someone, especially if that someone's mollie."

natalie always had a great way with words, she was a great person for advice and comforting. david always came to her with his problems and she would always be open to help, vice versa.

"now the song, she isn't trying to upset you and you know that. she lets her anger, hurt, and sadness out when she writes, it's her passion and she doesn't intend for it to upset you! please don't worry about it dave, you're going to get over this rough patch" natalie soothed as she hugged her best friend.
"thank you, nat".

david's eyelids slowly felt heavy as he drifted off to sleep. natalie realising, slowly lifting his arms from around her waist and putting a blanket around him. kissing him on his head, she walked out of the room and switched off his light. "goodnight dave".


we miss mavid!!!!!



although this book is still in 2019???

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