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chapter twenty-two : dancing? No thanks!

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"Black! Weasley! Will you pay attention?"

Juniper's head snapped up from the piece of parchment where she had been drawing quidditch strategies with Fred, to see that Professor McGonagall was eying them.

"Now Black and Weasley have been kind enough to pay attention again," Professor McGonagall said, with an angry look at the pair of them. "I have something to say to you all.

The Yule Ball is approaching β€” a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournamemt and an opportunity for us to socialize with our foreign guests. Now, the ball will be open only to fourth-years and above β€” although you may invite a younger student if you wish β€”"

"Probably because of Harry," Fred whispered in June's ear.

"Dress robes will be worn," Professor McGonagall continued, "and the hall will start at eight o'clock on Christmas Day, finishing at midnight, in the Great Hall. Now then β€”"

Professor McGonagall stared deliberately around the class.

"The Yule Ball is of course a chance for us all to β€” er β€” let out hair down," she said, in a disapproving voice.

Angelina let out a chuckled and Alicia soon shut her up by nudging her. June could see what was funny: Professor McGonagall, with her hair in a tight bun, looked as though she had never let her hair down in any sense.

"But that does NOT mean," Professor McGonagall went on, "that we will be relaxing the standards of behavior we expected from Hogwarts students. I will be most seriously displeased if a Gryffindor student embarrasses the school in any way."

The bell rang, and there was the usual scuffle of activity as they packed their bags and slung them onto their shoulders.

"Black β€” a word, if you please," Professor McGonagall called above the noise.

"We'll be waiting outside," Fred told her.

June nodded before making her way towards the Transfiguration Professor.

Professor McGonagall waited until the rest of the class had gone, and then said, "Black, the champions and their partners β€”"

"Partners?" June repeated. "What partners?"

Professor McGonagall looked suspiciously at her, as though she was trying to be funny.

"Your partners for the Yule Ball, Black," she said coldly. "Your dance partners."

"Dancing? No thanks!" June exclaimed.

"Oh, yes, you will," Professor McGonagall said irritably. "That's what I'm telling you. Traditionally, the champions and their partners open the ball."

"Er β€”" June stammered. "I don't dance."

"It is traditional," Professor McGonagall said firmly. "You are a Hogwarts champion, and you will do what is expected of you as a respective of the school. So make sure you get yourself a partner, Black." Then she smiled. "It shouldn't be too hard considering who you are."

"Wha β€”?"

She waved her hand and June knew she was dismissed.

β˜† β˜† β˜†

"What did she want from you?" George asked, as he, Fred, Lee, Angelina and Alicia were waiting for her in the hallway.

"Apparently there is this opening dance and the champions are supposed to dance with their partners," June said in dismay.

"You don't seem very happy about it," Fred pointed out.

"Dancing in front of the whole school? No thanks!" June said, as they made their way to the Great Hall for lunch. "And I need to find a partner."

Angelina and Alicia exchanged an amused glance.

"What will Charlie think of that?" Angelina asked, grinning.

"Charlie?" Both Fred and George said simultaneously and June threw her an irritated glance. "As in our brother?"

". . . Yes."

Fred and George looked at her.

"You two are together?" Fred asked, slightly surprised.

"Don't act surprised," Alicia said. "You should've seen it coming."

"Well, we didn't," George replied. "Why didn't you tell us, June?"

"I was about to!" Juniper protested. "But then the party happened and it kind of slipped my mind. I'm sorry."

"Well then," Fred began, straightening his back, his expression didn't reveal a thing, "it's good we like you or we wouldn't be that forgiving."

"Thank you, guys," June said, smiling.

"Now that that's out of the way," Alicia said, linking her arm with June's. "We need to start buying our gowns!"

Juniper groaned. "I don't even know how to dance!"

"That can be arranged," another voice said from behind them.

Juniper turned around and saw TimothΓ©e standing behind them.

"Hi Timmy," she greeted him.

"If you need dancing lessons, I'm your man," TimothΓ©e said, smiling.

"That's a great idea!" Angelina exclaimed.

"Er β€” I'm not β€”" June started, but she was quickly interrupted by Fred.

"You should do that," he said. "George, Lee, come with me. We have something to do."

After receiving a questioning look from both George and Lee, the three boys left.

"What's that all about?" June asked.

Angelina shrugged. "I don't know."

β˜† β˜† β˜†

"I need you to put your hand on my shoulder," TimothΓ©e said.

It was the day after the Yule Ball had been announced and they were currently standing in an empty classroom.

Juniper did as she was told and TimothΓ©e placed his hand on her waist and with his other, he took her hand.

"Now, just follow my lead," he said, before he started dancing.

It was actually not that hard, June realized once they had begun. Okay β€” she did a couple of missteps but by the end of the lesson, it had almost decreased to none.

"You know, this isn't so bad," June said, as TimothΓ©e twirled her around.

"Of course it isn't," TimothΓ©e said.

"I might even start to enjoy myself."

"That's the whole point of the Yule Ball."

Juniper frowned. "I thought it was a tradition?"

TimothΓ©e waved it off. "That's what they say. I say it's a night where we can have fun."

"The almighty TimothΓ©e has spoken," June said, grinning as they started pushing the tables back to their respective places.

TimothΓ©e rolled his eyes. "Yes I have."

"So who are you going to bring to the ball?" June asked, as they left the classroom.

"I was thinking of you actually," TimothΓ©e said, shrugging.


"Yeah, because Charlie isn't here and I don't fancy anyone, I thought we could go together?"

"That actually sounds like a good plan," June said, smiling. "And I don't have to worry if I accidentally stand on your feet or not!"

"Oh Merlin, I'm going to regret this."

β˜† β˜† β˜†

"Who are you going to the ball with?" Fred asked, as June, Angelina, Alicia and the twins were sitting in the common room.

"With TimothΓ©e," June replied. "He asked me since Charlie isn't here and he doesn't fancy anyone." She sighed. "And I do need a partner for the openings dance so that works out well."

Fred and George exchanged a glance and the latter nodded.

"We need to do something."

Before June could ask what it was, they had already disappeared through the portrait hole.

"What's going on with them?" June asked Angelina and Alicia. "They're acting weird."

Angelina laughed awkwardly. "Well, when are they not weird?"

Juniper raised an eyebrow. "You know what they're up to," she stated.

"No!" Angelina said, looking at Alicia.

"You know what?" Alicia said. "Today's Saturday and we got permission to go to Hogsmeade to buy our gowns."

"Yeah," Angelina said quickly, standing up from the couch. "Let's do that!"

Juniper looked at them in suspicion. "What do you know that I don't?"

"Nothing!" Angelina exclaimed. "Let's go and buy our gowns!"

"Now you're just trying to distract me," June said, crossing her arms. "What's the matter guys?"

Angelina and Alicia exchanged a glance.

"It's a surprise," the latter said. "So don't ask us anything else!"

"Okay," June said, a bit surprised. "I won't bother you with it anymore."

The three of them pulled on their jackets before descending the stairs towards the entrance of the castle. They decided to walk towards Hogsmeade, knowing a bit of fresh air would do them well, while talking about all sort of gowns.

"I think purple will look so good on you," Alicia told Angelina. "You should definitely buy something in that color."

"And you should do something with red," Angelina replied. "And June, you should go in green."

"Green?" Alicia said, eying June. "I'm not sure. It's a bit too Slytherin."

"Er β€” do I get to have a say in this?" June asked.

"Of course!" Alicia said, at the same time that Angelina said, "No."

They looked at each other.

"Of course," Angelina said, smiling at Juniper.

June rolled her eyes as they entered Gladrags Wizardwear. Immediately, the three girl were surrounded by racks with gowns on it. There were already several other students who had had the same idea.

"We'll have to be quick if we want to have the pretty ones," Alicia said, looking around. Then she turned to meet the other two. "Two war, my friends!"

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It took Juniper eleven minutes and twenty-six seconds to spot the gown.

"Guys, I think that's it," she said, staring at the gown that hung on one of the racks.

Both of Alicia and Angelina's heads popped out from behind the racks to look at it.

"That's the one," Alicia breathed.

"Put it on!" Angelina exclaimed excitedly.

June's hand touched the soft black fabric and let it slit through her fingers. Then, she took it off the rack and carried it with her towards the changing rooms.

The black haired took off her clothes and slipped the dress over her head. It was a navy blue dress but looked almost black when the light wasn't shining on it.

It was comfortable tight onto her upper body while the lower part flowed loosely down to her ankles. When Juniper looked into the mirror, she gasped.

"What?" Alicia said from the other side of the curtain. "Is everything all right?"

Before she could reply, Angelina had pulled the curtain to the side and her mouth fell open upon seeing the dress.

"Merlin . . . I don't know what to say," she said.

"Let me have a look," Alicia said, pushing Angelina to the side. "Oh β€” yeah, that's the dress, June."

Juniper twirled around, making it fly around her.

"I love it," she breathed.

After Angelina and Alicia chose their gowns, the three of them payed for them before heading back to Hogwarts, discussing what they should do with their hair.

"Hey, June!" a voice exclaimed, making the three of them turn around.

Liam run towards them, grinning broadly.

"We'll wait in the dormitory for you," Alicia said.

Juniper nodded before smiling down at Liam. "Hi, Liam."

"I wanted to congratulate you on passing the dragon," Liam said, bouncing up and down, his brown curls bouncing up and down, too. "I don't think I could have been as brave as you were."

"I was terrified though," June told him. "I almost peed my pants when I saw the dragon."

"Really? You didn't look like it," Liam said. "I think you're the bravest person I've ever met."

"If I'm the bravest than you are most certainly the kindest."

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Published 08.01.2021

I hope you enjoyed it & tell me what you think of it!

What could be the surprise? :)

Next up: the Yule Ball!!

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