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Β  Β  Β  Bunny stood next to Kate as talked to the girls they were babysitting. There were pills on the table that Kate had put there even though Bunny told her not to.

"Four in each bag. If you finish in an hour I'll let you watch 'My So-Called Life' with me and Bunny," she says, getting ready to walk away, "And, uh. Do not eat these. These will make your little hearts stop, you'll choke to death on your own vomit, and everyone will be so, so super sad."

Bunny shook her head at Kate, Kate only smiling at her and shrugging. Kate began to walk into the living room, Bunny staying behind to watch the kids.

She overheard Kate say something about him wearing the same shirt from last night and she cringed at the thought of wearing a blood stained shirt all day.

She took a seat down at the table, resting her head on it. She let out a sigh as she thought back to what had happened with her and Deena earlier today.

Β  Β  Β Β  'Would we have kissed if Josh hadn't interrupted us? Does she even like me, or would I just be a rebound anyways?'

Β  Β  Β Β  Were the type of thoughts that ran through her head as she sat down. She was pulled out of her thoughts by the sound of a window smashing.

"What was that?" One of the kids questioned.

"Uhm... I'm going to go find out..." Bunny says slowly, walking to go see.

As she turned a corner, she saw a man in a skull mask, looking exactly like how Ryan did when he "went crazy".

She looked across the hallway, seeing Kate and Simon standing there, Kate trying to talk to him.

She turned her attention back to the person, watching as he began to examine Simons shirt, cutting holes into it.

Β  Β  Β  Β  She looks at the person with curiosity, wondering what they wanted with Simons shirt. The only thing on it was Sams blood she had puked up.

Β  Β  Β Β  He eventually began to leave, Bunny walking back into the kitchen to talk to the kids.

Β  Β  Β  "So... what was it?"

Β  Β  Β  "Well... let's just say your parents are going to have to pay for a new window. Some kid threw a baseball into it," she lied to them, hoping she was believable.

Β  Β  Β Β  "You're lying!" One of them tells her.

"What?!? How do you know that?" She asks, her face scrunching up.

"We've seen and thrown enough baseballs into windows and it's never that loud! Plus... you don't know how to lie very well," the other one says, the two high fiving.

Β  Β  Β Β  "Really? So you guys are the ones who've been causing all the broken glass around town," she says, smirking as their eyes widen, realizing they'd just snitched on themselves, "I won't tell, if you don't?"

Β  Β  Β Β  "Deal!" They say, Kate and Simon rushing into the room shortly after that.

Β  Β  Β Β  "Come on, let's go! We're going to take you somewhere else. We've got plans," Kate says, Simon waking over and making sure the pills get picked up.

After the kids got their shoes on, and Simon threw on his red jacket, they left the house, walking over to a neighbors house.

Bunny stood back with Simon, not wanting to have to lie to some lady, seeing as she was just told she was a terrible liar.

Simon and her began to play Rock, Paper, scissors out of nowhere, looking up and seeing the lady and Kate staring at Simon.

"Zip up your jacket, you idiot!" She whispers to him.

He zips it up smiling at Kate, the two returning to their game.

Kate comes back soon, glaring at Simon, "Really?!? It's bad enough you're wearing that shirt, but you couldn't have your jacket zipped up?"

"Sorry! Jeez! Where are we even going?" He asks, his hands going into the air in mock surrender.

Β  Β  Β Β  "Deenas," she answers, pulling her arms together as they walked through the cold night, "the same guy came by her house before he came to the kids. She thinks it's Peter being a dick."

Β  Β  Β Β  "What the fuck is wrong with him? Doesn't he have a life?" Bunny questions.

Β  Β  Β  Β  "Obviously not." She mutters.

Β  Β  Β  Β  As the three walk through the cold, dark night, Bunny senses how the atmosphere had changed in only the last few days.

Β  Β  Β Β  Shadyside was never a happy town, but the way it'd changed drastically in only a few days time.

Β  Β  Β Β  She was scared, and she wasn't afraid to admit that. She was scared she'd be a victim. She was afraid... afraid of being one of the witches victims.


Β  Β Β  "β€”Kill that pervert!" Kate exclaimed, they were at Deena's house now , Bunny sitting with Josh at the table, watching at Deena paced back and forth.

"Why would he break in there?" Deena asked "I just don't understand what he was doing."

Simon peaked his head in from the living room "He was acting all shifty and shit, like going through the laundry." Before he walked over to josh "you need to get some groceries, man." He sat down next to him "we have an incredible sale at the storeβ€”"

Bunny slapped his arm, "this is not the time!"

Kate began speaking again, "he broke into the house! He had a knife!"

"Woah!" Josh cut in "with the kids there? That's wack!"

"That's fucking right, josh." Kate nodded to him and josh smiled slightly at her "it is wack, thank you." Before she turned to Deena "there were kids there, Ok, and what? He thinks because he's balling Sam, he can come here and prank us on our own turf."

Deena nodded "hey, you know what? You're right. Fuck this." She turned back around "fuck Peter."

"Fuck Sam." Kate finished off for her.

"Yeah, fuck her. She needs to get her psycho boyfriend in check." Deena said, grabbing the keys and started walking to the door.

"Oh!" Simon said, Bunny and him got up and started following Deena, to the car, waiting for kate and josh to come out.

"So... heard you interrupted what would've been their first kiss, Josh," Kate said, as they walked out the door.

"Deenas been in love with her for years. She was only dating Sam to hide her feelings for Bunny," he told her.

"How do you know that?" She asks.

"I read her diary... duh." He answers, the two stepping into the car.

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