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Β  Β Β  Bunny sat in an uncomfortable chair as she waited for her interview. Her cheeks were stained with tears, and her shoulder had small bandages on it.

She looked up at the sight of Deena walking out of the room, the sheriff calling Bunny into it.

Bunny gave Deena a small smile as she passed her, walking into the room and sitting down in the chair across from the sheriff.

"Interview with Bernadette Cadell. Sunday, October 2nd, 1994," he says, hitting record, "Wanna tell me what happened?"

Β  Β Β  "We were just picking up Sams prescription. The lights went out and it was dark. We hid behind a counter until it was over," she lied.

"What's the cut on your shoulder from?" He asked.

"Glass? I'm not sure, it was dark." She told him.

"I'll tell you what I know. The junkies, Kate and Simon, they're the ones to blame for everything." Goode says.

"Don't call them that. They were good people!" Bunny yells, him reaching over to stop recording their interview.

"Bunny-" he begins, stoping when she glares at him, "Bernadette. This feels to easy to me but that's the story this department will go with unless you can help me see this differently."

Β  Β  Β Β  She lets out a humorless chuckle, "I doubt anything I'd say would matter anyways. But I'll try. Kate and Simon didn't do it. They're innocent. And that's the truth, and I can promise you... it will come out."

Β  Β  Β Β  "Okay. You can go." He says.

Β  Β Β  Bunny walked out of the room, walking back to where Josh, Sam, and Deena were sitting.

She sat down next to Deena, looking over to see a man and woman handcuffed next to them.

"Hey Urkel," the woman calls out to Josh, "Help us out?"

Josh looks away from the two, the man now speaking, "Oh, okay. So we're the bad guys because we're in here. Well than that makes you a bad guy too, little man."

Β  Β  Β  Josh quickly looks around, pretending to cough as he throws a paper clip on the ground, Bunny looking away as Deena grabs her hand, placing a kiss in it.

Β  Β  Β  Sams mom walks in, Sam getting up and leaving after her mom talks to an officer.

Β  Β Β  An idea had popped into Bunnys head, her running after Sam, trying to catch up to her before she left with her mom.

Β  Β  Β  "Hey, Sam." Bunny called out, Sam turning around, "Wanna eat dinner with the three of us tonight? Deenas house."

Β  Β  Β  Sam smiled at the girl, "I'd like that. I'll see you guys tonight."

Β  Β  Β Β  "Yeah. We'll see you tonight." Deena says, coming up from behind Bunny with Josh.

Sam left, Deena driving the three back to her house, although Bunny couldn't help the feeling that settled in her stomach... the feeling that it wasn't over yet.


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