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เผ„ HER mom sat on her bed when Sam arrived in her dorm that Tuesday.

"Fuck!" She yelped, flinching because she always did that at unexpected things. "Mom, what the hell! Jump scare..."

"What's your language, Lady." The woman got up. "Grab your stuff. We're leaving."

Her blood morphed into a colder temperature. "What do you mean? Like, grab my stuff to go get ice cream or grab my stuff to move to Egypt? How much stuff do I have to grab?"

"Take as much stuff as you usually take home from school."

"Okayโ€”wait, we're going home?"

"Just grab your stuff, Samira. I haven't got all day."

Quickly, she smashed her phone, two books, clothes, and her school needs in a bag. Even faster, her mother started the car and they drove away in what felt like a second.

"So, why are we going home?" Sam asked, staring out of the window. "I'm not expelled or anything, right?"

"No. I just think it's better to leave your dorm for a while and just stay home."


"Plenty of reasons," she said, tone almost cold.

"Am I allowed to know those reasons?"

She seemed to hesitate. But then, it flooded out of her mouth. "You've got to focus on your grades. I don't want you to watch practices and walk around the campus. Start studying for all the tests coming up again. After school, I'll bring you home immediately. I don't want you to sleep in your dorm and screw around with Minho for a third time, or you to be affected by anything."

"Woah, woah, woahโ€”" Her eyes nearly popped out. "Screw around? With Minho? For a third time? Since... when?"

"Samira, don't lie. Jeff blurted something out about the trip and a week ago I walked in on you two, while Minho wore your sweater."

"I don't think that's very logical." Sam frowned. "Mom, I didn't screw around with Minho. I swear! Come on."

"I don't want my daughter to get pregnantโ€”"


"I'm serious. Less hanging out with him. Leave the practices hanging for a while, and gosh, please spend less time on devices and just study."

She groaned. "I might."



Two days later, Sam was picking more stuff from her dorm up. This was crazy, by the way. It was like she moved out. But her mother said that after the tests, she'd be allowed to go here again.

"Where the hell have you been?" Both Sonya and Teresa came rushing over to her. "We were worried as hell! Oh, and you should've seen the boys' faces when they found out you weren't watching their practice yesterday! It was gold. I remember Thomas asking Minho where his girlfriend was and when he said he had no idea, hell broke loose. It's turned into a tradition. Don't skip it again!"

Sam looked down. The last days hadn't been too bad, though her mom also hadn't allowed her to go out or something. The studying went well so far, and she had no issues with the amount because the only upcoming thing for the next week was English.

"Sorry, I was home," she apologized. "Tell the boys I'll try to be there next time."

"We will! Andโ€”"

"Sorry, but I've got to go. I'll see y'all later." Sam grabbed her notebooks and vanished out of sight.

Quite a while of studying later, Sam was having dinner with her mother. The two of them alone caused a tension so thick Sam wished she could just scream hard enough to break it.

"How's the studying going?"

"Good," Sam confirmed. "I'm done for today. Which leads me to... do you know where my phone is?"

Her mother looked up from the pasta. "Maybe you left it in your dorm."

"No, I took it with me." She rubbed her chin. "I'll try to find it in my room after dinner, then. Have a search party."

"Just don't get too distracted."


A/n: Short chapter, sorry, but it's kind of an introduction to the following ones :)


Also, I've been thinking to write Minho's POV for every chapter too, and publish all of those at the very end. Might do it... I'll see.

x Vera

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